

Título del Test:

multiple choices questions

Patricia Ruiz

Fecha de Creación: 22/10/2024

Categoría: Universidad

Número Preguntas: 47
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An admissions office examines the correlation between students’ entrance exam scores and their grades after completing one year of college. In this scenario, students’ grades would be an example of criterion data employee development data satisfaction data. motivation data.
Performance measurement is commonly used for all of the following except criterion data. surveillance promotion consideration. employee development. .
Research indicates that the relationships among the different types of performance measures are somewhat strong moderate very strong. weak.
Sales volume, customer complaints, and output data are examples of objective measures subjective measures. personnel measures. judgmental measures.
Supervisor ratings are examples of objective measures subjective measures personnel measures judgmental measures.
All of the following are disadvantages of hands-on measures except they don’t permit the observation of infrequent but important activities they measure what someone “can do” rather than what they “will do.” they can often be expensive to develop. they cover only a sample of the work performance of an individual.
Performance ___________ emphasizes the link between individual behavior and organizational strategies and goals by defining performance in the context of those goals. appraisal evaluation management analysis.
Performance management consists of all of the following distinct components except low involvement of subordinates in developing the system measurement process. definition of performance communication between supervisor and subordinate about behavior.
An employee who recently received a performance evaluation feels that the respectfulness and personal tone of the communications surrounding his evaluation were improper. Which type of justice is this worker referring to? distributive procedural interpersonal objective.
Jack works at Solar Company and has just undergone a performance review. He feels that the process by which the ratings were assigned was unfair. Which type of justice is he concerned about? . interpersonal justice operational justice . distributive justice procedural justice.
Which of the following types of justice focuses on the fairness of outcomes related to decisions made in the organization? procedural distributive interpersonal . operational.
An employee is asked to create a spreadsheet to compile revenue projections for the up-coming year. A manager then reviews the quality of the spreadsheet. This is an example of a(n) ______ performance measure objective cognitive judgmental hands-on.
A police officer is required to re-take a driving test. This is an example of a(n) ______ performance measure objective cognitive judgmental hands-on.
When an employee is required to describe how to complete a task to an interviewer, it is called a(n) ______ test executed walk-through controlled cognitive.
Adaptive performance shares similarities with task performance. contextual performance procedural performance. counterproductive performance.
All of the following are examples of performance rating formats except forced choice formats graphic rating scales weighted checklists observation scales.
The checklist rating format is typically used in objective measures hands-on performance measure personnel measures judgmental measures.
The type of employee comparison method that ranks employees from top to bottom according to proficiency is called paired comparison simple comparison direct comparison. group comparison.
Proficiency with which job incumbents perform activities formally recognized as part of their job is _____ performance task contextual counter-productive situational.
Which of the following type of performance supports the organizational, social, and psychological in which job tasks are performed? task contextual counter-productive situational.
Which of the following types of performance ratings is least likely to provide useful information when measuring performance? counter-productive task contextual trait.
A display of performance scores that run from high on one end to low on the other end is called a ______. checklist graphic rating scale weighted checklist forced choice format.
The forced choice format is a type of ______. graphic rating scale checklist critical incident simple ranking.
Which of the following types of scales use hypothetical situations to rate what duties an employee is expected to do? behavioral observation scale mixed standard scale performance observation scale behaviorally anchored rating scale.
Which of the following scales requires the rater to consider how frequently an employee has been seen to act in a particular way? behavioral observation scale mixed standard scale performance observation scale behaviorally anchored rating scale.
. A manager rank orders five employees on the staff according to proficiencies and duties. This is an example of simple ranking employee comparison method paired comparison complex ranking.
When a rater avoids choosing an extreme score, _____ error may occur central tendency leniency severity halo.
If a rater assigns the same rating to an employee on multiple dimensions, _____ error may occur. similar-to-me leniency severity halo.
All of the following are reasons why a rater might commit halo error except the rater believes that one dimension is key the rater subscribes to the “unitary view” of performance. the rater considers a performance area not included on the form the rater is overly optimistic or pessimistic in rating performance.
Psychometric training involves showing the raters how to conduct certain ratings. teaching the raters to be more considerate. making the raters aware of common rating distortions providing the raters with a context for assigning ratings.
Which of the following frame-of-reference training steps is incorrect? Making sure that the raters understand the meaning of the anchors on the scale Providing feedback on the practice exercise. Asking raters to practice different types of rating errors Providing information about the multidimensional nature of performance.
Which of the following errors occurs if a rater is unusually easy? central tendency leniency severity halo.
Which of the following errors occurs if a rater is unusually harsh? central tendency leniency severity halo.
Raters can be made aware of common rating errors in order to reduce the occurrence of errors. This is done through ______ training administrative frame-of-reference psychometric evaluative.
One solution for the problem of conflicting stakeholder goals is to use multiple performance evaluation systems, each for a different purpose remove the involvement of stakeholders in the development of the system. avoid singling out supervisors who provide seemingly accurate ratings use a system that compensates for incorrect or biased ratings.
All of the following are true of performance feedback except it is best to keep administrative issues off the table the “praise-criticism-praise sandwich” is used often defensive comments by employees increase as negative comments by supervisors increase. all feedback should be given in one session.
All of the following are true of destructive criticism except . it is cruel, sarcastic, and offensive it is usually specific rather than general. . it is often directed toward personal characteristics. . it is a form of negative feedback.
To implement 360 degree feedback effectively, all of the following guidelines are useful except make sure to provide names of sources for further feedback the evaluator should be jointly identified by the supervisor and employee train information sources as well as those who will deliver feedback. use 360 degree feedback exclusively for developmental and growth purposes.
Modesty bias occurs when raters give others higher ratings than are warranted themselves higher ratings than are warranted. others lower ratings than are warranted themselves lower ratings than are warranted.
According to the text, research on cultural differences has shown that _____ employees tend to display modesty bias American Chinese German French.
Culture affects performance evaluations in all of the following ways except High Power Distance cultures are more resistant to 360 degree systems Collectivist cultures have lower reliability on performance evaluations Individualist cultures are more amenable to traditional performance evaluation Masculine cultures emphasize achievement and accomplishments. .
The Ford Motor Company introduced a new “forced distribution” system for its senior managers. Which of the following is true concerning the system? 20% of the managers were placed in Category A, 70% in Category B, and 10% in Category C Those in Category B received no salary increase and those in Category C were demoted. . The idea of forcing a performance distribution caused much discontent Ford was the first company to try out the new system.
When raters gives themselves lower ratings than warranted, it is called destructive criticism policy capturing modesty bias negative reinforcement.
A technique that allows researchers to code various characteristics and determine which weighed most heavily in decision making is called destructive criticism policy capturing modesty bias negative reinforcement.
Negative feedback that is directed toward personal characteristics rather than job-related behaviors is called destructive criticism policy capturing modesty bias negative reinforcemen.
. During a performance review, a manager is very sarcastic and offensive in providing feedback. This is an example of destructive criticism policy capturing modesty bias negative reinforcement.
Collectivist cultures such as China tend to be higher in destructive criticism policy capturing modesty bias negative reinforcement.
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