

Título del Test:

elect 2


Fecha de Creación: 22/10/2024

Categoría: Otros

Número Preguntas: 43
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The prime source of electrical power in an aircraft is the alternator Battery Inverter .
The load current produced in a AC alternator is produced in the stator Armature Field windings .
"In an A-circuit generator, the voltage regulator is between the field terminal of the generator and (ground or the armature)." ground the armature .
"The three units in a generator control used with low-output DC generators are:" voltage regulator current limiter reverse-current cutout all.
A 20-gage wire will carry      current than an 18-gage wire. more less the same none of the above .
"A continuous electrical load in a 28-volt electrical system is allowed to produce a voltage drop of      volt/s." 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 .
"An intermittent electrical load in a 14-volt electrical system is allowed to produce a voltage drop of      volt/s." 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 .
The contacts of a reverse-current cutout relay are normally open Close .
The contacts of a vibrator-type voltage regulator are normally closed open .
The contacts of a vibrator-type current limiter are normally open closed .
"A carbon-pile voltage regulator acts as a variable      in the generator field circuit." resistor no.
The output current produced by the two generators in a twin-engine installation are kept the same by      circuit in the voltage regulators. diverging paralleling .
"Current through the paralleling circuit in a twin-engine electrical system using carbon-pile voltage regulators is provided by the voltage drops across the" resistors starter .
"Many general aviation turbine-powered aircraft combine the      and      into one single unit." starter, generator generator,starter .
"The starter windings in a starter-generator are      (series or shunt) windings." series Parallel .
"A zero-center ammeter       show the amount of current the alternator is producing." does does not .
"A loadmeter is calibrated in      of the rated alternator or generator output." percentage voltage .
The voltage produced in the stator windings of a DC alternator is AC DC .
DC electricity is produced in a DC alternator by the diodes Resistors .
If an alternator fails in flight and is disconnected from the main bus, the alternator field circuit should be (opened or closed). opened Closed .
"If an alternator produces too high a voltage, the overvoltage protector opens the       circuit." field Load .
"The load current produced in a DC generator is produced in the       (rotating or stationary) coils." rotating stationary .
A DC alternator can produce its rated current at a lower RPM than a DC generator because of the greater number of      in the alternator. field poles commutator, brushes .
DC electricity is produced in a DC generator by the commutator, brushes main power .
A DC alternator      (does or does not) require a current limiter. does not does .
A DC generator      (does or does not) require a current limiter. does not does .
A battery contactor is a/an continuous intermittent constant variable .
A starter solenoid is a/an (continuous or intermittent)-duty solenoid. continuous intermittent constant variable .
"Normally the only circuit in an aircraft electrical system that does not require a circuit breaker or fuse is the      circuit." starter lighting avionics main power .
The navigation light circuit in Figure. is an example of a      circuit. series parallel complex hybrid .
In the landing light circuit shown in Figure it      possible to turn on the landing light without the taxi light also coming on. is is not sometimes is always is .
In the landing gear circuit shown in Figure , three switches that must be in the correct position for current to flow to the landing gear relay coil are: gear switch up-limit switch gear safety switch all of the above .
In the landing gear circuit shown in Figure, the landing gear warning horn      sound if only one throttle is pulled back to the idle position. will will not sometimes will never will .
When the antiskid brake system shown in Figure, is operating properly, the aircraft cannot be landed with the brakes applied because the brakes cannot be applied until weight is on the landing gear and both      switches are closed. gear weight squat brake .
According to the circuit of the propeller deicing system in Figure , the prop deicer ammeter shows      the current flowing to the deicers when the system is operating. manually automatically intermittently constantly .
In the turbine-engine autoignition circuit seen in Figure 7-55, the autoignition-armed light turns      when the compressor-discharge pressure drops low enough for its pressure switch to supply power to the ignition power relay. on off intermittent constant .
According to the reciprocating engine starting and ignition system seen in Figure 7-56, the engine is started on the      magneto. left right both neither .
"Avionic equipment must be isolated from the aircraft electrical system when the engine is being started because of spikes of high       voltage." induced residual generated constant .
"The generators installed on large turbojet aircraft produce       electricity." AC DC both neither .
Direct current is produced in the electrical system seen in Figure by the alternator generator TR units battery .
"The frequency of the AC produced by generators driven by turbine engines is held constant by the      units." voltage regulator current limiter constant-speed drive all of the above .
Three measurements that are made of the output of the three main generators in Figure are: voltage frequency power all of the above .
Use the wire chart in Figure to find the wire size needed to carry a continuous load of 50 amps for 60 feet in a 28-volt electrical system. The wire is to be routed in a bundle. The smallest wire is a     -gage. 2 4 6 8 .
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