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conv 2022 Descripción: conv 2022 Autor: Anonim2022 OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 26/10/2022 Categoría: Otros Número Preguntas: 200 |

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Arming a slide: whati is the first step? Check both slides again and say "confirmed - rear slides disarmed and cross-checked" to the No 1 Push downwards on the door handle to ensure the door is closed Place red flag across viewing window Attach girt bar to brackets on the floor. What is a safety strap? This i s a visible barrier that extends across the open doorway It's a strap that is attached to the airstairs to prevent children from falling It's a flap that needs to be lifted when detaching a slide This is a visual warning that the girt bar been attached to the floor brackets and the slide will automatically deploy when the door is opened. We always treat all slides as manual, what does this mean? After slide deployment CC must pull detachment handle to ensure that slide has inflated correctly This means we can treat them as apron slides This means that the slide will always inflate automatically when the slide is armed After slide deployment CC must pull manual inflation handle to ensure that slide has inflated correctly. Each escape slide is automatic, however we treat it as manual. What do we do to ensure it is inflated? A manual slide should inflate "manually" once the door is fully open by manually rotating the door operating handle Once the door is fully open and the slide has deployed a RED manual inflation handle marked "Pull" can be seen. To inflate the slide the red handle is pulled and thrown away, the slide should inflate within 10-30 seconds. Once the door is fully open and the slide has deployed a White detachment handle marked "Pull" can be seen. To inflate the slide the red handle is pulled and thrown away, the slide should inflate within 3-10 seconds Once the door is fully open ant the slide has deployed a RED manual inflation handle marked "Pull" can be seen. To inflate the slide the red handle is pulled and thrown away, the slide should inflate within 3-10 seconds. What is included in the PDIs of the Water Glycol? Pressure gauge must be in the serviceable hand Pin is secure in hanlde Wire seal or handle is intact Stra is present. What is Range and duration of the Water Glycol? Range: 5 feet. Duration: 25-30 seconds Range: 6-10 feet. Duration: 12-24 seconds Range: 15 feet. Duration: 15-30 seconds Range: 30 feet. Duration: 15 seconds. What can the Quick Reference Guide be found? L1 and R2 Jumpseat area (Under Jumpseat) G2 (Aisle side) and L2 Jumpseat Area (Under Jumpseat) L1 and L2 Jumpseat area (Under Jumpseat) G2 (Aisle side). How does No 1 give "Cabin Secure" to the Captain? By pressing 1 and ENT on the acces panel of the flight deck door By pressing password and ENT on the acces panel of the flight deck door By pressing acces code and ENT ont the acces panel of the flight deck door By pressing 1,2,3,4 and ENT ont the acces panel of the flight deck door. How many pieces of a hand luggagage are Priority passengers allowed to carry into the cabin? 1 piece of a hand luggage weighing no more than 10 kg ans a small extra bag 1 piece of a hand luggage with no restriction towards the weight 2 pieces of a hand luggage each weightin 10 kg 2 pieces with a comnined weight of 10 kg. Oven fire: how would you ATTACK the fire? Check area Discharge Halon. Close door Discharge Halon. Use non-flammable liquids Discharge Water Glycol. Crouch behind door. Toilet fire: how would you IDENTIFY? Locate source of fire. Request Crash Axe severity Locate source of fire Locate source of the fire. Check if anybody is inside. Assess severity. Assess severity. Which type of device is permitted to be recharged via USB outlets installed in the F/D? Electronic flight bags (EFBs) Portable DVD player Video camera Laptop computers. B737-800 (BSI): there is a fire in the FWD oven and you are the fire fighter. Where can you find the closest Halon? R2 Jumpseat Area (Above jumpseat) Row 33 ABC (Behind row) G2 Stowage (FWD Face) L1 Jumpseat Area (Above Jumpseat). How would you start the flow of oxygen in a PBE? Pull the red manual inflation handle Pull the white detachment handle Pull off "Pull to inflate" ring in direction indicated Pull off "Pull to Actuate" ring in direction indicated. What is the seating allocation procedure for Passenger whose physical size would possibly prevent them from passing through and emergency exit? They will be seated as close to the main doors as possible. A maximum of tho passengers of this physical size should be seated in any row segment They will be seated as far as possible from the main doors. Ideally only one passenger of this physical size should be seated in any row segment They can be seated anywhere in the cabin as physical size is irrelevant. Ideally only two passengers of this physical size should be seated in any row They will be seated as close to the main doors as possible. Ideally only one passenger of this physicall size should be seated in any row segment. CC arrive to a closed aircraft before the flight crew and the airbrigidge is connected to the L1 door. How can they acces the aircraft? They have to request the engineers to come to open the L1 door They can only open the L2 door They can open the L1 door They will have to wait for the flight crew. Opening a door from outside using mobile steps or with aribridge access: what is the last step? Attach the forward handrail Ensure the exterior handle is placed back into the recess Pull handle down and inwards Slide metal hook forward. B737-800(BSI and Non BSI): where are the PBE located? 2x Flight deck. 2x Under each Jumpseat area 1x Flight deck. 3x G2 (FWD face). 