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Fecha de Creación: 27/07/2024

Categoría: Otros

Número Preguntas: 120
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Which one of the following is not typical of a subsonic airfoil? Smooth taper Sharp rear edge Maximum thickness at front edge Rounded nose.
Which one of the following machines is most appropriate for creating a gentle bend in a piece of sheet metal destinated to become part of the skin of a fuselage? Bar folder Slip roll former Leaf brake Box brake.
What would be the seatback in inches for a 90° bend in a metal sheet 0.050 inches thick with a bend radius of 5/32 inch? 0.1925 0.20625 0.082 0.1750.
Which of the following statement is true of "washing the wing in"? It involves changing the length of the rear strut It must be done before the dihedral can be adjusted It lowers the angle of incidence to decrease lift It involves decreasing the angle between the chord line of the wing and the longitudinal axis of the airplane.
On transport category aircraft, spoilers can be part of the speed brakes relieve contact pressure on tires are used for rapid descent cause the nose to pitch downward.
Cowl flaps are most closely identified with trim turbulence stability cooling.
When forming compound curves, it´s recommended that the metal be backed up with a forming bar made of steel hardwood softwood lead.
The best way to inspect steel cable for broken strands is to _____ it pull on heat grease bend.
One drawback to some titanium alloys is that they can´t be alloyed with aluminum are highly flammable are difficult to form are difficult to weld.
The term "parasite drag" is most appropriate with regard to retractable skis aerodynamic balance panels stressed-skin structures fixed landing gear.
The main potential problem specific to monocoque structures involves corrosion weight cost dents.
Adding weight to rotor blades accomplishes vertical vibration control chordwise balancing blade tracking spanwise balancing.
When forming deep parts by bumping, work-hardening is best avoided or corrected by using a heavier metal hammer annealing welding stretching the material quickly.
A low magnitude oscillation about the lateral and longitudinal axes is called a Dutch roll corkscrewing a displacement tilt.
A good way to deburr a drilled hole is with a/an sander grinder oversized drill undersized drill.
Which one of the following types of fasteners is considered to be the strongest? Rivnut Taper-Lok Cherrybuck Hi-Lite.
The ____ axis is parallel to the wing span lateral vertical longitudinal yaw.
If a helicopter has dual rotors, they must never intermesh they´re likely set to rotate in opposite directions there´s a greater problem of torque effects on the fuselage they must both rotate in the same direction.
The recommended way to stop small cracks in low-stress components from enlarging is to plug them with resin-type filler treat them with zinc chromate burnish them stop-drill them.
Which of the following statements is true of slotted flaps? They´re inappropiate for smaller airplanes They aren´t as popular today as split flaps They reduce stalling They don´t increase the coefficient of lift as much as a plain flap.
Which of the following statements is true of CAB aircraft dope? It creates an airtight film It may never be applied over nitrate dope It´s less tautening than nitrate dope It´s easily ignited.
Baseball stitching is locked with a/an overlap seam folded fell seine knot splice knot.
If two pieces of rib stitch cord must be joined end to end, it´s best to use a ______ knot square reef splice modified seine.
Which of the following is a false statement about repairs to a damaged honeycomb structure? The damaged area can be cleaned out using a power router For potted repairs, the area of damage shouldn´t exceed approximately 1/2 inch in diameter Potted repairs can´t be undertaken if any of the core is damaged Resin injection can be used to repair delamination.
A doped-in patch should never be used if the area of fabric damage extends farther than ____ inches in any direction 8 16 12 20.
"Crazing" can be used by the action of solvents on glass effects of heat on glass action of solvents on plastic effects of heat on plastic.
When used on airplanes that travel less than 160 miles per hour, grade A cotton fabric for aircraft coverings is considered airworthy only while it retains at least _____ percent of its original strength 70 80 60 90.
A finished welded bead is considered to have uniformity if its width is in the range of 5 to 8 T 1 to 2 T 1/4 to 1/2 T 3 to 5 T.
When gluing a piece of plywood skin to a structure, A pressure is obtained using clamps a strip of wood is temporarily nailed on to apply pressure maximum bonding won´t be achieved for at least seven days pressure should not be applied while the glue is curing.
Which of the following can be cut with a hot wire? Balsa wood Polyurethane foam Polypropylene PVC.
Which of the following would be a preferred fastener type to use on carbon fire structures? Stainless steel bolts Rivets Plastic lock bolts Aluminum bolts.
