
TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Comunicación profesional en ingles 2

Título del Test:
Comunicación profesional en ingles 2

isabel I Ingles 1º


Fecha de Creación: 13/07/2024

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 30
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1. What type of conditional sentence is the following sentence? If I had stayed at university, I could have got a master’s degree. a. Zero conditional. b. First conditional. c. Second conditional. d. Third conditional.
2. Choose the right form of the verb to complete this sentence: If I continue to exercise like this, I will have _____ active for a whole year by Christmas. a. be b. been c. am d. was.
3. We normally use the passive voice in formal or academic contexts in which it is particularly important to: a. Focus on the actor. b. Reinforce who did the action. c. Focus on the action rather than on the agent. d. Sound informal.
4. Which modal verbs are usually used to express possibility and uncertainty? a. Must and have to. b. May, might, and could. c. Can and could. d. Should and ought to.
5. Complete the sentence with the appropriate adverb to express a finished action in the present perfect tense: He has _____ finished his interview. a. yet b. still c. already d. since.
6. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: I _____ all afternoon and have just finished the assignment. a. have been working b. had worked c. am working d. had been working.
7. Which of the following functions does not belong to modal verbs? a. To express obligation. b. To express possibility. c. To express certainty. d. To express past actions.
8. Which of the following statements does not refer to formal letters? a. Colloquial expressions or slang may be used. b. Contractions must be avoided. c. Formal letters must be concise, short, and relevant. d. Grammar or spelling mistakes must be avoided.
9. Select the correct statement about independent and dependent clauses: a. Independent clauses are subordinate clauses. b. Dependent clauses don’t need to be joined to the main clause to acquire meaning. c. Dependent clauses are complete units of meaning. d. Independent clauses are main clauses.
10. The sentence “Had you become more interested in the issue, I would have talked about it to you” is an example of: a. Zero conditional. b. First conditional. c. Second conditional. d. Third conditional.
11. The relative pronouns who and whom are used to: a. Refer to people, animals, or things. b. Refer to people. c. Indicate possession. d. Refer to animals or things.
12. Which of the following statements is correct when speaking about the present perfect tense and its relationship with time? a. The present perfect tense is used for actions that are finished in the past. b. The present perfect tense refers to actions that are true now but can change. c. The present perfect tense refers to actions that are general and timeless, unlikely to change. d. The present perfect tense is used for actions that started in the past and have continued up to the present or have a connection with the present.
13. Which is the correct structure to form negative sentences in the present simple tense? a. Subject + do/does + not + verb. b. Subject + do/did + not + verb. c. Do/does + subject + not + verb. d. Subject + do/does + verb + not.
14. Complete the sentence with the correct statement: Mixed conditionals are a special type of conditional sentences that combine different verbal tenses to... a. ... convey a timeline of cause and consequence different from the rest of conditional sentences. b. ... invent new consequences for past events. c. ... propose a good idea. d. ... demonstrate that everything in life is possible.
15. Transform the following yes/no question into the reported speech: Did you watch the movie? a. She asked if I watched the movie. b. She asked if I watch the movie. c. She asked if I have watched the movie. d. She asked if I will watch the movie.
16. Choose the equivalent expression for this piece of advice: She ought to study more for her exam. a. She shall study more. b. She would study more. c. She should study more. d. She will study more.
17. In the reported speech, the verb tenses present simple, present continuous, and past simple change into: a. Past simple, past continuous, and past perfect/past simple respectively. b. Past perfect, past continuous, and past perfect/past simple respectively. c. Future simple, past continuous, and past perfect/past simple respectively. d. Future perfect simple, past continuous, and past perfect/past simple respectively.
18. Which conditional would you use to talk about universal truths? a. The zero conditional. b. The first conditional. c. The second conditional. d. The third conditional.
19. When we use past continuous and past simple to communicate concurrent actions, which actions are expressed with the past simple? a. Shorter actions. b. Longer actions. c. Consecutive actions. d. None of them.
20. What is the past continuous used for? a. To talk about current events that have finished. b. To talk about past events. c. To express that an event continued for some time d. To express that we finished doing something.
21. Select the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence: The car, _____ we liked a lot, was too expensive to buy. a. who b. when c. which d. whose.
22. Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. Active: He was talking about the possibility of writing a book. Passive: The possibility of writing a book was being discussed _____ him. a. to b. for c. of d. by.
23. Complete the following sentence with the correct relative adverb: That was the year _____ I graduated. a. where b. why c. for which d. when.
24. Which tense do we use to make predictions with little or no evidence? a. Future simple. b. To be going to. c. Present continuous. d. Present simple.
25. Complete the following sentence with the correct modal verb in past: When I was young, young men _____ the military service. It was compulsory. a. had to do b. musted do c. had do d. must to do.
26. Which of the following uses does not correspond to the present continuous tense? a. Describing something that is happening at the moment of speaking. b. Expressing actions that occur repeatedly in the past. c. Talking about changes or developments. d. Indicating actions planned for the future.
27. Choose the correct structure for the passive voice in English. a. The verb to have + the past participle of the main verb b. The verb to be + the past participle of the main verb. c. The verb to have + the infinitive of the main verb. d. The verb to be + the infinitive of the main verb.
28. Which modal verb is often used to make suggestions with a question, especially in the first person? _____ we go to the office then? a. Could b. May c. Must d. Shall.
29. Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect? a. Does he drink alcohol? b. Does Mary likes thrillers? c. Do John and Peter usually arrive on time? d. Do your mother and father drink milk?.
30. What is the meaning of the following sentence? I wish you were here. a. You have been here. b. You are here. c. You are not here and I miss you. d. You will be here tomorrow.
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