3 G4 (Right and side) 1x Flight deck. 2x Row 33 DEF (Behind row) and Row ABC (Behind row) 1x Flight deck. 2x Under each Jumpseat Area. Doors: what is included in the PDIs when the aircraft door is closed? An open doorway, without airbridge or steps in place, has a safety strap attached Check exterior handle is place Operating handle is vertical Safety strap correctly stowed. Apron slide: what is one of the tasks od the ABPs? Leave the aircraft last and send passengers away from the aircraft Redirect passengers to the nearest avaliable exit Block the exit, commanding "EXIT BLOCKED" Hold the slide straight and away from the aircraft at the bottom for passengers to evacuate. Escape slides: what is included in the PDIs Operating handle is horizontal Girt bar correctly stowed to brackets on floor Cosmetic cober is intact Red warning flag across viewing window. Under floor fire: how would you ATTACK the fire? Discharge the Halon (at least 1 full) Cover the area where smoke/fumes enter the cabin with wet materials Discharge Halon. Use non-flammable liquids Discharge Halon. Do not use water. Oven fire: how would you IDENTIFY? Pull relevant circuit breaker. Crouch behin door. Dampen down Locate source of fire. Assess severity Request Crash Axe. Switch off oven. Assess severity Close oven door. Switch off oven and pull relevant circuit breaker. Asses severity. Toilet fire: how would you PREPARE? Halond and Fire Gloves Water Glycol and Fire Gloves. Consider using PBE. Protect yourself behind the door Halon and Fire Gloves. Consider using PBE. Use Crash Axe to lever off the panel Halon and fire Gloves. Consider using PBE. Crouch behind door. Cabin battery Fire: what would you do after donning PBE and Fire gloves? HALON--DISCHARGE FULLY Non-flammable liquid/Water Glycol--AS REQUIRED Wet towels--DISTRIBUTE TO PASSENGERS PASSENGERS--MOVE AWAY. Which of the following is a precaution of the Halon? Ehen using the halon PBE must always be used Only to be used on electrical fires Always damps down fire area with water after use, except electrical fires To be used only if large amount of smoke. General Cabin fire drill: what does PREPARE mean? Take the relevant Firefighting roles Locate the exact source of fire (usually with the back of the hand) Assess severity. Take required initial action Collect and don relevant firefighting equipment. If there is large amount of smoke/fumes, PBE must be worn Collecr and don relevant firefighting equipment. PBE must be always worn if smoke/fumes present. General Cabin fire drill: what does IDENTIFY mean? Check for sign of re-ignition Locate the exact source of the fire (usually with the back of the hand) Assess severity. Take required initial action Locate the exact source of the fire (usually with the palm of the hand) Assess severity. Take required initial action Use appropiate equipment (Halon/Water Glycol, Fire gloves, when necessary-PBE, Crash axe, Metal bar box). When using the PBE, which of the below is correct? If the bag containing the PBE has become soft, it can still be used While wearing PBE communication will not be impaired To remove the PBE grasp the neck seal and pull over the face The neck seal must not be damaged when putting on the PBE. PBE operation: what would you do after opening the storage case? Tear off the red pull strip Shake hair to remove any excess O2 Check neck seal for a secure fit Place the PBE in a metal tray or box. Arming a Slide: What is the first step? Push downwards on the door handle to ensure the door is closed Check both slides again and say"Confirmed-rear slides disarmed and cross-checked" to the No 1 Attach Girt Bar to brackets on the floor Place red flag across viewing window. What is the purpose of Crash Axe? To cut throug obstruction in order to locate electrical fire To cut through obstructions or lever off panels in toilets only in order to get to the source of the fire To cut through flight deck door in order to gain access to the source of a fire in the flight deck To cut through obstructions or lever of panels, in order to gain access to the source of a fire. How do we open Overwing Emergency Exits from Inside? 1. Pull handle down and inwards 2. Exit opens out and upwards automatically 1. Push in panel 2. Exit opens out and upwards automatically 1. Pull handle up and toward the rear of the aircraft 2. Exit opens out and upwards automatically 1. Pull clear Perspex cover down and inwards 2. Exit opens out and upwards automatically. When using an Apron Slide, how can ABPs first reach the bottom of this slide? Sliding off the wing Climbing down the slide using handles at either slide Using the Flight deck escape ropes Using the Over-wings escape ropes. Each escape slide is automatic, however we treat it as manual. What do we do to ensure it is inflated? A manual slide should inflate "manually" once the door is fully open by manually rotating the door operating handle Once the door is fully open and the slide has deployed a RED manual inflation handle marked "Pull" can be seen. To inflate the slide the red handle is pulled and thrown away, the slide should inflate within 10-30 seconds Once the door is fully open and the slide has deployed a WHITE detachment handle marked "Pull" can be seen. To inflate the slide the red handle is pulled and thrown away, the slide should inflate within 3-10 seconds Once the door is fully open and the slide has deployed a RED manual inflation handle marked "Pull" can be seen. To inflate the slide the red handle is pulled and thrown away, the slide should inflate within 3-10 seconds. What are No 4 Cabin Secure Cheks? Cabin secure checks at rows 1-10. Toilet checks in FWD toilet. Give "Cabin secure" to the No 1. Immediately take seat Cabin secure checks at rows 21-33. Toilet checks in FWD toilet. Give "Cabin secure" to the No 1. Immediately take seat Cabin secure checks at rows 11-20. Toilet