

Título del Test:

multiple choices question

Patricia Ruiz

Fecha de Creación: 22/10/2024

Categoría: Universidad

Número Preguntas: 47
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According to a study described in the textbook, all of the following are consistent with international staffing practices except application forms are widely used for initial screening job descriptions are used infrequently cognitive ability tests are used less frequently interviews and references are the most common post-screening techniques.
Collectivist cultures prefer staffing techniques and strategies characterized by omniscient methods personalized methods subjective methods objective methods.
Managers in a country characterized as high in the desire to avoid uncertainty would be least likely to rely more on the “gut feelings” of interviewers conduct more interviews use a wider variety of tests. verify selection data more frequently.
The degree to which less powerful members of an organization accept and expect an unequal distributionof power is called power distance uncertainty avoidance multinational staffing multiculturalism.
The extent to which members of a culture feel comfortable in unstructured situations is called power distance uncertainty avoidance multinational staffing multiculturalism.
Procedures that involve staffing for organizations in more than one country is called power distance uncertainty avoidance multinational staffing multiculturalism.
All of the following are common validity designs except correlation-related content-related criterion-related construct-related.
If there are ten applicants for one position, the selection ratio would be .01. .10 1.0 10.
If an individual was hired into an organization based on his test scores, but did not perform well on the job, this would be an example of a false positive false negative true positive true negative.
If a good decision is made when hiring an applicant, this would be an example of a false positive false negative true positive true negative.
Which type of design might a company use to see how many errors and correct decisions have been made with a specific cut score? false predictive reliability design false negative extrapolation design true predictive validity design false positive projection design.
Norm-referenced cut scores are based on projected job performance. the average of the test-takers scores hypothetical scores a set of ideal scores.
Domain-referenced scores are also known as _____ referenced cut scores criterion content norm construct.
referenced cut-scores are established by considering the desired level of performance for a new hire and finding the test score that corresponds to that level. Criterion Content Norm Construct.
________ referenced cut-scores are based on the average score of the test takers, rather than job performance Criterion Content Norm Construct.
Which of the following is true concerning the concept of utility as it relates to staffing? It addresses the overall usefulness of a staffing strategy. It addresses the cost/benefit ratio of one staffing strategy over another It addresses the applicability of one staffing strategy over another. It addresses the general staffing strategy in reference to company goals. .
Company X is looking to hire individuals to fill 8 positions. So far, 18 people have applied for the job. The selection ratio in this case would be .22 .44 .56 2.25.
Which technique assesses the economic return on investment of human resource interventions? weighted analysis advantage analysis economic weight utility analysis.
All of the following are conditions under which the greatest utility gain would be realized from a new staffing system except the dollar value of the jobs in question is high there are many candidates for only a few positions the validity of the new system is higher than that of the old system the cost of testing for the new system is higher than for the existing system.
A researcher correlates a test score with a performance measure in order to make an inference that people with higher test scores perform better. This is an example of _____ validity. criterion-related content-related concurrent-related construct-related.
The relationship between the number of individuals assessed and the number actually hired is called prediction error selection ratio . cut score base rate.
A group of applicants have test scores ranging from 63% to 92%. Based on the range, anyone who scored below 77% did not qualify. The 77% score is called the prediction error selection ratio cut score base rate.
An individual is on trial for committing a crime. If the individual is found guilty but is actually innocent, it is an example of a _____. false positive false negative true positive true negative.
An individual is on trial for committing a crime. If the individual is found guilty and was in fact guilty, it is an example of _____. false + false - true + true -.
. An individual is on trial for committing a crime. If the individual is found innocent, but was in fact guilty, it is an example of a false + false - true + true -.
. An individual is on trial for committing a crime. If the individual is found innocent and was in fact innocent, it is an example of a false + false - true + true -.
Which of the following is not protected by the Uniform Guidelines on employee selection procedures? religion disability race origin.
The percentage of the current workforce that is performing successfully is called the _____. prediction error selection ratio cut score base rate.
A manager evaluates the test scores of 10 applicants for a customer service position and decides who to hire based only on the test data. This is an example of __________ decision making. statiscal clinical comprehensive standard.
According to the textbook, a selection system that uses a compensatory approach could work in which way? An employee is paid for his or her work by an employer. A good score on one test can compensate for a bad score on another test One skill may be substituted for another while working on a project An employee can compensate for bad work by working longer hour.
When using multiple regression techniques, it is common to try out the resulting equation on a second sample to see if it still fits well. This process is known as corroboration multiple testing cross-validation double checking.
Which of the following types of scoring band systems fills positions with scores in lower bands once all of the scores in higher bands have been used? comprehensive fixed sliding standard.
Solar Company employs a hiring approach in which only those who score in the 100–93 range on the cognitive ability test are offered a position with the company. If there are still jobs available after everyone who scores 100 has either accepted or declined a job offer, the band is lowered to 99–92. This is an example of a sliding band. range acceptance. standard error of measurement fixed band.
Critics of banding claim that banding is unnecessary in today’s world banding is racially discriminatory banding is unreliable and untested banding is used to further social goals.
Sub-group norming was determined to be illegal by the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures American Disability Act Civil Rights Act of 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1991.
All of the following are true of subgroup norming except when permissible, it involves ranking individuals within particular demographic groups the Civil Rights Act of 1991 made most subgroup norming illegal. there is explicit prohibition of age norming under Title VII race norming is permissible under specific circumstances.
Which of the following models gathers information about candidates to predict the likelihood of their success on job demands? norm-referenced criterion-referenced utility analysis comprehensive staffing.
An individual does poorly on a written section of a test but later performs extremely well on a performance section. If the performance score eannot supplement for the written score, it is called a _____ system statistical compensatory hurdle staggered.
. An individual does poorly on a written section of a test but later performs extremely well on a performance section. If the performance score ean supplement for the written test score, it is a _____ system statistical compensatory hurdle staggered.
_______________ is being used when individuals with similar test scores are grouped together in a category from which selection decisions are made Multiple regression analysis Cross validation Score banding Standard error of measurement.
. In the _____ band system, candidates in lower bands are not considered until higher bands have been completely exhausted sliding fixed subgroup standard.
In the _____ band system, bands are permitted to be moved down a score point when the highest score in a band is exhausted sliding fixed subgroup standard.
Expert witnesses are witnesses who are allowed to voice opinions in a lawsuit individuals who work within an organization being sued. witnesses who may lie in court individuals who have earned a Ph.D.
An employer is accused of knowingly discriminating against an employee or a group of employees, the accusation would be considered as a case of adverse _________. impact treatment discrimination employment.
A female employer is conducting interviews with a number of male and female applicants. She asks all of the female applicants if they are planning to have children in the near future. The male applicants are not asked this question. This is an example of what type of discrimination? adverse treatment adverse impact unintentional discrimination This does not qualify as discrimination.
If an employer is accused of unknowingly discriminating against a group of employees, the accusation would be considered as a case of adverse ___________. impact treatment discrimination empoyment.
The process in which lawyers are given access to potential witnesses and documents for the other side is called: class certification discovery deposition settlement.
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