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examen de musica


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Número Preguntas: 39
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Los dos estilos culturales del s. XIX son:: Romanticism and Impressionism Impresionismo y Barroco Barroco y clásico Flamenco y Folclore .
2. El contexto histórico de esta época y sus antecedentes recientes son:: a. Revolución francesa, ilustración, revolución industrial, movimientos sociales y crecimiento de la burguesía Descubrimiento de América Guerra de Rusia-Ucrania Caída del Imperio Romano.
¿De qué siglo es el nacionalismo musical XVIII XIV XIX XXI.
¿En qué música se inspira el nacionalismo musical Folclore de cada país Rock and Roll Jazz Reggaeton.
¿Qui tenido mucha influencia en los grandes compositores antes de que apareciera en Nacionalismo Musical? España . Rusia Alemania China .
Qué elementos “extramusicales” utilizaron en el Nacionalismo musical? Leyendas, obras literarias y pinturas de la cultura de cada país Libros de cantar de juglaría Cantar de clerecía Arte chino y oriental en general.
¿Qué busca la música vocal e instrumental del nacionalismo? identidad nacional en la música reflejar la religión tratar temas políticos hablar sobre mitología griega.
¿En qué se inspiraron los compositores del nacionalismo? en los dioses del olimpo en la música folclórica y popular de su país en la religion católica en el protestanismo.
¿Quienes eran los “Five” cuando hablamos de nacionalismo musical? 5 compositores rusos 5 instrumentos de orquesta de viento 5 líneas del pentagrama No eran Five, se llamaban “The seven” y eran rusos. .
Cuál de estos compositores no corresponde al nacionalismo musical Falla, Albeniz y Granados Bartok, Grieg y Turina Dvorak, Sibelius y J. Rodrigo Todos son músicos del nacionalismo musical.
¿Qué compositor de música español escribió el Sombrero de Tres Picos y El amor brujo? J. M. Rodrígo Turina rosalia Falla.
Di que pareja de autor-obra es incorrecta Albéniz- Iberia Turina- Danzas fantásticas J. Rodrigo- El concierto de Murcia Rimsky Korsakov- Capricho español.
Romanticism was a… movement. Magic and fantastic cultual cultural and artistic Literature.
The Romantic movement continued to influence art and culture well into the… 10th century 10th century 21th century 19th century .
What was one of the instruments used in romanticism Guitar. Saxophone. Piano Drum.
What instrument does Johannes Brahms play? Violin Piano Clarinet Cello.
Was a French composer, educator, organist and pianist. Gabriel Fauré Nicoloò Pagani Edvard Grieg Johannes Brahms.
The compositions of (¿?) were characterized by their emotional intensity and technical brilliance Beethoven Mozart Chopin None is true.
) combines the best of the classical and romantic styles Chopin Beethoven Brahms None is true .
When did romanticism begin? 1956 1827 1748 1833.
When does the romance end? 1234 1848 1666 1880.
What promoted the illustration reason and logic Prosperity Drawings .
What brought the industrial revolution? Rapid Technological Technological Advances all of the above.
What year did the French Revolution start? 1920 1780 1789.
What did the writers say they were happy they were disappointed they didn't care .
What does Montesquieu intend with his theory of the separation of powers? Liberalize the economy. Defend the power of judges and courts Guarantee the freedom of citizens Defend the written laws.
Montesquieu establishes that the power of the state must be divided into three. Which of the following powers not applicable? Legislative power. Executive branch. royal power Judiciary.
9.Which of the following countries is not at the forefront of Enlightenment thought? England Germany Spain France.
The French Revolution is caused by... The concern that exists in France during the Enlightenment for political issues and social The crisis of the parliamentary system. The crisis of enlightened despotism The need for the change of monarchical inheritance.
Where does Romanticism come from? Spain France Italy United Kingdom.
) What historical event took place during this period The discovery of America The Second World War The birth of Jesus Christ The creation of the Declaration of Independence.
Which of the following musicians belonged to Impressionism? Erik Satie Beethoven Mozart Tchaikovsky.
Where does the appearance of impressionism take place Italy Germany Canada France.
What is the main form of musical Impressionism? Sinfony Poem Polyphony Prose Serenade.
Which of these instruments stands out during Impressionism? Drum Violin Trumet Piano.
Where is the composer of Impressionism Joaquín Turina from Italy Mexico Spain USA.
Who was Erick Satie? A composer and pianist A composer and conductor A songwriter and dancer A composer and philosopher.
For what form is the representation of the composition Daphnis et Chloé directed? For orchestra For piano For string quartet For orchestra and choir .
Which of the following compositions belongs to Impressionism? For elissa Ma mère l'oye Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 Toccata and Fugue.
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