checks in FWD toilet. Give "Cabin secure" to the No 1. Immediately take seat Cabin secure checks at rows 1-10. Toilet checks in rear toilet. Give "Cabin secure" to the No 1. Immediately take seat. Which passengers must be given additional pre take-off safety briefing (in addition ot safety demo)? Nervous passengers Paaengers seated at row 33 All ABPs onboard the aircraft Passengers seated at the overwing exit rows. Which type of device is permitted to be rechardged via USP outlets installed in the F/D? Portable DVD player Electronic flight bags (EFBs) Video Camera Laptop Computers. Disarming a slide: what will the No3 do after removing the red flag from the window? No2 will then return to L2 door and physically confirms No3 will then return to R2 door and physically confirms No3 will then return to L1 door and physically confirms No3 will then return to R1 door and physically confirms. Apron slide: what is one of the tasks of the ABPs? Leave the aircraft last and send passengers away from the aircraft Redirect passengers to the nearest avaliable exit Block the exit, commanding "EXIT BLOCKED!" Hold the slide straight and away from the aircraft at the bottom for passengers to evacuate. Which of below are some of the PDIs of the No4? Cabin checks at rows 11-21 Cabin checks at rows 11-20 Cabin checks at rows 1-11 Cabin checks at rows 1-10. Which of below are some of the PDIs of the No3? Cabin checks at rows 1-10 Cabin checks at rows 21-33 Cabin checks at rows 11-20 Cabin checks at rows 11-21. Which of below are some of the PDIs of the No 2? Cabin checks at rows 1-10 Cabin checks at rows 11-20 Cabin checks at rows 21-33 Cabin checks at rows 22-33. Which of below are some of the PDIs of the No 1? L2 door Flight deck door All G2 stowages and equipment R1 door. What does JU stand for? Juliet Joing Union Junior CC Junior Unit. How do the Flight Crew contact the CC? By pressing the attendant button in the cockpit. In the cabin an amber light will illuminate on the master call panel None of the options are valid By pressing the attendant button in the cockpit. In the cabin a pink light will illuminate on both forward and aft master call panels By pressing the attendant button in the cockpit. In the cabin one pink light will illuminate on the forward master call panel only. The aft master panel light does not illuminate. When does ELS operate electrically? ELS switch is pressed on the AFT CSA panel None of the options are valid Switch in the flight deck from armed to on There is a loss of aircraft power. When does ELS operate automatically? None of the options are valid ELS switch is pressed on the AFT CSA panel Switch in the flight deck from armed to on There is a loss of aircraft power. Who is calling who, if Amber Light Illuminates in the Master Call Panel? A passenger calls the flight crew A passenger calls from a cabin seat A passenger calls from the toilet An aircrew calls another aircrew. Who is calling who, if a Pink Light illuminates in the Master Call Panel? A passenger calls the flight crew A passenger calls from a cabin seat An aircrew calls another aircrew A passenger calls from the toilet. When will a Blue Light illuminate in the Master call Panel? A passenger calls from a cabin seat The flight crew call from the Flight Deck An aircrew calls another aircrew A passenger calls from the toilet. If the CC neet to make PA, what should be done? Dial 8 and press and gold "push to talk" None of the options are valid Dial 2 on the interphone Dial 5 5 on the interphone. If CC need to call CC, what should be done? None of the options are valid Dial 8 and press and hold "push to talk" Dial 2 on the inteprhone Dial 5 4 on the inteprhone. Where is a Master Call Panel situated? It is installed in the forward and aft ceiling of the cabin and the seiling between the overwing exits at rows 16-17 It is situated in each toilet It is installed in the forward and aft ceiling of the cabin It is installed above flight deck door. In a "NON BSI Aircraft", what setting must the lights be put to when flying in the hours of darckness? Ceiling, Entry, Window, Work, Galley and Area OFF Ceiling, DIM, Entry, Window, Work, Galley and Area OFF Ceiling, NIGHT, Entry, Window, Work, Galley and Area OFF Ceiling and Entry DIM, Window, Work, Galley and Area OFF. What to consider when retracting the Airstairs? Always press and hold RETRACT and STANDBY switches and hold until fully retracted Door must be closed fully while retracting Door must be pulled over and left in a position which will allow visual monitoring Door must be opened fully for the operator (No1 or No4) to monitor carefully retraction. Airstairs operation in standby mode: what is correct? Captain's permission is obtained before use Standby mode can be used for retracting and extending Airstairs can be retracted in standby mode at No1 direction Press and hold the EXTEND and STANDBY switches and hold until fully extended. What to consider when extending the Airstairs? Open door fully while extending Press and hold EXTEND and STANDBY switches until airstairs are fully extended Leave the door at the cocked position while extending Press and hold STAIR OPER and EXTEND switches until airstairs are fully extended. Where are the Airstairs located? Below both the L1 and the L2 door None of the options are valid Below the L1 door Below the L2 door. How do you open a flight deck window? Rotate the lock release in the handle. Rotate the handle outwards. Slide the window aft until it is fully open Squeeze the lock release in the handle. Rotate the handle outwards. Slide the window aft until it is fully open Squeeze the lock release in the handle. Rotate the handle inwards. Slide the window aft until it is fully open Rotate the handle inwards. Slide the window aft until it is fully open. When do we use R1 and R2 doors on everyday basis? For boarding passenger with special needs by means of an ambulatif only Passengers and crew entry and exit For catering the aircraft only For boarding passenger with special needs by means of an ambulatif and for catering. How much time is allocated to Aircrew to complete theis post-flight duties? 