

Título del Test:
Around town

He_She is going to


Fecha de Creación: 26/05/2020

Categoría: Otros

Número Preguntas: 12
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Match zoo go shopping park cinema supermarket.
Mr Brown is a teacher and he is at school now. Tony and Jenny are in English class now. After school they are going to the city for a walk. Tony is going to the park, he wants to play football and Jenny is going to the zoo, she wants to see the animals. At lunch time, they are going to a restaurant to have a special meal because today is Jenny´s birthday. After lunch Jenny is going shopping with her mother and Tony is going to the supermarket with his father. Jenny wants a puppy for her birthday present. A puppy is cool! Who is Mr. Brown? He is a teacher He is a clown He is a doctor.
Mr Brown is a teacher and he is at school now. Tony and Jenny are in English class now. After school they are going to the city for a walk. Tony is going to the park, he wants to play football and Jenny is going to the zoo, she wants to see the animals. At lunch time, they are going to a restaurant to have a special meal because today is Jenny´s birthday. After lunch Jenny is going shopping with her mother and Tony is going to the supermarket with his father. Jenny wants a puppy for her birthday present. A puppy is cool! Where is Tony going after school? He is going to the park He is going to the zoo He is going shopping.
Mr Brown is a teacher and he is at school now. Tony and Jenny are in English class now. After school they are going to the city for a walk. Tony is going to the park, he wants to play football and Jenny is going to the zoo, she wants to see the animals. At lunch time, they are going to a restaurant to have a special meal because today is Jenny´s birthday. After lunch Jenny is going shopping with her mother and Tony is going to the supermarket with his father. Jenny wants a puppy for her birthday present. A puppy is cool! Where is Jenny going after school? She is going to the park She is going to the zoo She is going shopping.
Match Pet shop Theatre Sports Centre Museum Cafe.
Mr Brown is a teacher and he is at school now. Tony and Jenny are in English class now. After school they are going to the city for a walk. Tony is going to the park, he wants to play football and Jenny is going to the zoo, she wants to see the animals. At lunch time, they are going to a restaurant to have a special meal because today is Jenny´s birthday. After lunch Jenny is going shopping with her mother and Tony is going to the supermarket with his father. Jenny wants a puppy for her birthday present. A puppy is cool! Where are Tony and Jenny going after school? They are going to the park They are going to the zoo They are going to the city for a walk.
Mr Brown is a teacher and he is at school now. Tony and Jenny are in English class now. After school they are going to the city for a walk. Tony is going to the park, he wants to play football and Jenny is going to the zoo, she wants to see the animals. At lunch time, they are going to a restaurant to have a special meal because today is Jenny´s birthday. After lunch Jenny is going shopping with her mother and Tony is going to the supermarket with his father. Jenny wants a puppy for her birthday present. A puppy is cool! Where are Tony and Jenny going at lunch time? They going to the supermarket with his father. They are going to the zoo. They are going to a restaurant.
Mr Brown is a teacher and he is at school now. Tony and Jenny are in English class now. After school they are going to the city for a walk. Tony is going to the park, he wants to play football and Jenny is going to the zoo, she wants to see the animals. At lunch time, they are going to a restaurant to have a special meal because today is Jenny´s birthday. After lunch Jenny is going shopping with her mother and Tony is going to the supermarket with his father. Jenny wants a puppy for her birthday present. A puppy is cool! Where is Tony going after lunch time? He is going to the supermarket with his father. He is going to the zoo. He is going shopping with his mother.
Mr Brown is a teacher and he is at school now. Tony and Jenny are in English class now. After school they are going to the city for a walk. Tony is going to the park, he wants to play football and Jenny is going to the zoo, she wants to see the animals. At lunch time, they are going to a restaurant to have a special meal because today is Jenny´s birthday. After lunch Jenny is going shopping with her mother and Tony is going to the supermarket with his father. Jenny wants a puppy for her birthday present. A puppy is cool! Where is Jenny going after lunch time? She is going to the supermarket with his father. She is going to the zoo. She is going shopping with her mother.
Order: I'm / to / going / supermarket I'm going to the supermarket I'm to going supermarket the I'm to going the supermarket.
Order: He / is / going to / cinema / the He is going to the cinema He to going cinema the He the cinema is going.
Order: She / going to / is / musem / the She is going to the museum She is going museum to the She going is to museum the.
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