

Título del Test:
3272-17 Prop (17.1)

3272-17 Prop (17.1)


Fecha de Creación: 06/10/2024

Categoría: Historia

Número Preguntas: 50
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High speed propellers are designed to rotate at high RPM. operate at high forward speeds. operate at supersonic tip speeds.
When in the windmill position ATM opposes CTM. is not related to CTM. assists CTM.
The optimum angle for a fixed pitch propeller is 15 degrees. 2 - 4 degrees. 6 - 10 degrees.
A left handed propeller is one that rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear. rotates clockwise when viewed from the front. is fitted to an engine on the left side of the aircraft.
Forces acting on a propeller are centrifugal, twisting, and bending. torque, thrust and centrifugal. torsion, tension and thrust.
The blade angle at the root is less than the tip. same from tip to root. greater than the tip.
What force on a propeller blade turns the blades to a fine pitch? ATM. Torque. CTM.
The purpose of propeller twist is coarsen the blade angle at the root. to maintain Blade Angle along the blade. to maintain Angle of Attack at the same value along the blade.
The forces acting on a propeller blade are bending, twisting and centrifugal. thrust, aerodynamic and tension. thrust and torque.
Blade angle at the root is low. high. master blade angle.
Blade angle is taken from the chord and propeller shaft. relative airflow. plane of rotation.
What forces act on a propeller blade? Thrust and torque. Bending, thrust, torque. Bending, CTM and ATM.
CTM will try to bend the blade away from the engine. turn the blade about the lateral axis. cause the tips to rotate at supersonic speeds.
From reverse pitch, to return to normal pitch it passes through coarse then fine. passes through coarse. passes through fine.
When in reverse pitch, CTM will tend to move the propeller blades towards a positive pitch. a position depending on rpm. a negative pitch.
If the blade angle is increased the pitch becomes finer. the pitch becomes coarser. lateral stability decreases.
As a propeller blade moves through the air, forces are produced, which are known as lift and torque. lift and drag. thrust and torque.
A rotating propeller imparts rearwards motion to a small mass of air at high velocity. large mass of air at low velocity. small mass of air at low velocity.
Propeller efficiency is the ratio of output speed to input propeller speed. the ratio of the work applied to the geometric pitch to useful work on the C.S.U. the ratio of the useful work done by the propeller to work done by the engine on the propeller.
Geometric Pitch is the distance moved in one revolution without slip. in one revolution with slip. in one revolution.
As propeller rotation speed increases the centrifugal turning moment on the blades will increase. decrease. remain constant through r.p.m. range.
Propeller torque is the resistance offered by the propeller to feathering. changing pitch. rotation.
The angle between the resultant airflow direction and the propeller blade plane of rotation is known as angle of attack. blade angle. helix angle or angle of advance.
Coarse pitch is used for take off and climb. maximum economical cruise in level flight. landing and power checks.
Effective pitch is distance moved in one revolution. geometric pitch plus slip. pitch measured at the master station.
A windmilling Propeller has a small positive blade angle. a small positive angle of attack. a small negative angle of attack.
Windmilling causes propeller underspeeding. maximum propeller drag. centrifugal Twisting Moment.
Torque acts in the same direction as the plane of rotation. at right angles to the plane of rotation. in opposition to the direction of rotation.
The purpose of blade twist is to reduce angle of attack at the blade root. to ensure that tip speed does not go faster than Mach 1. to even out thrust distribution across the propeller.
Thrust is greatest at 70 to 80% of propeller length. in the first 50%. the same all along the length.
CTM changes the pitch of a blade about its twisting axis. bending forward. towards the feather plane.
The velocity of the slipstream behind the aircraft in relation to the ambient air is less. greater. equal.
High speed aerofoils are employed at the master station. the tips. the root.
A right hand propeller rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear. is always fitted to the starboard engine. rotates clockwise when viewed from the front.
Given that blade angle is measured from the centre of the hub, the blade angle at the hub is considered to be lowest. Master Station value. highest.
A windmilling propeller will create more drag in feather. more drag in fine pitch. more drag in coarse pitch.
The chord line of a propeller is a line joining the leading and trailing edges. a line joining the tip to the root of the blade. a line joining the tips of the blades.
The plane of rotation is defined as the plane in which thrust force acts. the plane in which the propeller rotates. the angle at which the blade strikes the airflow.
Thrust bending force on a propeller blade intensifies the centrifugal forces to some degrees. can be used in propeller design to reduce some operation stress. tends to bend the propeller blade forward at the tip.
What conditions are applied to a propeller blade windmilling? Positive angle of attack, thrust negative. Negative angle of attack, thrust positive. Negative angle of attack, thrust negative.
The primary purpose of propeller is to change engine horsepower to thrust. provide static and dynamic stability to aircraft. create lift on the fixed aerofoils of an aircraft.
The primary purpose of a feathering propeller is to prevent further engine damage when an engine fails in flight. prevent propeller damage when an engine fails in flight. eliminate the drag created by a windmilling propeller when an engine fails in flight.
A fibreglass composite blade will never be struck by lighting. does not require lightning strike protection. requires lightning strike protection.
The timber most often used today for propeller construction is birch. spruce. balsa.
Electronic torque measuring systems utilise strain gauges in the reduction gear. stress gauges in the reduction gear. pressure transducers in the reduction gear.
A conventional turboprop torque meter uses hydraulic oil as the pressure medium. coiled spring levers as the pressure medium. engine oil as the pressure medium.
Metal at the tip and along the leading edge of a wooden propeller is for balancing. protection. anti-icing.
Blade cuffs are fitted to the root of the blades to increase the strength of the blade. to increase thrust. to increase flow of cooling air into the engine nacelle.
Low torque sensing is used to increase power. increase pitch. initiate auto-feather.
Torque sensing is used to reduce drag. reduce drag following engine shutdown. synchronise blade angle.
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