35 minutes after the actual landing time 30 minutes after the actual landing time 60 minutes after the actual landing time 45 minutes after the actual landing time. Whar does CSS stand for? Cabin Crew's Safety Standard Cabin Safety Supervisor Cabin's Safety Standard Cabin Service Supervisor. During a cabin crew pre-flight safety briefing which topics must be covered? One Safety and one Security Topic One Safety, one Security and one First Aid Topic One Security and one First Aid Topic One Safety and one First Aid Topic. In those aircraft with a Boeing Sky Interior, what changes in the onboard equipment can be noticed? No equipment at L1 Jumpseat Area (Above Jumpseat). 1x Halon, 1x Fire gloves at G2 (Fwd Face) 1x Halon at L1 Jumpseat Area (Above Jumpseat). 1x Water Glycol and 1x Fire Gloves at G2 (Fwd Face) No equipment at L1 Jumpseat Area (Above Jumpseat). 1x Water Glycol, 1x Halon, 1x Fire Gloves at G2 (Aisle side) No equipment at L1 Jumpseat Area (Above Jumpseat). 1x Water Glycol, 1x Halon, 1x Fire Gloves at G2 (Fwd face). Ehich of below are some of the PDIs of the No4? All G2 stowages and equipment Flight Deck door All G4 (right hand side) stowages and equipment Under L2 Jumpseat. Which of below are some of the PDIs of the No4? R1 Slide L2 Door Above R2 Jumpseat Cabin checks rows 1-12. Which of below are some of the PDIs of the No3? All G2 (Aisle side) stowages and equipment ELT All G4 (right hand side) stowages and equipment Behind 33 ABC. Which of below are some of the PDIs of the No2? Behind row 33DEF Assigned door checks at R1 door Overqing exit All G4 (left hand side) stowages and equipment. What is included in the PDIs of the Photoluminescent floor path marking? Charge strip for 10 minutes Overhead bins opened Cabin Lights max bright/max white bright when first entering the aircraft Boarding permitted while chargind strips. What is included in the operation of Halon? Remove pin Twist handle clockwise as far as possible Remove the extinguisher from the protective bag Press the trigger. How many Halon extinguishers do we carry on board? 5 2 3 4. How do we open Overwing Emergency Exits from Inside? 1. Push in panel 2. Exit opens out and upwards automatically 1. Pull handle down and inwards 2. Exit opens out and upwards automatically 1. Pull clear Perspex cover down and inwards 2. Exit opens out and upwards automatically 1. Pull handle up and towards the rear of the aircraft 2. Exit opens out and upwards automatically. How does No 1 give "Cabin Secure" to the Captain? By pressing 1 and ENT on the access panel of the flight deck door By entering password and ENT on the acces panel of the flight deck door By pressing and ENT on the acces panel of the flight deck door By pressing acces code and ENT on the access panel of the flight deck door. How many pieces of a hand luggage are Priority passengers allowed to carry into the cabin 1 piece of a hand luggage weighing no more than 10 kg and a small extra bag 1 piede of a hand luggage with no restriction towards the weight 2 pieces of a hand luggage each weighting 10kg 2 pieces with a combined weigt of 10kg. How would you remove the PBE? Move away from the fire. Grasp the top of the hood and pull forward over the face. Place PBE in a metal tray or bar box. Shake hair to remove any excess O2 Grasp hole in neck seal and widen with thumbs and pull forward over the face. Place PBE in its original case and stowage Move away from the fire. Grasp hole in neck seal widen with thumbs and pull forward over the face. Place PBE in a metal tray or bar box. Shake hair to remove any excess O2 Grasp the hood by the life support pack and pull it up. What is the seating allocation procedure for passenger travelling with a child of less than 12 years of age? Child is not required to be seat within close proximity of an accompanying adult The child will be seated in the opposite seat row segment as the accompanying adult. Where this is not possible, the child will be seated no more than one seat row or aisle away The child will be seated in the same row segment as the accompanying adult. Where this is not possible, the child will be seated no more than one seat row or aisle away The child can sit anywhere in the cabin except emergency exit rows whether they are seat close to an accompanying adult or not. Disarming a slide: which door will the No1 physically confirm (confirm slide is disarmed and physically check red flag status)? R2 R1 L1 L2. General Cabin fire drill: what does PREPARE mean? Take the relevant Firefighting roles Locate the exact source of fire (usually with the back of the hand). Asses severity. Take required initial action Collect and don relevant firefighting equipment. It's there is large amount of smoke/fumes, PBE must be worn Collect and don relevant firefighting equipment, PBE must be always worn if smoke/fumes. When using the PBE, which of the below is correct? While wearing PBE communication will not be impaired If the bag containing the PBE has become soft, it can still be used To remove the PBE grasp the neck seal and pull over the face The neck seal must not be damaged when putting on the PBE. What must each Demo Kit contain? 