

Título del Test:
3272-2 Phy (2.3)

3272-2 Phy (2.3)

Alan Brito

Fecha de Creación: 02/10/2024

Categoría: Geografía

Número Preguntas: 84
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A cyclist goes from rest to 50 m/s in 5 seconds. What is the average acceleration? 10 m/s2. 12 m/s2. 8 m/s2.
What is the period of a frequency of 4 Hz? 8 seconds. 0.25 seconds. 4 seconds.
A dot rotates around the circumference of a circle. If the vertical position of this dot is plotted on a graph with respect to time the result will be a linear motion. a transverse waveform. a sinusoidal waveform.
A freely falling body, falling from a height of 2km, and assuming g = 10m/s2, will strike the ground in a time of 400s. 80s. 20s.
What is the angular velocity of a shaft rotating at 300rpm in radians/second? 10π radians/second. 2π radians/second. 5π radians/second.
The force that acts on a body to cause it to rotate in a circular path is called the . centripetal force centrifugal force. inertia force.
An aircraft of 2 metric tonnes uses 800 kilojoules kinetic energy to make an emergency stop. Its brakes apply a force of 10 kiloNewtons. What distance does it travel before it comes to a stop? 40mm. 800mm. 80m.
A body rotating at an angular velocity of 5 radians/sec, with a radius of 5 metres has a speed of 5π metres per second. 5 metres per second. 25 metres per second.
A mass of 400 kg moves 27metres, with a force of 54N, what is the work produced? 1458J 583.2KJ 10.1KJ.
A mass on a spring nearly hits the ground 20 times a minute, its frequency is 3 cycles per second. 1/3 cycle per second. 20 cycles per second.
A body travelling at 20 m/s accelerates to 36 m/s in 8 seconds, what is its acceleration? 8 m/s2. 4 m/s2. 2 m/s2.
A body dropped from 10 m will hit the ground in 2 seconds. 0.2 seconds. 1.41 seconds.
What is the rate of gravity? 12.7 m/s2. 0.981 m/s2. 9.81 m/s2.
An object travels 18 km in 1 minute 30 seconds. What is its average speed? 200 m/s. 270 m/s. 100 ms.
100 m is approximately 220 yard. 109 yard. 66 yard.
A car moves over a distance of 5 miles at steady speed in 10 minutes. What is the speed? 30 mph. 15 mph. 60 mph.
A spaceship travels a distance of 480,000 miles in 2 days. What is its speed? 48,000 mph. 36,000 mph. 10,000 mph.
A cyclist covers a distance of 1,000 m at a constant speed in 90 seconds, What is his speed? 50 m/s. 12.5 m/s. 11.1 m/s.
How long will it take a car moving at 60 km/hr to travel 90 km? 40 minutes. 75 minutes. 90 minutes.
An aircraft travels at 500 km/hr for 30 minutes at steady speed. How far does it move in that time? 500 km 1000km 250km.
Which of the following affect the velocity of an object? Speed and direction. Speed and distance. Speed and mass.
Acceleration involves change in speed or direction of movement. change of position with time. steady speed over a fixed period of time.
What acceleration is produced if a mass increases speed from rest to 10 ft/sec in 5 seconds? 2 ft/sec2. 50 ft/sec2. 0.5 ft/sec2.
A car travelling at a speed of 5 m/s accelerates at the rate of 1 m/s2. How long will it take to reach a speed of 20 m/s? 15 secs. 10 secs. 20 secs.
Newton’s laws of motion apply to solid substances only. all substances irrespective of state. gases and liquids only.
Which of Newton’s Laws apply most directly to an aircraft which is accelerating down a runway? The 3rd law. The 2rd law. The 1st law.
Which of Newton’s Laws apply most directly to a car which is slowing down due to the braking action? The 1st law. The 3rd law. The 2nd law.
F = ma is an equation which expresses Newton´s 2nd law. Newton´s 1st law. Newton´s 3rd law.
What force is required to produce an acceleration of 5 m/s2 on a mass of 2 kg? 2.5 N 10 N 50 N.
If a force of 10 lbf produces an acceleration of 2.5 ft/sec2, on what mass is it acting? 4 slugs. 4 lb. 25 slugs.
What is acceleration? Rate of change of velocity. Rate of change of movement. Rate of change of position.
In a gear train the driver has 100 TPI and the driven has 50 TPI The driven rotates twice as fast. The driver and driven rotate at the same speed. The driven rotates half as fast.
An aircraft of 2 metric tonnes lands with 400 kilojoules of energy, 10 kiloNewtons of force is applied at the brakes, how far does the aircraft take to stop? 40 M. 400 M. 80 M.
A radar rotates 1 revolution each 30 seconds and uses 10J of energy each revolution. How many joules does it use in a day? 28.8 kJ. 720 kJ. 7200 kJ.
A light aircraft flies in a semi-circle from point A to point B. If the circle has a radius of 20km and the time taken is 30 minutes, the average speed is 125.7 km/h. 110 km/h. 80 km/h.
The landing speed of an aircraft is 54 m/s. If the maximum deceleration is 3m/s2 the minimum length of runway required is 360m. 486m. 162m.
The number of radians in a semi circle are exactly 3. π. 2π.
The angular velocity of 500 RPM is, in rads/seconds is equal to 1000π rads/s. 8.33π rads/s. 16.66π rads/s.
Which of Newton's laws relates to the formula: Force = mass * acceleration? 1st. 2 nd. 3 rd.
The period of simple pendulum is independent of its mass. longer for a heavy pendulum bob. longer on the earth than on the moon.
A satellite requires 10 Joules to rotate half a revolution, which takes 30 seconds. What is the energy required for one day? 14,400 J. 1,200 J. 28,800 J.
The size of Centripetal Force on an object travelling in a circle increase with increasing mass of the object. decreases with increasing speed of the object. increases with an increasing radius of circle.
