

Título del Test:

multiple choices questions

Patricia Ruiz

Fecha de Creación: 23/10/2024

Categoría: Universidad

Número Preguntas: 51
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While attending a fire academy, trainees learn rules and procedures for various types of situations. This type of learning outcome is cognitive behavioral skill-based affective.
The systematic acquisition of skills, concepts, or attitudes that result in improved performance is called training learning evaluation. intelligence.
Declarative knowledge is an example of a __________ learning outcome cognitive behavioral skill-based affective.
The three categories of learning outcomes include all of the following except cognitive behavioral skill-based. affective.
A graphic designer for an Internet web design company goes through a six-week training program. Various technical skills for using software applications are acquired. This type of learning outcome is cognitive. behavioral skill-based affective.
After completing a residency, a medical student learned the importance of interpersonal relations with patients. This type of learning outcome is cognitive. behavioral skill-based affective.
Procedural knowledge is an example of a ___________ learning outcome cognitive behavioral skill-based affective .
A modification in attitudes or beliefs is an example of a(n) __________ learning outcome. cognitive behavioral skill-based affective.
Training needs analysis includes all of the following except organizational analysis task analysis. motivational analysis person analysis.
Which of the following types of training needs analysis examines goals, available resources, and ways in which training should be directed? organizational analysis task analysis motivational analysis person analysis.
Which of the following types of training needs analysis examines what employees must do to perform the job properly? organizational analysis task analysis motivational analysis person analysis.
An assessment of competencies is increasingly being included in which of the following types of training needs analysis? organizational analysis task analysis motivational analysis person analysis.
Which of the following types of analysis identifies which individuals need training and what type of instruction they need? organizational analysis task analysis motivational analysis person analysis.
Which of the following is false concerning a task analysis? It identifies which individuals need training It might consist of determining homogeneous task clusters It can be very helpful in determining training needs. It may include an assessment of competencies.
Objectives are important for training programs because they help compensate for poor instruction by trainers. they allow for loose adherence to a training structure. they clarify what is to be learned in the training program they shorten the training program’s overall length.
Which of the following was not listed as one of the three characteristics of trainee readiness? organizational skills general mental ability goal orientation experience level.
Which category of trainee readiness includes performance orientation? trainee motivation general mental ability goal orientation experience level.
Which category of trainee readiness includes mastery orientation trainee orientation general mental ability goal orientation experience level.
Which type of orientation views mistakes as a part of the learning process? goal orientation mastery orientation training orientation . performance orientation.
. Which type of orientation emphasizes doing well in training and being evaluated positively? goal orientation mastery orientation training orientation performance orientation.
In which type of training environment would an experienced trainee with high ability most likely thrive? a longer, less structured program a shorter, less structured program a longer, more structured program a shorter, more structured program.
According to Skinner, ________ increases the probability that a behavior will be repeated punishment goal orientation positive reinforcement negative reinforcement.
Which of the following is false concerning positive reinforcement? It is most effective when used immediately after a task is completed It increases the probability that a behavior will be repeated A trainer should identify what rewards the learner finds most positive Verbal praise is generally not an effective reinforcement method.
Behavior modification is based on trainee learning. trainee motivation social learning theory reinforcement theory.
The idea that humans can learn indirectly by observing others is based on trainee learning. trainee motivation social learning theory reinforcement theory.
A trainee in a financial firm is assigned to follow a manager for a day in order to observe how to handle various situations. This example is based on principles of trainee learning. trainee motivation social learning theory reinforcement theory. .
Behavior modeling is used to apply the principles of trainee learning trainee motivation. social learning theory reinforcement theory.
The belief in one’s capability to perform a specific task or reach a specific goal is called trainee motivation trainee learning. .self-efficacy goal-setting.
All of the following are ways that a trainee’s self-efficacy level can be increased except using behavioral modeling and providing words of encouragement. emphasizing performance outcomes in the initial stages of training. showing employees the training success of peers in similar jobs helping trainees develop better learning strategies for use in training.
Police recruits who participate in target practice in order to refine their shooting skills are performing active practice . behavior modification behavior modeling. . automaticity.
When a task is over-learned and can be performed with limited attention, the result is active practice behavior modification behavior modeling automaticity.
Which of the following is false concerning overlearning? It is important for jobs where performance on the first attempt is critical. It increases the length of time training material is retained The psychological fidelity of training tasks is not important to the concept of overlearning Extra learning opportunities should be provided even after tasks have been mastered.
Training that involves pilots practicing in a flight simulator that mirrors the actual layout of a real airplane cockpit has psychological fidelity physical fidelity automaticity active practice.
The extent to which a training task helps develop KSAOs required on the job is called psychological fidelity. physical fidelity automaticity. active practice.
A college student who crams for a test the night before is using whole learning part learning. massed practice distributed practice.
A college student who prepares for a test by studying for 2 hours over the last 4 nights before an exam is using whole learning. part learning massed practice. distributed practice.
All of the following are features of learning organizations except they develop systems to enhance sharing of information they emphasize innovation they encourage structure they value the development of employees.
Which type of job training is more common in European countries (e.g., Germany and Denmark) than in the United States? on-the-job training apprenticeship job rotation programmed instruction.
Linear programming is a type of simulator job rotation classroom instruction programmed instruction.
The type of training method that allows learners to practice material that they previously had difficulty with is called classroom lectures linear programming branching programming job rotation.
All of the following are discussed in the textbook as reasons for using a simulator in training except . controlled reproducibility safety considerations cost. time.
The systematic collection of information that can be used to make effective training decisions is called training learning training assessment training evaluation training modification.
In Kirkpatrick’s four-level model, which level measures impressions of the program? level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4.
In Kirkpatrick’s four-level model, which level measures how much was learned in the training program? level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4.
In Kirkpatrick’s four-level model, which level measures how well the behaviors learned in training transfer to the job? level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4.
In Kirkpatrick’s four-level model, which level provides measures of how well the training can be related to organizational outcomes? level 1 (reaction) level 2 (learning) level 3 (behavioral) level 4 (results).
Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning training criteria levels? Level 1 criteria measure trainees’ impressions of the training program Level 2 criteria assess how much was learned in the training program. Level 3 criteria measure how well the learned behaviors transfer to the job. Level 4 criteria measure how well the training can be related to personal goals.
All of the following are true of equal employment opportunity issues in training except organizations should ensure that protected group members pass training programs at a higher rate than majority group members applicants cannot be eliminated from consideration for lacking a skill that can be learned through brief training. training programs should be evaluated in terms of whether members of protected classes are unfairly discriminated against protected group members should have the same access to training experiences that majority group members have.
Coaching is a group-based form of learning, generally with a single leader. a practical, goal-focused form of personal, one-on-one learning a form of learning that pairs two coworkers together in a support system a remedial technique for only the weakest performers. .
A cultural assimilator is used for training programs dealing with sexual harassment cross-cultural issues age discrimination gender discrimination. .
When sexual compliance is stated as necessary for a person to receive a raise or a promotion, there is evidence for ___________________ harassment. hostile work environment. protected class. sexual intimidation quid pro quo.
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