1x a Safety instruction card, 2x a lifejacket--infant/adult types-ditching purposes, 1x an oxygen mask (non-operational), 1 x demo infant/extensions seat belt 1x a Safety instruction card, 1x a lifejacket (yellow and non-operational) 1x an oxygen mask (non-operational), 1x a demo infant/extension seat belt 2x a Safety instruction card, 2x a lifejacket (yellow and non-operational) 2x an oxygen mask (non-operational), 2x a demo infant/extension seat belt 1x a Safety instruction card, 1x a lifejacket (yellow and non-operational) 1x an oxygen mask (non-operational), 4x a demo infant/extension seat belt - spare gor infant distribution. What does it mean if the LAVS INOP indicator illuminates in the rear CSA panel? Toilet Flush Valve is failing to reset Water tap buttons are not shutting off the running water Waste tank is fully and all toilets are inoperative Waste tank is empty and fully operational. How would you lock/unlock the toilet from the outside? Lift the "LAVATORY OCCUPIED" sign and slide the latch across Lift the "RETURN TO SEAT" sign and slide the latch across Lift the "NON SMOKING" sign and slide the latch across Lift the "LAVATORY" sign and slide the latch across. Where is the Water Shut Off Valve in the aft galley? In the cabinet below the sink There is no water shut off valve in the galley Below the boilers at floor lever Above each boiler at eye level. If the No2 becomes incapacited inflight, what is the procedure? No2 becomes No1, No3 becomes No2, No4 becomes No3 None of the options are valid No1 remains in position, No3 becomes No2, No4 remians in position No1 remains in position, No3 remains in position, No4 remains in position. CC incapacitation Prior to Departure: if there is NOT a positioning qualified Ryanair CC avaliable and fit to operate, what are the safety demostration position? The No1 shall verbally do the safety demostration PA. The remaining CC shall conduct the safety demostration in rows 1 and 11 The No1 shall verbally do the safety demostration PA. The remaining CC shall conduct the safety demostration in rows 1 and 16 No1 FWD galley monitoring the safety demo, No2 row 21, No3 row 11, No4 row 1 The No1 shall verbally do the safety demostration PA. The remaining CC shall conduct the safety demostration in rows 1 and 21. What does incapacitation mean? "To be deprived of his capacity to respond" and "To be rendered incapable to breathe" "To be deprived of his capacity or natural poxer to breathe normally" and "To be rendered incapable or unfit" "To be given capacity or natural power" and "To be rendered capable or fit" "To be deprived of his capacity or natural poxer" and "To be rendered incapable or unfit". Who has the responsability of ensuring the Cabin Defect Log Book has been completed? Anybody from the aircrew Captain No2 No1. What do we have to do if we want to use the Loudhailer? Point it towards the fuselage Squeeze the handle, press lips to mouthpiece and speak normally We must ask for Captain's permission We must check the red light flashes at no more than 10 seconds intervals. B737-800 (BSI and Non-BSI): where are the ELT type A or B located? R2 Jumpseat area (Under Jumpseat) L1 Jumpseat area (Above Jumpseat) G4 (Left Hand Side) L1 Jumpseat area (Below Jumpseat). What statement is correct regarding the Pocket Mask? There are three pocket masks. One inside the Green FAK, one inside the AED and the other in G2 (Aisle side) There are two pocket masks. One inside the White FAK and the other in Hatbin G2 (Aisle side) There are two onboard. One inside the White FAK and one inside the Green FAK There is one pocket mask inside the White FAK. Which rows of the following are considered to be Direct Access? 1ABC, row 2, 16,17 and 33 1ABC, row 16 and 17 1ABC, 2DEF, row 16,17 and 33 1ABC, 2DEF, row 16 and 17. How many cabin crew will remove the incapacited pilot? 4 2 1 3. B737-800 (BSI): What must be done to any passenger travelling with an infant in row 2DEF? They have to re-seated as infants are not allowed in 2DEF They simply have to be briefed as the IFD is in the PSU above E seat They have to be briefed as the IFD is under the E seat They have to recive an IFD from the CC for duration of the flight. "No1 to the Flight Deck" is heard during boarding, what will the No2 do after receiving the NITS from the Captain? No2 repeats back to Captain Repeats back as a group with No3 and No4 andy synchronises watches No2 repeats back to No1 No2 gives NITS to No3 (if not at the overwing). What is part of the operation of the Oxygen bottle? Do not let go the bottle below 2/4 full If passenger requires oxygen for landing - brief an ABP, ensure the captain is informed Ensure mask is attached to low flow for emergency use bottles Children use low flow. When using Portable Oxygen what should be done after informing the Flight Deck and making a no smoking PA? Attach mask to hi flow In the stowage - check oxygen flow. Turn fully clockwise and watch for the green indicator Ensure bottle is 3/4 to full In the stowage - check oxygen flow. Turn fully anti-clockwise and watch for the green indicator. B737-800 (BSI and Non-BSI): where is the Crash Axe located? 1x L1 Jumpseat area 2x Flight Deck We do not carry a crash axe on board 1x Flight deck. B737-800 (BSI and Non BSI): What equipment can you find at row 33 ABC (Behind row)? 1x ELT Type C 1x ELT Type A or B 2x O2 Bottles 1x Halon. B737-800 (BSI and Non BSI): a child sitting in row 10 ABC need Oxygen, where can you find the Child Oxygen mask? G2 (Aisle side) R2 Jumpseat area (Above jumpseat) G4 (Left hand side) G2 (Fwd face). "No 1 to the Flight Deck" heard during boarding, what will the No2 immediatley do? Goes to the Fwd galley to wait for No 1 and receive a NITS briefing Stop immediately wht he is doing and moves quickly to his assigned exit door Press the call bell 3 times and call the N3 from the over-wings Stop passengers from entering the aircraft. How would you inflate an Adult life jacket? To inflate, pull sharply down on the red inflation toggle (when outside the aircraft), Should the lifejacket fail to inflate pull down sharply again To inflate, pull sharply down on the red inflation toggle (when outside the aircraft), Should the lifejacket fail