TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: The Simple Past Angelica vasquez

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The Simple Past Angelica vasquez Descripción: THE SIMPLE PAST Autor: ANGELICA VASQUEZ OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 23/04/2012 Categoría: Idiomas Número Preguntas: 20 |

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The past of drink drank drunk dranked drinked. past of listen listens listened listener listenes. translate "yo hice" I do I don´t do I did I doing. Translate "tu no fumas" you are smoking you don´t smoke you smoke you didn´t smoke. past of smile smoled smiled smilled smiling. You don´t ............... today because you are sick come came do did. they are....................... because they have good grades happy worry slow sad. I .......... travel yesterday went to didn´to am to go to. Sammy ....................... a delicious apple the last week cook ate prepared do. I............ to the cimena yesterday. go goed went wented. match the correct verb Take Slide. Match the correct verb Lose Meet. Match the correct verb Put Work. Match the correct verb I........ whith my friends at the party. Match the correct verb Wear Do Write Cut. I lived in Paris for five years. (Is correct) Yes or Not. What is the correct: A) You walked in the morning B) You wolk in the morning. What is the correct: A) She spoke with your boyfriend B) She speak with your boyfriend. Write the past of tell. Write the past of "pay". |
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