TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Musical Language Self-assessment: Pitch & Duration

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Musical Language Self-assessment: Pitch & Duration Descripción: Test about basic musical symbols regarding pitch and duration Autor: Juan Manuel Fernández OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 29/10/2013 Categoría: Arte Número Preguntas: 50 |

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How do you call the group of five lines and four spaces that we use to write notes on? Bar Staff Ledger lines Clef. What is the name of the extra-lines we add when the notes are too high or too low to fit in the staff? Aditional lines Space lines Linear lines Ledger lines. What is the name of this symbol? G Clef F Clef C Clef D Clef. Why is this symbol called G Clef? Because G means 'sol' translated from English Because it indicates the name that the notes are going to receive. What is the name of this metal bar? Iron tuner Metal U Tuning fork Fingerboard. What is the use of this metal bar? When it vibrates it produces a C note (200 Hz) and it is used as a reference when tuning If you hit it time after time, it produces the notes of the scale When it vibrates it produces an A note (440 Hz) and it is used as a reference when tuning When the right bar vibrates, it produces a C note, and when the left bar does, it produces a D note. In alphabetic notation, C corresponds to... Re Do Si La. In alphabetic notation, E corresponds to... Do Re Mi Fa. In alphabetic notation, D corresponds to... Re Mi Fa Sol. In alphabetic notation, G corresponds to... Do Si La Sol. In alphabetic notation, F corresponds to... Re La Mi Fa. In alphabetic notation, A corresponds to... La Si Do Re. In alphabetic notation, B corresponds to... La Re Si Mi. Where are the semitones located in this natural scale (C - C')? Between the notes D-E and F-G Between the notes E-F and B-C Between the notes D-E and G-A Between the notes F-G and B-C. What is the name of this symbol? Natural Flat Sharp. What is the use of this symbol? It raises the pitch of a note one semitone It lowers the pitch of a note one semitone It cancels the effect of a sharp or a flat. What is the name of this symbol? Sharp Flat Natural. What is the use of this symbol? It raises the pitch of a note one semitone It lowers the pitch of a note one semitone It cancels the effect of a sharp or a flat. What is the name of the symbol next to the note F? Sharp Flat Natural. How are the beats in a 4/4 time signature? Weak-Strong-Weak-Strong Strong-Weak-Weak Weak-Weak-Strong-Strong Strong-Weak-Strong (not as much as the 1st beat)-Weak. What is the symbol next to the note use? It raises the pitch of a note one semitone It lowers the pitch of a note one semitone It cancels the effect of the sharp or the flat. In a 3/4 time signature, the number 3 means... The number of beats in which every bar is divided The note value (which equals 1 beat) in relation to the whole note All the instruments to play at the same time That there has to be a rest every three beats. In a 3/4 time signature, the number 4 means... The number of beats in which the measure is divided The note value (which equals 1 beat). In this case, number 4 means quarter note. All the instruments to play at the same time That there has to be a rest every four beats. How do you call these little boxes in which the staff is divided? Bars or measures Staves Ties Clefs. How are the beats in a 3/4 time signature? Weak-Strong-Weak-Strong Strong-Weak-Weak Weak-Weak-Strong-Strong Strong-Weak-Strong (not as much as the 1st beat)-Weak. The small dot placed on the right of notes and rests... Adds half of their value Doubles their value Makes the note shorter in one half Is for breathing. How many eighth notes fit in a 3/4 bar? 2 4 6 8. How many eighth notes fit in a 4/4 bar? 4 6 8 10. How do you call that curved line that links these two notes? Tie or ligature Fermata Clef or key Staff. How many beats does this tie add up in a 4/4 time signature? 2 3 4 5. This symbol extends the length of the note or rest, and it's called... Clef Fermata Tie Time signature. By using a metronome you can set... The number of beats per minute The length of the fermatas The time signature The first note of the piece. How do we call the notes that have different name but the same sound? Confusing notes Congruent notes Enharmonic notes Harmonic notes. Are these notes enharmonic? Yes No The first pair is enharmonic, the second one is not. The second pair is enharmonic, the first one is not. Find an enharmonic note to C# B# Gb D# Db. Find an enharmonic note to Ab Bb G# C Gb. Find an enharmonic note to B Cb G# C# A#. In this time signature, the denominator points out that the note which is equal to one beat is the... Eighth note Quarter note Sixteenth note Whote note. Find an enharmonic note to F Eb Ab E# Gb. In this time signature, the denominator points out that the note which is equal to one beat is the... Eight note Sixteenth note Quarter note Half note. In this time signature, the denominator points out that the note which is equal to one beat is the... Eighth note Quarter note Whole note Half note. In this time signature, the denominator points out that the note which is equal to one beat is the... Eighth note Quarter note Sixteenth note Half note. How many eighth notes fit in a 4/4 time signature? 6 16 8 4. How many whole notes fit in a 4/2 time signature? 2 4 6 1. Which combination is correct in this time signature? 5 eighth notes 1 quarter note and 1 sixteenth note 2 eighth notes and a quarter rest 1 dotted quarter note and a sixteenth note. What type of time signature did J.S. Bach used in this musical work? Duple Triple Quadruple. What type of time signature did Edward Elgar used in this musical work? Duple Triple Quadruple. What type of time signature is being used in this jazz composition? Duple Triple Quadruple. What tempo word would you use to describe this music? Largo Andante Presto. What tempo word would you use to describe this music? Largo Allegro Presto. |
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