to inflate, blow into the inflation tube Fully inflate out of sight of passengers using red inflation toggle. Partially deflate by a third Blow into the inflation tube. Should the lifejacket fail to inflate pull down sharply the yellow inflation toggle. Which of the following is a PDI on the Portable Oxygen bottle? Mask attached to Hi flow for emergency use bottles Gauge reads 1/4 to full For children/infants use child/infant oxygen mask Cartridge is visible in handle of the bottle. While of the following is a PDI on the Portable Oxygen bottles? Wire seal on the handle Pin is secure in the handle Mask attached to low flow for emergency use bottles Strap is present. Which of the following is a PDI on the Portable Oxygen bottles? Seal is intact Date Gauge reads 3/4 to full Mask attached to hi-flow for therapeutic use bottles. Which of the following is a precaution when using the AED? Do not touch the casualty after the analysis period Pads must be placed on the casualty's chest before turnin on the AED If passengers recover pads must be removed from the passengers chest Do not touch the casualty during the analysis period. What is included in the PDIs of the Loudhailer? Stop switch in place Aerial stowed Red light flashes every 5-10 seconds Sqweeze the handle, green light flashes. Pilot incapacitation - Care of the Pilot: if breathing is normal what will you immediatley do? Consider moving pilot to forward galley. A JU CC will occupy the pilot seat from langing First aid and monitor. Consider use Quick don O2 on emergency First aid and monitor. Consider use of emergency oxygen bottle from the cabin Commence CPR & AED. Adaptin an Adult Life Jacket to child: how can you prevent it from slipping over the child's head once in water? By blowing in the inflation tube Bu pulling the inflation toggle By attaching the crotch strap By placing it over the head, passing the strap around one leg and attaching the buckle. When using Portable Oxygen, what should done after placing the carry strap arounf the neck of an ABP or CC No smoking PA Inform the Flight Deck Sit Passenger upright Do not let go below 3/4 full. Which of below are some of the PDIs on the No4? Cabin checks at rows 11-20 Cabin checks at rows 11-21 Cabin checks at rows 1-11 Cabin checks at rows 1-10. Which of below are some of the PDIs on the No3? Cabin checks at rows 1-10 Cabin checks at rows 21-33 Cabin checks at rows 11-20 Cabin checks at rows 11-21. When do aircrew report for work? No later than 1 hour before departure No later than 45 min before departure No later than 50 min before departure No later than 20 min before departure. Who is calling who, if a Pink Light illuminates in the Master Call Panel? A passenger calls the flight crew A passenger calls from a cabin seat A passenger calls grom the toilet An aircrew calls another aircrew. If the CC need to make PA, what should be done? None of the options are valid Dial 8 and press and hold "pusch to talk" Dial 2 on the interphone Dial 5 5 on the interphone. Airstair operation in standby mode: what is correct? Captain's permission is obtained before use Standby mode can be used for retracting and extending Airstairs can be retracted in standby mode at No 1's direction Press and hold the EXTEND and STANDBY switches and hold until fully extended. Ehat are the PDIs on the Flight Deck Door? No1--Emergency Access code unlocks the door. Flight crew--Flight deck door switch unlocks the door None of the options are valid No1--Emergency Access code unlocks the door. Flight crew-- Deny feature operational No1--Door locks when"kill switch" is activated. Flight crew--Deny feature operational. What does PU stand for? Purser a rostering code referring to No1 Portable Unit Power Unit Passenger's Unit. What does CSS stand for? Cabin Crew's Safety Standard Cabin Safety Supervisor Captain's Safety Standard Cabin Service Supervisor. Which of below are some of the PDIs of the No3? All G2 (Aisle side) stowages and equipment ELT Behind 33 ABC All G4 (right hand side) stowages and equipment. Where does the No2 perform the SOS demo? At row 11 At row 10 At row 21 At row 1. When will Flight Crew command "Brace, Brace" over the PA? After giving the Evacuation command After the Aircraft has reached a complete stop At 2 minutes to landing When impact is imminent. Where is the assist space for No3? Between L2 Jumpseat and L2 door frame facing the aft of the a/c Between R2 Jumpseat and R2 door frame facing the aft of the a/c Beside R1 door frame facing the aft of the a/c Between L1 Jumpseat and L1 door frame facing the aft of the a/c. In an emergency, ABP for the left overwing exits will be briefed by whom? No3 No4 No1 No2. In a time avaliable emergency, a buddy system will be set up for the forward cabin by whom? No1 and No3 No2 and No3 No1 and No2 No1 and No4. In an emergency, who brief ABPs for the L2 and R2 doors? No3 No4 No1 No2. During an evacuation on land all CC are assigned different doors to evacuate the aircraft, which door will be used by the No1? Left overwing exit R1 L1 L2. What areas does the No3 check after evacuation? Rows 22 to 33. Rear galley, Rear toilets Flight Deck, Fwd galley, Fwd toilet Rows 21 to 33. Rear galley, Rear toilets Rows 11 to 20. Rear galley, Rear toilets. What areas does the No2 check after evacuation? Flight Deck, Fwd galley, Fwd toilet Rows 11 to 22, Rear galley, Rear toilets Rows 21 to 33, Rear galley, Rear toilets Rows 22 to 33, Fwd galley, Fwd toilets. How would manually open the compartment containing the O2 drop down masks above each of the main doors? By a switch in the flight deck. (Switching the passenger oxygen from Normal to ON) None of the options are valid Swiping along the bottom of the panel with an ID/Bank card Inserting a hairpin or tie pin in the hole of the compartment cover. When does Advanced Hypoxia occur and what are the symptoms? 