If an aircraft fabric hasn´t lost very much of its strength but the dope is cracked, the most common remedy is replacement of the fabric treatment with rejuvenator treatment with retarder treatment with aluminum paste.
Re-covering of an aircraft can be expected to last 5 to 15 years for the life of the aircraft 15 to 20 years 3 to 5 years.
The gauge on an acetylene regulator that typically indicates a maximum of about 30 psi is showing oxygen pressure being fed to the torch atmospheric pressure gas pressure in the cylinder gas pressure being fed to the torch.
Which of the following statement is true of delamination? It always involves layered materials It´s always caused by moisture It always visible It always involves separation of a skin from a core.
Which one of the following types of electric arc welding is preferred for use on aircraft? Silver soldering Gas metal arc welding Shielded metal arc welding Tungsten inert gas welding.
Which of the following is true about prepreg tape used on aircraft? The tape is impregnated with thermostatic resin Boron fibers are used only in prepreg tape products These tapes aren´t as strong as woven fabric The tape has quasi-isotropic plies.
If a manufacturer´s curing instructions call for room temperature curing, what temperature should be used? 90°F 70°F Up to 250°F Up to 150°F.
In what type of torch is a Venturi effect used to pull in acetylene? Injector torch Electrode holder Balance pressure torch TIG torch.
The main difference between soldering and brazing has to do with temperature fasteners fusion adhesives.
A connector plug with the code number MS3106D18-4PX is environmentally resistant a straight plug female a quick-disconnect plug.
Using the electrical wire chart for intermittent loads presented on page 7-64 of your text, given a wire size of 8 and carrying a current of 70 amps, what wire length value is indicated under the 115-volt column? 80 feet 64 feet 128 feet 32 feet.
Blushing of dope is caused by a draft over the surface after application moving the gun too slowly over the surface poor surface preparation high humidity.
In a variable displacement pump, such as the Stratopower, the amount of fluid pumped is controlled by the effective length of the stroke the diameter of the output line the number of cylinders operating a separate control valve.
Intermittent spray action while painting with a spray gun is likely caused by a plugged wing port hole excessive air pressure holding the gun too close air leaks.
The term ______ refers to wrinkles that result when the surface of dope dries before the deeper layers do fisheyes blushing pinholes orange peel effect.
The main hazard associated with using the wrong hydraulic fluid in a brake system is loss of braking power rupture of fluid lines damage to seals fire hazard.
To charge a 24-volt battery full, an alternator or generator must produce approximately ____ volts 48 28 12 24.
Which of the following statement is true of one-way seals? Their design makes it impossible to install them backwards or otherwise incorrectly They stop fluid flow in one direction only They´re intended for emergency relief only and must be replaced after a single use They´re usually O-rings.
Which one of the following is a false statement concerning landing gear? Some aircraft use bungee cords to cushion the shock of landing Slow airplanes have greater efficiency if they use fixed landing gear Tandem wheel arrangements are increasingly popular on larger commercial aircraft "Conventional" landing gear is seldom used these days.
Which of the following statement is true of quick-disconnect valves? They automatically close when they´re disconnected They must be manually opened before disconnection They must be manually closed after disconnection They automatically open when they´re disconnected.
Compressed air system do not require hoses return lines filters relief valves.
If pressure of 450 psi is applied to a piston with in area of two square inches, ______ pounds of force will be produced 1000 900 450 225.
The most efficient braking of aircraft wheels occurs when the brake pressure is well below that needed to cause skidding pressure is almost, but not quite, high enough to cause skidding wheels are intermittently brought to skid pressure, then released wheels are locked into a skid.
When installing lining pucks for single-disk brakes, it´s important that the piece of steel mesh is removed letter-embossed side is next to the disk steel cup is in contact with the disk smooth side is next to the disk.
The most difficult part of an aircraft wheel to inspect is the fusible plugs wheel bolts bead seat area bearings.
An aircraft tire should be removed and retreaded once its minimum tread depth reaches ____ inch 1/8 1/4 1/16 1/32.
In an open-center hydraulic system used to operate landing gear, once the gear is fully down and locked, what happens? The pump shuts down Fluid flow ceases, but the pump still operates to maintain the pressure needed to hold the gear in place during impact Fluid flows straight through the valve and returns to the reservoir The direction of fluid flow is reversed.