For an object in circular motion at constant velocity, if the radius of its path is doubled the centripetal force will double. remain the same. half.
An aircraft weighing 6400 pounds lands at a speed of 10 ft/Sec and stops in 10 Seconds. What force was generated by yhe brakets (asuming gravity as 32 ft/sec). -2000 Lbs. -200 Lbs. -640 Lbs.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.' This is known as Newtons second law Newtons third law. Newtons first law.
One radian is equal to the angle subtended at the centre of a circle when the arc-length formed between two radial lines is equal in length to the radius. 66.67 degrees. the angle subtended at the centre of a circle when the arc-length formed between two radial lines is equal to π.
A weight on a spring almost touches the floor 7 times over 21 seconds. What is its frequency? 3 cycles/second. 1/3 cycles/second. 7 cycles/second.
Which of the following statements describes centrifugal force? Smaller than centripetal force and acts in the opposite direction. Greater than centripetal force and acts in the opposite direction. Equal to centripetal force and acts in the opposite direction.
A body starting from rest accelerates at the rate of 20 metres per second squared. What is the distance covered until the body reaches a velocity of 50 metres per second? 0.625 kilometres. 50 metres. 62.5 metres.
The oscillation produced by a pendulum 2500mm long has a periodic time of 300 milliseconds. 3 seconds. 1.25 seconds.
A drive shaft has a speed 150π radians a second. What is the speed in RPM? 4500. 9000. 1500.
As an object slides down a slope, its kinetic energy increases and its potential energy increases. kinetic energy increases and its potential energy decreases. kinetic energy decreases and its potential energy increases.
A single fixed pulley (discounting friction etc) has a mechanical advantage of 2. 1/2 1.
What is the ratio of load to effort called? Mechanical advantage. Velocity ratio. Mechanical ratio.
kW is 3413 BTU/h 1.56 HP. 360 Joules.
The tension in the cable of a crane is 2500 N and it lifts a load through 50m, what is the work done on the load? 500 J. 1.25 *10^5 J. 12.5 kJ.
What is the kinetic energy of an aircraft of mass of 2 metric tonnes and has a velocity of 2m/s? 8 kJ. 4 kJ. 2 kJ.
The work done in lifting a mass of 2000 kg vertically to a height of 40 metres is 80 kJ. 784.8 kJ. 500 kJ.
If a machine has a mechanical advantage of 10 and a velocity ratio of 20. The efficiency of the machine is 200%. 0.5. 2.
1 Watt = 1kg/h. 1 Joule/s. 1 HP.
How would you work out the work done by a machine assuming it is 100% efficient? Input and output. Mechanical advantage and output. Mechanical advantage and input.
Ignoring friction, if you let an object slide down a slope, at the bottom the potential energy is equal to the kinetic energy. the potential energy is more than the kinetic energy. the kinetic energy is more than the potential energy.
1 HP = 33000 ft.lbs/min or 500 ft.lbs/s or 736 Watts. 746 Watts. 1360 Watts.
A force of 15N is needed to move a body of mass 30kg along a footpath with uniform velocity. Find the coefficient of dynamic friction.(take g as 10m/s/s). 1/20. 1/2. 20.
A mass of 400kg moves 27 metres with a force of 54N. What is the work produced? 10.1kJ. 583.2kJ. 1458J.
The SI unit of Power is the Volt. Pascal. Watt.
What is 1 joule in calories? 4.186. 252. 0.239.
If you push an object with a force of 5 N for 10 m in 4 seconds, how much power is used? 12.5 watts. 8 watts. 200 Watts.
What is the Kinetic Energy of a 2 kg object moving at a velocity of 12 m/s? 24 Joules. 288 Joules. 144 Joules.
A mass of 3kg weighs approximately 0.675 N 6.6 LB. 1.3 LB.
Power is the rate of doing work. It is measured in Watts/Seconds. Joules/Seconds. Joules * Seconds.
A 6000 kg engine is lifted off a wing to a height 0.5 metres and then pushed across the hangar 24 meters. The force required to push the trolley is 12 kN. What is the work done to move the trolley? 298 kJ. 84 MJ. 288 kJ.
A ball is dropped from rest. What is its speed after 4 seconds? (Take g as 10m/s/s) 80m/s. 40m/s. 20m/s.
1 KW is equal to 1.34 HP. 1000 Joules. 252 BTU.
Ten kilograms is expressed numerically as 1 Mg. 10 K. 10 kg.
An object accelerating down a slope would gain kinetic energy less than the potential energy lost. greater than the potential energy lost. equal to the potential energy lost.
A block slides down a slope. Assuming there is no friction kinetic energy is gained at the same rate as potential energy is lost. kinetic energy is gained at a greater rate than potential energy is lost. potential energy is gained at a greater rate than kinetic energy is lost.
The English unit of mass is the Newton. the kilogram. the slug.
The SI unit of energy is the Watt (W). Pascal (Pa). Joule (J).
A 4.5 kW electric motor is 90% efficient. How much energy does it use in 20 seconds? 90 kJ. 2.25 kJ. 100 kJ.
pile driver of mass 1000 kg, hits a post 3 m below it. It moves the post 10 mm. Assuming gravity = 10 m/s, what is the kinetic energy of the pile driver? 30 kJ. 45 kJ. 90 kJ.
The SI unit for work is the. Joule. Watt. horsepower.
What work is done if a force of 100 N moves a body 15 metres? 1500 kJ. 1.5 kJ. 0.15 mJ.
A good refrigerant has a low condensation temperature and high condensation pressure. low condensation temperature and low condensation pressure. high condensation temperature and low condensation pressure.
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