10,000 ft - Headaches, yawing occasional deep breath 14,000 - Headaches, tiredness, blurred vision, loss of muscular co-ordination and possible personality changes 18,000 ft - Convulsion, Collapse, Coma and possible personalty changes 20,000 ft - Convulsion, Collapse, Coma and possible death within minutes. What altitude does Extreme Hypoxya occur at? 6 - 8 000 feet 20 000 feet 14 000 feet 10 000 feet. What is a rapid decompression? None of the options are valid This is a sudden loss of cabin pressure, which takes less than 10 seconds to equialise with the outside pressure This is a fast loss of cabin pressure, which can take less than 15 seconds to equalise with the outside pressure This is a gradual loss of cabin pressure, which can take mote than 10 seconds to equalise with the outside pressure. What is a slow decompression? This is a sudden loss of cabin pressure, which takes less than 10 seconds to equalise with the outside pressure None of the options are valid This is a gradual loss of cabin pressure, which can take less than 10 seconds to equalise with the outside pressure This is a gradual loss of cabin pressure, which can take more than 10 seconds to equalise with the outside pressure. Time available Emergency on Land. When using the QRG, what will the No1 read out loud first, to ensure that the relevant checklist has been found? Memory items Reference Items CC Actions The Condition Statement. For how long will the generator produce the oxygen for Passengers and Crew? 20 minutes 12 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes. Decompression: if the masks have dropped down how much time should you wait for the emergency descent to initiate or " No1 to Flight Deck" before any action? 90 seconds 120 seconds 10 seconds 60 seconds. What does NITS stand for? Nature, Intention, Time, Special Information Nature, Intention, Time, Special Instructions Nature, Intention, Time, Other Nature, Intention, Turbulence, Special Instructions. Where is the assist space for Noo4? Between L2 jumpseat and L2 door frame facing the aft of the a/c Between R2 jumpseat and R2 door frame facing the aft of the a/c Beside R1 door frame facind the aft of the a/c Between L1 jumpseat and L door frame facing the aft of the a/c. Where is the assist space for No2? Between R2 jumpseat and R2 door frame facing the aft of the a/c Between L2 jumpseat and L2 door frame facing the aft of the a/c Beside R1 door frame facing the aft of the a/c Between L1 jumpseat and L1 door frame facing the aft of the a/c. Time avaliable Landing ABP briefing fot rhe Overwing Exits (No3 and No4): what are the specific instructions the No3 and the No4 will give to ABPs at the window (A and F) Ask the ABP's at the window (A and F) to go out, stand on the wing just outside the exit (making sure not block the exit), assist passengers out of the exit and direct them to slide off the wing (using evacuation commands) Ask the ABP's at the window (A and F) to open the exit first by turning the handle in the direction of the arrow, go out first, slide off the wing, stay at the bottom of the wing to assist passengers to their feet and move them away from the aircraft Ask the ABP's at the window (A and F) to open the exit, remove the rope from its stowage and hook it to their own lifejacket, proceed out on the wing and attach the rope to the ring, then go into the water and keep passengers together Ask the ABP's at the window (A and F) to open the exit, go out first, slide off the wing, stay at the bottom of the wing to assist passengers to their feet and move them away from the aircraft. Time available Landing ABP Briefing for the Overwing Exits (No3 and No4): What are the specific instructions the No3 and the No4 will give to ABPs in B and E? Ask the other ABPs (B and E) to go out next stand on the wing just outside the exit (making sure not ot block the exit), assist passengers out of the exit and direct them to jump off the wing (using evacuation commands) Ask the other ABPs (B and E) to stand in the assist space (making sure not to block the exit). assist passengers out of the exit and direct them to slide off the wing (using evacuation commands) Ask the other ABPs (B and E) to open the exit, fo out first, slide off the wing, stay at the bottom of the wing to assist passengers to their feet and move them away from the aircraft Ask the other ABPs (B and E) to go out next, stand on the wing just outside the exit (making sure not to block the exit), assist passengers out of the exit and direct them to slide off the wing (using evacuation commands). What equipment should be taken by the No4 during a Time Avaliable Evacuation on Land? ELT type A/B, White first aid kit Loudhailer, Green first aid kit White first aid kit ELT type C (if fitted), Loudhailer. No time Evacuation on Land: what will you do after pulling the manual inflation handle? ELS -- ON(No2) Door -- OPEN Jumpseat -- UNSTRAP ABPs -- SEND(two to assist at the bottom od the slide). Decompression: what will you do as a No1 on hearing "No1 to the flight deck", after removing your oxygen mask? ABPs -- BRIEF(Assigned doors No1/2) Toilets -- CHECK NITS -- No1 RECEIVED Fire or structural damage -- CHECK. Decompression: what will you do as a JU CC once you have met in the forward galley? ABPs -- BRIEF First Aid -- ADMINISTER Fire or structural damage -- CHECK No smoking and reassurance PA -- COMPLETE. Decompression: which setting should you select on the quick don O2 mask if pilots are incapacited? HI FLOW EMERGENCY 100% NORM. If you realise that the flight crew are not aware of a decompression, what is the first step you should follow? Therapeutic oxygen -- ON (use other avaliable drop-down oxygen mask) Quick don oxygen masks -- ON No1 -- CALL Aft interphone -- CALL FLIGHT DECK. What is part of Crowd Control Procedures? Gather