
TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Comunicación profesional en ingles 3

Título del Test:
Comunicación profesional en ingles 3

isabel I 1º test3


Fecha de Creación: 13/07/2024

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 30
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A written and long composition in prose, usually nonfiction, where the author exposes or defends a specific topic, forming an independent part of a book or other publication, as a newspaper or magazine is known as _______ a. Article b. Review c. Abstract d. Report .
It hasn't rained in the last two months, ___________, the rivers and reservoirs are almost empty. a. Therefore b. Nevertheless c. Firstly d. Otherwise .
What is an "abstract"? a. It's a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product information. b. It's a major academic publication c. It's summary of an academic text, technical article, speech, etc d. It's a critical evaluation of a film, book, song, etc. .
A letter of introduction attached to or accompanying another document such as a résumé or curriculum vitae is called… a. an apology letter b. a cover/covering letter c. a letter of complaint d. a candidate rejection letter .
“I have a friend that is from Ethiopia”. The underlined section of the sentence is… a. A passive sentence b. A non-defining relative sentence c. A conditional sentence d. A defining relative sentence .
If you give someone a call, what of the following sentences would be the most formal expression in English? a. Andrew, is that you? b. Would Mr. Williams be in? c. Is Andrew in? d. Is Andrew there? .
“If he ________________ so much at the party and then driven home, he wouldn't be in hospital now because of a car accident.” a. drank b. hadn't drunk c. was not drinking d. is drinking .
Complete with the most suitable preposition: "The email was sent ___ his secretary." a. with b. per c. on d. by .
The sentence “I will give it to you tomorrow”-said Ann, can be reported as: a. Ann said she would have given it to me soon. b. Ann said she had given it to me the day before. c. Ann said she would be glad to give it back to me d. Ann said she would give it to me the following day.
Which sentence is grammatically correct? a. Tom and Jeremiah have been watching TV. b. Tom and Jeremiah have been watched TV. c. Tom and Jeremiah had been watched TV. d. Tom and Jeremiah has been watching TV. .
Which of the following question tags is grammatically correct? a. This notebook is yours, aren't you? b. This notebook is yours, isn't it? c. This notebook is yours, isn't she? d. This notebook is yours, is it?.
In “Freddy Mercury, who was the lead singer and primary song writer of the popular band Queen, died in 1991” the underlined sentence is… a. a defining relative clause. b. a résumé. c. a zero-type conditional clause. d. a non-defining relative clause.
Which of the following statements is true? Modal verbs... a. have an infinitive form. b. use the auxiliary verb "would" to make questions and negatives. c. are invariable in person. d. have a past participle form. .
We commonly use will to... a. talk about plans already made. b. make promises and offers. c. give orders. d. talk about actions that started in the past and have been recently finished.
Which question is grammatically correct? a. Do they often eat out? b. Often do they eat out? c. Do they eat often out? d. Do often they eat out? .
What of the following formulas is more common when we have to end an informal / mail letter? a. Yours faithfully, b. Looking forward to hearing from you c. Hugs, d. Yours sincerely, .
Which sentence is grammatically correct? a. They haven't got any children yet. b. They hasn't any children yet c. They haven't got some children already. d. They don't got any children yet.
In a CV you must include... a. work experience. b. irrelevant personal information. c. a physical description. d. compromising information. .
Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? a. Mary is John’s sister, hasn't she? b. Let’s go to the supermarket, shall we? c. You are going to travelling to Menorca this summer, aren't you? d. Try to fix my watch, isn't it, please? .
We use the present perfect to... a. To describe a habitual action in the present b. To describe a wide range of options in the future c. To describe an action that is recently finished d. To express necessity or ability .
Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? a. She must to come with me b. She must have come with me c. She musted come with me d. She must have coming with me.
In a letter of complaint… a. you have to use a strong and aggressive language b. your address and the address of the person you are writing to should be written at the top c. you can begin the letter with “Hi there” d. it is written in a happy tone, as you are listing a service advantages .
Which sentence is grammatically correct? a. My mum came from her office right now b. My mum is coming from her office at the moment c. My mum will coming from the office at 6pm today d. My mum come from the office every day at 6pm .
The imperative mood is used… a. to make predictions b. to give orders, instructions, to make invitations.... c. to order food in a restaurant d. to pledge for mercy .
Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? a. My brother has been travelled for the past six months. b. My brother has been travelling for the past six months. c. My brother was been travelling for the past six months. d. My brother has being travelled for the past six months.
Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? a. Laura is a firefighter, isn't it? b. Laura is a firefighter, isn't he? c. Laura is a firefighter, isn't she? d. Laura is a firefighter, isn't her?.
Which sentence is grammatically incorrect? a. The substitute teacher will give us a quiz on Friday. b. The substitute teacher is giving us a quiz on Friday. c. The substitute teacher gives us quizzes every Friday. d. The substitute teacher give us quizzes every Friday. .
We lost the last match of the season. ___________, we finished at the top of the conference. . Although. b. Since. c. However. d. Actually. .
Which question is grammatically correct a. Do you have got any more tickets to the movie premiere? b. Got you any more tickets to the movie premiere? c. Has you any more tickets to the movie premiere? d. Have you got any more tickets to the movie premiere? .
Complete the sentence with a suitable verb from the list: “Ronesha published her first research book last year. If she ____________, they wouldn't have given her tenure at Dartmouth.” a. hadn't been so b. hadn't done so c. hadn't being so d. hadn't does it .
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