

Título del Test:
3272-6 Har/Mat (6.4)

3272-6 Har/Mat (6.4)


Fecha de Creación: 06/10/2024

Categoría: Letras

Número Preguntas: 60
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Honeycomb for repair can be removed with a drill. locally manufactured concave knife. a router.
The pot life of a cold cured resin is not reliant upon temperature fluctuations. decreases with an increase in temperature. increases with increase of temperature.
Thermosetting adhesive, during their curing cycle give off static radiation. heat. carbon monoxide.
The effect of a lower temperature than ambient during the curing period of a resin, will cause the curing time to decrease. increase. remain unchanged.
What is used as the base covering on a honeycomb repair? Glass cloth or thin aluminium sheet. Thick aluminium sheet. Plywood.
When drilling a carbon fibre reinforced plastic use a steel drill and carbarundum powder. a tungsten drill with a pointed tip. a tungsten carbide drill.
When laying up a glass fibre repair, the extra layer of fibre is a sacrificial layer for sanding. for extra strength for shrinkage.
Bubbles are removed from a wet composite lay-up by. application of pressure. use of a roller. application of vacuum.
Use of excessive hardener in polyester resin leads to a less stiff joint. reduced pot life. stiffer joint.
When the temperature increases on a hot bond repair is paused it is known as arrest point. ramping down. ramping up.
Slight waviness on a fibre composite structure may cause fatigue crack eventually. may be tolerable if lightly loaded could be reinforce with additional plies over the weakened area.
The maximum length of time a component is held in stores is known as the package life. storage life. shelf life.
On a pre-preg composite life can be extended by 12 months if stored below 10 °C life can be extended by 12 months if stored above 40 °C no life extension is allowed, it must be used immediately.
Hot bond composite pane has a crack. When it reaches the ribbon it will carry on along the ribbon. have no effect on its direction. stop.
In an autoclave the air is removed by pressure. roller. vacuum.
What is the separation of an aramid panel layers described as? Delamination. Debonding. Detachment.
Tap testing a sandwich panel construction is not an approved method of testing. will not give very reliable results. is crude, but works remarkably well.
Which product is a serious health hazard when handling? Ceramic. Asbestos. Glass fibre.
Aircraft transparent plastics are cleaned using warm soapy water, rinsed and dried. paraffin and soft cotton pad. clean dry soft leather.
A thermosetting adhesive will be resistant to heat. can be re-formed when hot. undergoes a chemical transformation and creates an insoluble substance.
Metal fasteners used with carbon/graphite composite structures must be made of materials such as titanium or corrosion resistant steel. must be made of high strength aluminium alloy. may be made of any of the metals commonly used in aircraft fasteners.
Which methods can be used to inspect fibreglass/honeycomb structures for entrapped water? Acoustic emission and X-ray. X-ray and back-lighting. Acoustic emission and back-lighting.
When balsa wood is used to replace a damaged honeycomb core, the plug should be cut so that it is about 1/8 inch undersize to allow sufficient bonding material to be applied. the grain is parallel to the skin. the grain is perpendicular to the skin.
When repairing puncture-type damage of a metal faced laminated honeycomb panel, the edges of the doubler should be tapered to whatever is desired for a neat clean appearance. two times the thickness of the metal. 100 times the thickness of the metal.
One of the best ways to assure that a properly prepared batch of matrix resin has been achieved is to test the viscosity of the resin immediately after mixing. have mixed enough for a test sample. perform a chemical composition analysis.
Which of the following are advantages of using microballoons in repairs to laminate honeycomb sandwich panels? Greater concentrations of resin in edges and corners, improved strength to weight ratio, less density, lower stress concentrations. Less density, lower stress concentrations. Improved strength to weight ratio, less density, lower stress.
The length and time that a catalyzed resin will remain in a workable state is called the shelf life. service life. pot life.
One method of inspecting a laminated fibreglass structure that has been subjected to damage is strip the damaged area of all paint and shine a strong light through the structure. use an eddy current probe on both sides of the damaged area. use dye-penetrant inspection procedures, exposing the entire damaged area to the penetrant solution.
When inspecting a composite panel using the ring test/tapping method, a dull thud may indicate an area of too much matrix between the fibres. less than full strength curing of the matrix. separation of the laminates.
Superficial scars, scratches, surface abrasion, or rain erosion on fibreglass laminates can generally be repaired by applying one or more coats of suitable resin (room-temperature catalyzed) to the surface. a sheet of polyethylene over the abraded surface and one or more coats of resin cured with infrared heat lamps. a piece of resin-impregnated glass fabric facing.