Concerning position lights for night operation of aircraft, the tail must display ___ light white green yellow red.
What is aliphatic naptha used for? Removing thick edges where tape has been peeled off Allowing masking tape to be removed sooner Protecting areas that can´t be masked easily Soaking off cured-on masking tape.
Which of the following statements about antennas is false? Glideslope signals can be received on a VOR antenna VHF communication radios each require their own antenna VOR half-dipole antennas are best suited to RNAV airways STATCOM antenna shoul be positioned on top of the aircraft.
Most modern rubber deicer boots are installed using machine screws and Rivnuts adhesives metal straps fairing strips.
In a rubber de-icer boot system, the precise purpose of the inflation of the outer tubes is to suck ice chips into the unit for disposal push in the cracked ice so it will melt against heating wires crack off forming ice push up the cracked ice so it will blow away.
In a typical coaxial antenna cable, the center conductor is in direct contact with the dielectric ground outer jacket shield.
Pitot tube anti-icing is usually accomplished by heated air heated oil chemicals electric heating.
A GPWS does not warn the pilot of approaching terrain too quickly altitude loss after taking off excessive descent rate excessive airspeed below a selected altitude.
What´s the main purpose of bonding radio equipment? Counteracting corrosion Enabling the equipment to withstand most impacts Minimizing radio interference Protecting against open circuit faults.
On airspeed indicators, the normal operating range of the airspeed is indicated by a green arc blue radial line green radial line white arc.
If you compare absolute pressure to gauge pressure, gauge pressure might be higher or lower the two pressures would be the same gauge pressure would always be higher gauge pressure would always be lower.
On airspeed indicator for a two-engine aircraft, the best single-engine rate of climb is indicated by a yellow arc red radial line blue radial line green arc.
A modern drum-pointer-type altimeter has one pointer that makes a complete rotation every 10,000 feet three pointers one pointer that makes a complete rotation every 1,000 feet one pointer that would require 100,000 feet to make a complete rotation.
Bleed air from outboard engines is most likely to be used for dewatering defogging anti-icing deicing.
Which of the following statements is true of the Marconi monopole? It has metal surrounding the base It can only be mounted on an aircraft´s metal skin It has two 1/4-wavelength sections It has an overall length of 1/2 wavelength.
Which of the following statements is true of the stall warning "stick shaker"? It´s used primarily in military aircraft It´s deactivated only while on the ground It´s active at all times It´s energized by a computer that analyzes only the airspeed and angle of attack.
On an L1011, how many windshield spray nozzles are on each windshield? 1 3 2 4.
Which of the following statements is true of the ELT transmitter? It operates off the cabin power supply It never needs servicing of any type It´s mounted in the cockpit It begins transmitting automatically.
Chemical rain repellents are no longer popular on modern jet aircraft spread by action of the windshield wipers periodically reapplied on the ground applied one time to the windshield before it´s installed.
As compared with an ADF, a VOR receptor is limited by distance high terrain direction weather conditions.
Which of the following is the most likely situation if an aircraft´s accelerometer reads +1G? The aircraft is flying with a uniform velocity The aircraft is flying inverted at a constant speed The aircraft is climbing The aircraft is stationary.
An antiskid system will send a "full dump" signal to a valve if the pilot activates the braking system suddenly and vigorously one wheel ceases to spin at a close enough rate to its reference wheel the wheels are turning at a high speed when braking is applied one wheel begins to rotate faster than the ground speed of the aircraft.
Water in aviation fuel is more apt to be a problem if it occurs as humidity process water free water dissolved water.
Continuos-flow rebreather oxygen regulators are appropiate for emergency oxygen systems for passengers low-altitude small aircraft only routine use by flight crews high-flying military aircraft.
The partial pressure of oxygen is higher at higher altitudes does not greatly change with altitude is the main cause of hypoxia is responsible for about 50% of total air pressure.
The main purpose of fuel temperature gauges is to alert the flight engineer to the risk of ice crystal formation the risk of overexpansion engine fires engine malfunction.
The main purpose of fuel tank baffles is to minimize fuel surging minimize the quantity of leakage in the event of a rupture reinforce the tank allow for fuel expansion.
Carbon dioxide cylinders used on aircraft are protected against discharge up to 160°F 140°F 120°F 180°F.
The sensing elements used in a Lindberg fire detection system are housed in Inconel tubes contain an inert gas have two conductors in them contain nitrogen under pressure.
