
Título del Test:
avionica Descripción: BATERY 2758 Autor: rino OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 16/10/2024 Categoría: Otros Número Preguntas: 21 |

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"What must be done before beginning the discharge of the battery
(P/N 2758)?"
Remove the vent-valves
Tighten the vent-valves
Check the electrolyte level
Remove all jewelry
. What can cause severe burns during battery maintenance (P/N 2758)? Tilting the battery Tightening vent-valves Using insulated tools Wearing protective shoes . "What should you do if the electrolyte comes into contact with the skin (P/N 2758)?" Call a doctor immediately Neutralize with a base solution "Flush affected part with water and neutralize" Induce vomiting . "How should the battery area be prepared before installing a Saft nickel-cadmium battery (P/N 2758)?" Painted with an acid resistant paint Cleaned with water only "Washed with a neutralizing agent and painted" Cleaned with a degreaser . "What should be done if the battery (P/N 2758) has been stored for longer than 3 months?" Install directly into the aircraft Perform a charge procedure "Refer to Servicing after discharged storage" Disassemble and reassemble . How is the rated capacity of aircraft batteries (P/N 2758) defined? According to specific local conditions "Based on the manufacturer's recommendation" According to international standards Based on the type of aircraft . "What is the procedure if electrolyte comes in contact with the eyes (P/N 2758)?" Flush with water for at least 5 minutes Neutralize with baking soda "Flush with water for at least 15 minutes" Call a doctor only if pain persists . What should you do if electrolyte is ingested (P/N 2758)? Neutralize with a base solution "Flush affected part with water and neutralize" Induce vomiting Call a doctor immediately . "Which tool type should be used when handling the battery (P/N 2758)?" Insulated tools Regular tools Battery-specific tools Non-metallic tools . "What should be checked before placing a new battery (P/N 2758) into service?" Electrolyte level only Visual inspection and torque check Only the charge procedure Only the insulation test . "What is Saft's recommendation for the disposal of end of life cells (P/N 2758)?" Return to manufacturer Follow EASA regulations Follow FAA guidelines Follow local and national regulations . "What does Saft emphasize regarding environmental matters (P/N 2758)?" Battery maintenance "Proper recycling of nickel-cadmium batteries" Battery installation Use of protective equipment . "What does Saft emphasize regarding environ"What does Saft emphasize regarding environmental matters (P/N 2758)?" Battery maintenance "Proper recycling of nickel-cadmium batteries" Battery installation Use of protective equipment . "What is the maximum operating temperature for the battery (P/N 2758)?" +37°C +55°C +60°C +98°F . "What is the first step in the constant current charge procedure for the battery (P/N 2758)?" Check cell voltage Remove vent cap covers Connect battery to current source Start charging immediately . "What must be done if a cell voltage rises above 1.5 V immediately during charging of battery (P/N 2758)?" Continue charging Remove the battery Stop the charge Replace the cell . "What should be done during the cleaning of a disassembled battery (P/N 2758)?" Use petroleum spirits Use a stiff brush and fresh water Use solvents containing chlorine Skip the cleaning . When cleaning the battery (P/N 2758), what should you avoid using? Sodium bicarbonate solution Sulfamic acid solution Trichloroethylene Baking soda solution . "According to the text, what is a risk associated with nickel in the battery (P/N 2758)?" Chronic eczema Chest pain Vomiting Throat damage . What should be done to cells (P/N 2758) before disposing of them? Washed thoroughly Fully discharged Recharged Painted with acid resistant paint . "Which regulation requires that end of life cells (P/N 2758) must not be returned to service?" FAA regulations Local regulations EASA 'Part 145' regulations Saft company policy . |
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