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ABAP HANA 7 Descripción: Test 7 ABAP HANA Autor: JPZeta OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 05/11/2021 Categoría: Otros Número Preguntas: 12 |

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What are the features associated with ABAP CDS?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Seleccione una o más de una: A. Create B. Distribution C. Update D. Read E. Export. What output does The SAP HANA provide as a unique combination of hardware and software innovations? Choose the correct answer. Seleccione una: A. The ability to create new complex processes with ABAP application cloud B. Huge potential to optimize AMDP application DATA Tables C. Huge potential to optimize business applications that are running on SAP HANA D. Huge potential to maximize the number of disk blocks in the application. What are the supported joins in CDS view? There are 2 correct answers to this question. Seleccione una o más de una: A. Left outer join B. Upper join C. Inner join D. Operators joint. You have an SQLScript procedure with a table input parameter it_books. You want to use the parameter onthe right-hand side of an assignment operator within the procedure. Please choose the correct answer. Seleccione una: A. @it_books B. :it_books C. {it_books} D. it_books. What are the steps involved in SAP HANA Evolution? There are 3 correct answers to this question. Seleccione una o más de una: A. ABAP as accelerator on SAP HANA B. ABAP applications on SAP HANA C. ABAP can run on SAP HANA D. ABAP can access SAP HANA E. Optimized ABAP on SAP HANA. What information can you specify using annotations (marked with the @ sign) when you define a Core DataServices (CDS) view in an ABAP system? There are 3 correct answers to this question. Seleccione una o más de una: A. The client dependency of the CDS view. B. The name of the representation of the CDS view in the ABAP dictionary. C. The join conditions of the CDS view. D. The extent to which records of the CDS view should be buffered on the application server. E. The logic for aggregations, grouping records, and filtering groups of the CDS view. When to use Enhanced Open SQL? There are 2 correct answers to this question. Seleccione una o más de una: A. At the time of Dictionary Views B. To access system fields C. Need the query in one piece of code only D. To view scalar components. What are the two layers of ABAP system interacts with its database? There are 2 correct answers to this question. Seleccione una o más de una: A. The Data Storage interface B. The Client database interface C. The Database independent interface D. The Database specific library. For what purpose do you use SQL Script in SAP HANA? There are 2 correct answers to this question. Seleccione una o más de una: A. To achieve very high performance on SELECT statements B. To combine two analytic views C. To transfer a large amount of data between engines D. To create database procedures. What are the elements of ABAP Database Integration? There are 3 correct answers to this question. Seleccione una o más de una: A. Client database handling B. DB For ABAP C. Other DB D. DB client-server E. Application server. What is the main purpose of SAML for SAP HANA Studio? Choose the correct answer Seleccione una: A. To support scenarios where clients are not directly connected to the SAP HANA Database B. SAML may be selected as an Owner’s authentication method when creating users in the SAP HANA Studio C. The assertion is issued by a user after the client was successfully authenticated D. The SAP HANA database supports login of Owners only. Open SQL largely standardized, three sub-languages. What are these sub-languages? There are 3 correct answers to this question Seleccione una o más de una: A. Data Evaluation Language(DEL) B. The Data Definition Language (DDL) C. Data Transferring Language(DTL) D. The Data Control Language (DCL) E. Data Manipulation Language (DML). |
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