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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEpsicologia tercer trimestre preguntas en ingles tema seis

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psicologia tercer trimestre preguntas en ingles tema seis

psicologia tercer trimestre preguntas en ingles tema 6

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Some reactions of the emergency health technician that harm the victims are: a. Understanding the facts in detail, beyond what is necessary for their care. b. Denial of the victim´s pain. c.Blaming the victim. d. All options are harmful to the victim.
The reproduction in the professional of the experiences and reactions of disaster victims is called: a. Vicarious traumatization. b. Defusing c. Emotional ventilation. d. Burn out.
The manifestations of emotional exhaustion have consequences(mark the incorrect option) a. Reduction in the quality of carfare people. b. Increase in the number of absences from work. c.Deterioration of health. d. Increase of profesional performance.
What is the diference between defusing and debriefing techniques? a. One technique is aimed at victims and the other at professionals. b. In the formality of the meeting and the period in which it takes place after the intervention. c. It´s the same technique , but with a different name. d. One is a personalized intervention and the other is a group intervention.
The emotional venting technique(mark the incorrect option) a. It takes place 48 to 72 hours after the event. b. In addition to professionals , it can be applied to all persons involved in the event. c. It should allow for the open expression of emotions associated with the event. d. It consists of an informal semi-structured sessions.
Mark the correct option of the following affirmations. a. Secondary prevention is the set of actions that are implemented once an emergency has occurred in order to minimize its effects on those involved. b. Primary prevention includes all those mental health care measures that are taken before the emergency happens. c. All three options are correct. d. Terciary prevention groups together the actions that are applied after an intervention.
Immediate emotional deactivation (mark the incorrect option) a. It consist of an informal semi-structured session. b. Each participant states the facts from his or her point of view, and expresses his or her thoughts and feelings. c. It takes place within 24 hours of the intervention. d. It's always conducted by psychologist.
The ability to make decisions under pressure is part of: a. A person´s professional competencies. b. A person´s social competencies. c. A person´s personal competencies. d. None is correct.
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