A potted compound repair on honeycomb can usually be made on damages less than 4 inches in diameter. 2 inches in diameter. 1 inch in diameter.
What reference tool is used to determine how the fibre is to be oriented for a particular ply or fabric? Bias clock. Weft clock. Warp clock.
The strength and stiffness of a properly constructed composite lay-up depends primarily on the ability of the fibres to transfer stress to the matrix. a 60% matrix to 40% fibre ratio. the orientation of the plies to the load direction.
Which fibre to resin (%) ratio for advanced composite wet lay-ups is generally considered the best? 60:40. 50:50. 40:60.
What is the material layer used within the vacuum bag pressure system to absorb excess resin during curing called? Breather. Bleeder. Release.
When necessary, what type of cutting fluid is usually acceptable for machining composite laminates? Water soluble oil. Water only. Water displacing oil.
Fibreglass laminate damage not exceeding the first layer or ply can be repaired by filling with putty consisting of compatible resin and clean, short glass fibres. sanding the damaged are until aerodynamically smooth. trimming the rough adges and sealing with paint.
Fibreglass damage that extends completely through a laminated sandwich structure may be filled with resin to eliminate dangerous stress concentrations. must be repaired. may be filled with putty which is compatible with the resin.
Fibreglass laminate damage that extends completely through one facing and into the core can be repaired by using a typical facing patch. requires replacement of the damaged core and facing. cannot be repaired.
Which of the following, when added to wet resins, provide strength for the repair of damage fastener holes in composite panels? microballoons, cotton flock and chopped fibres. Cotton flock and chopped fibres. Microballoons and chopped fibres.
The part of a replacement honeycomb core that must line up with the adjacent original is the cell edge. cell side. ribbon direction.
Which of the following is the definition of cure time? The period after which the surface of the compound no longer exhibits adhesive properties. The time required for the mixed compound to reach an initial rubbery state. The time taken for the mixed compound to reach a final rubbery state.
In order to prevent dermatitis caused due to contact with polymer resin, one should use disposable gloves or barrier cream. remember to close the autoclave door during curing. avoid inhaling fumes.
With what would you check the bonded joints of a wooden aircraft structure? A feeler gauge. A plastic strip. A screwdriver.
What is an open assembly time? The time elapsing between the application of the adhesive and the assembly of the joint components. The time between the adhesive being applied to the joint surfaces and their assembly. The time elapsed from the adhesive being applied to the joint surfaces to them being clamped.
The defects not allowed at all on wooden structures are mineral streaks. pitch pockets. checks, shakes and splits.
The basic structure of an aircraft made of wood can be monocoque non-monocoque. non-monocoque, monocoque, semi-monocoque.
When a full inspection for corosion is to be carried out on a wooden aircraft you would Bring the aircraft into the hangar for 2 to 3 days prior to the inspection. Jack and trestle the aircraft to the rigging position. Remove all the fabric/cloth prior to inspection.
For fungus to cause wood decay in a wood structure, the moisture content in the wood must be at least 20%. 85%. 5%.
The normal moisture content in the wood of a wooden aircraft structure is 10-12%. 20-30%. 0-2%.
How is the moisture content within the wood of a wood aircraft structure determined? By inserting the probe of a moisture meter. By measuring the size of the water stains at joints. By weighing the wood structure before and after drying it.
Except where specified by the manufacturer, a wooden spar may be spliced at no point. at any point except under the wing attachment fittings. at any point.
Replacement of a wooden spar is only permitted by the manufacturer. a minor repair. a major repair.
A crack is found in a wooden spar, you must replace the spar section. might be able to repair the spar. must replace the entire spar.
Wood sealants used on wooden aircraft structures are for helping to prevent wood cracking. improving aerodynamic efficiency. reducing the requirement for sanding.
To determine whether an aircraft wooden structure surface is compound curvature, you would use a curvature gauge. a sheet of paper. a trammel.
To assist the bending of plywood, a heated bending former must be heated to a temperature of 300 °C. 150 °C. 100 °C.
A splayed patch repair may be used on plywood damage which does not exceed 20 times the skin thickness. 15 times the skin thickness. 10 times the skin thickness.
surface patch to a plywood structure may be a large as 50 sq.inch area. 50 inch perimeter. 50 inch diameter.
The steepest slope permitted on the scarf of a scarfed plywood repair is 1 in 20. 1 in 4. 1 in 12.
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