
Título del Test:
avionica Descripción: electri 1 Autor: rino OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 22/10/2024 Categoría: Otros Número Preguntas: 44 |

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The letter symbol used to represent electrical current is
. The letter symbol used to represent electrical pressure is E R I . The letter symbol used to represent electrical resistance is R I E . "The point in an aircraft electrical system from which the various circuits get their power is called a" bus an electrical load contactor . "Three things that happen in an electrical circuit when current flows through it are:" heat is produced in the conductor "magnetic field surrounds the conductor" voltage is dropped across the load . "If a 4-gage copper wire routed in free air is to be replaced with an aluminum wire that is to carry the same amount of current, a -gage aluminum wire will have to be used." 2 4 6 8 . "The smallest size aluminum wire recommended for use in aircraft electrical systems is -gage." 4 6 8 10 . "When selecting the size wire to use in an aircraft electrical system, two things must be considered. These are:" current-carrying capability allowable voltage drop wire length all of the above . The longer line in the symbol for a battery indicates the terminal. positive negative . "Electrons flowing in an electrical circuit flow in the direction as the arrowheads in a semiconductor diode symbol." opposite same Nearby . "Conventional current in an electrical circuit is assumed to flow in the direction as the arrowheads in a semiconductor diode symbol." same opposite Nearby . "Three things that must be included in all complete electrical circuits are:" a source of electrical energy an electrical load "conductors to join the source with the load" . If the bar in the symbol for a semiconductor diode is connected to the negative terminal of a battery, the diode is biased. forward afther . A forward-biased diode acts as a/an switch. closed open . "The voltage drop across a forward-biased silicon diode is approximately volt. 0,7 0,6 0,9 . "The voltage drop across a forward-biased silicon diode vary with the current flowing through it." does not does . A semiconductor device that can be used as a voltage sensor is a/an zener diode bus . A zener diode used as a voltage regulator is biased. reverse Nearby . An electrical relay has a core. fixed Movable Electromagnetic . A solenoid has a core. Unbiased movable Forward Reverse . "When the base of an NPN transistor has the same polarity as the collector, the transistor acts as a/an switch." closed Open . "When a transistor is connected in an amplifier circuit, bringing its base polarity closer to that of the collector " increases decreases . "A semiconductor device that acts in the same way as a holding relay is a/an" silicon controlled rectifier Thyristor Triac . In a complete series circuit, the sum of the voltage drops is the same as the applied voltage. This sentence is (true or false). true False . "The voltage drop across an open switch in a series circuit is (zero volts or battery voltage)." battery voltage zero volts . "The voltage drop across a closed switch in a series circuit is (zero volts or battery voltage)." zero volts battery voltage . "The amount of current that flows through each path of a parallel circuit is determined by the of the path." resistance battery voltage . "The voltage across each path of a parallel circuit is equal to the voltage." battery resistance . "The reference from which all voltage is measured in an aircraft electrical system is called the ." ground negative . "Return current from devices installed in an aircraft electrical system flows back to the battery through the ." aircraft structure Negative bus Ground . "The battery terminal that is normally grounded is the (negative or positive) terminal." negative positive . "Circuit breakers and fuses are installed in a circuit primarily to protect the (wiring or circuit devices)." wiring circuit devices . The one circuit in an aircraft electrical system that is not required to be protected by a circuit protection device is the main circuit. starter Battery . "Circuit breakers used in aircraft electrical systems must be of the type." trip-free trip-free . "A trip-free circuit breaker (can or cannot) be manually held closed in the presence of a fault." cannot cannot . "Automatic reset circuit breakers (are or are not) approved for use in aircraft electrical circuits." are are not . "An electrical circuit that has 12 fuses rated at 30 amps is required to carry at least 30-amp fuses as spares." 6 8 10 . "Current that is induced into a conductor by a changing current in another nearby conductor is called current." Mutual induced . "The amount of current that is induced by a changing magnetic field is determined by the of change of the magnetic field." rate Frequency Magnitude . "The direction of flow of induced current is that of the current that caused it." opposite positive negative . "The diode that is placed across the coil of a battery contactor is biased by the battery. (forward or reverse)" reverse Forward Neutral . Refer to Figure . The device that prevents the GPU from overcharging a fully charged battery is resistor R switch the fuse . Refer to Figure . The device that prevents the GPU from being connected to the aircraft electrical system if its polarity is incorrect is diode Dy switch the fuse . Refer to Figure. The device that prevents the GPU from being connected to the aircraft electrical system if there is a short in the battery is the fuse switch diode . |
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