At what concentration will CO exposure start to affect a person? 100 ppm 200 ppm 500 ppm 50 ppm.
An aircraft air-conditioning system can permissible leak 5 ounces per year 0.5 ounces per month 1 ounce per month 1 ounce per year.
Fuel tanks should have _____ percent of expansion space that can´t be filled with fuel one five two four.
Fuel lines that pass through wheel wells are always made of PVC plastic usually flexible always made of aluminum alloy sometimes made of stainless steel.
Which of the following is an example of a fuel surfactant? Soap Water droplets Microorganisms Kerosene.
Fuel ejector systems supply additional fuel to the collector can by means of vane-type pumps centrifugal boost pumps Venturi action pulsating electric pumps.
Electric heating systems for aircraft are most likely to be used for emergencies only when the aircraft requires de-icing when the aircraft is on the ground as a primary heating source.
Concerning fuel injection system flowmeters for reciprocating engines, if the injector nozzle becomes partially clogged, what happens? The flow of fuel stops The flow of fuel decreases The flow gauge will fail to register The flow gauge shows a decrease.
When is it permissible to clamp a wire bundle to a fuel line? Only if it´s impossible to physically separate them If the fuel line is above the wiring When the fuel line is properly grounded It´s never permissible.
What does an ACM pack do? Heats ram air with turbine gases to warm the cabin Uses pack fans in flight to provide airflow to cool the heat exchangers Electrically heats ram air to ventilate the cabin with fresh air Cools compressor air to ventilate the cabin.
The normal cabin descent rate is ________ feet per minute 400 200 300 500.
Which of the following statements is true of a class B fire? It typically occurs in a compartment with an APU It typically requires twice the extinguishing agent that a class A fire would require It has low airflow through it It has a large quantity of air flowing through it, like a turbine engine compartment.
What is laminar flow? when the boundary layer is smooth is the same airflow when the boundary layer is hard A and C.
What kind of tab follows the movement of the control surface but in opposite direction? Anti servo tab or balance tab servo tab surface tab B and C.
What is aileron differential? More ailerons up then down More ailerons down then up More ailerons down then down More ailerons up then up.
What are the pieces of rubber and tissue called that protect the tire beads? Chaffers baffles buffers All of the above.
What keeps the nose wheel centered before entering the wheel well? centering cam nose wheel well tire wheel well C and B.
What is a wing with more angle of incidence at the root than at the tip? Wash-in Wash-out All of the above None of the above.
After an ADF antenna installation, what needs to be done? Calibrate the loop Rotate the loop Ground the loop All of the above.
What is the angle of the wing to the horizontal plane? Dihedral angle Lateral angle Chord wing Angle of attack.
Name a reason why a landing gear would not retract fully? Not enough fluid in the system too much pressure in the system Not enough pressure in the system none of the above.
Why do we have to ground electrical equipment? No radio frequency potential intermittent frequency Noise in the frequency A and C.
What kind of drag do we get as the angle of attack increase? Increase induced drag Decrease induced drag Increase induced lift Increase induced speed.
In a hydraulic system, what redirects the fluid? Selector valve Return valve Relief valve feedback line.
What is the maximum deflection of control cable fairlead? 3 degrees maximum 1 degree maximum 2 degrees maximum 4 degrees maximum.
What is the maximum deflection of control cable fairlead? 3 degrees maximum 2 degrees maximum 1 degrees minimum 4 degrees minimum.
What is the maximum size dope patch allowed? 16 inches in any direction 15 inches in any direction 14 inches in any direction 17 inches in any direction.
After manufacturing a cable, what is the test required for strength? Proof load test, it must resist at 60% of its breaking strength strength load test,it may resist at 50% of its breaking strength resistance test, it must resist at 70% of its breaking strength All above are correct.
On which axis the aircraft move if we use the aileron? Longitudinal axis Lateral axis Vertical axis Horizontal axis.
If the cabin pressure increase and the temperature decreases, what is at fault? The out flow valve The relief valve Cabin press system None of the above.
What happens when the angle of attack increases? The laminar flow layer increase in thickness The laminar flow layer decrease in thickness The laminar flow layer decrease in width A and B .
How do you call a tab that moves with the surface? servo tab anti-tab flapper tab B and C.
What is the layer of air traveling over the wing? Laminar flow Laminar layer flow Anti-laminar flow All of above.
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