survivors close to the aircraft Demostration of brace position - point at safety card Be forceful and shout with authority - Use loudhailer if possible Let passengers take control. What is part of Craowd Control Procedures? Show Seatbelts and the Brace Position Stay in control - Do not let passengers take control Loosen tight clothing The Airport will organize survival plans. How would you lock/unlock the toilet from the outside? Lift the "LAVATORY OCCUPIED" sign and slide the latch across Lift the "RETURN TO SEAT" sign and slide the latch across Lift the "LAVATORY" sign and slide the latch across Lift the "NON SMOKING" sign and slide the latch across. CC incapacitation inflight: if there is a positioning qualified Ryanair CC available and fit to operate, which of the following is correct? He/she may sit in the R2 jumpseat wearing a hi-viz jacket and assume the responsabilites of No3, under the direction of No2 (Make a PA, re: hi-viz) He/she shall be responsible for both No2 and No3's duties under normal and emergency situations He/she may sit in the L2 jumpseat wearing a hi-viz jacket and assume the responsabilities of No3, under the direction of No2 He/she may sit in 33D wearing a hi-viz jacket and assume the responsabilities of the No3, under the direction of No2. B737-800 (BSI and Non BSI): where is the AED located? G2 (FWD Face) Row 33 ABC (Behind row) G4 (Left Hand Side) G4 (Right Hand Side). When fuelling and the number of passenger is less than 150 where should the No4 be? Next to the R1 door, if not assisting passengers Next to the L1 door, if not assisting passengers At the boarding gate At the overwing exits. How many CC are required to be onboard when fuelling during embarkation/disembarkation and passengers are present? 1 2 4 3. What is part of the operation of the Oxygen bottle? If passenger requires oxygen for landing - brief an ABP, ensure the captain is informed Do not let go the bottle below 2/4 full Children use low flow Ensure mask is attached to low flow for emergency use bottles. B737-800 (BSI and Non BSI): how many crew life jackets we have on board and where are they located? 2x Under each Jumpseat area 4x Flight Deck. 1x Under each Jumpseat area 4x Flight Deck. 2x Under each Jumpseat area 2x Flight Deck. 2x Under each Jumpseat area. B737-800 (BSI and Non BSI): what equipment can you find at L2 Jumpseat area (Under Jumpseat)? 18x Extension/Infant Seatbelts, 1x Demo kit, 5x Spare adult life jackets 1x Loudhailer, 1X Pocket mask, 1x Bio-hazard kit 2x PBE, 2x Torch, 2x Crew life jackets, 1x QRG 1x Halon, 1x Water Glycol, 1x Fire Gloves. "No1 to the Flight Deck" heard during boarding, what will the No2 immediately do? Stop immediately what he is doing and moves quickly to his assigned exit door Goes to the fwd galley to wait for No1 and receive a NITS briefing Stop passengers from entering the aircraft Press the call bell 2 times and call the N3 from the over-wings. What is the command used by Flight Crew to initiate a "Rapid Disembarkation"? "Disembark! Disembark! Use all available doors" "This is a rapid Disembarkation! Leave the aircraft immediately using all available exits" "This is an emergency, evacuate the aircraft using all available exits" "Disembark the passengers immediately using all available doors, disembark the passengers immediately using allavailable doors". Whch form is completed by the CC to report a SAFA inspection? Witness Statement Inflight Report Cabin Crew Report Miscellaneous report. Go Around: What will the No1 do after making a PA to the passengers? Perform SOS Demo Call the Captain and say: "Captain to Flight Deck, No1 standing by" Be prepared should an evacuation be required Wait 4-5 mins, call the Captain and say: "Cabin to Flight Deck, No1 standing by". Tail strike: what will CC do after informing the Flight Crew? Brief assigned ABPs CC will shout "Heads down, Grab ankles, Stadown" CC would stay in their assigned stations and observe inside and outside conditions Complete a Cabin Preparation Checklist. Rejected Take-off: what will No2 immediately do after the No1 has made the PA? No2 will immediately command passengers: "Brace, Brace" No2 will secure his assigned area No2 unstraps from jumpseat and will meet in fwd galley for a NITS briefing No2 picks up aft interphone and says "Cabin to Flight Deck, No2 standing by". Rejected take-off: what command will you shout to the passengers if the aircraft veers off the runway? None Head down, Grab ankles, Stay down Stop! Go Back! Brace, Brace. Rejected take off: what will the No1 immediately do after the a/c has come to a complete stop? Wait 4-5 mins and make a PA to the passengers Wait 4-5 mins, call the Captain and say: "Cabin to Flight Deck, No1 standing by" Call the Captain and say: Cabin to Flight Deck, No1 standing by" Make a PA to the passengers. Time available Ditching ABP Briefing AFT Doors: which of the following is correct? Instruct ABPs to guard the doors and redirect passengers to the overwing exit Once ABPs have been selected brief them in their seats Explain the ABPs will be the first off the aircraft When the Aircraft reaches a complete stop, hold the passengers back until the CC have confirmed the slides have been inflated. Which are commands to be used during an evacuation on water at the overwing exits? Hold the rope! Stop! Go back! Sit and Slide! Slide off the wing!. Whichof the following is correct in a ditching? When the a/c is fully stopped, No2 and No3 unstrap from jump seat and redirect passengers to over wing exits. ABPs will help redirect passengers. Command would be use: "Stop go back, go to the over wing exits" All options are correct Aft doors must not be used durins a ditching In a time available ditching the CC will carry out the SOS demo instructing the passengers on how to don the lifejacket. Which command will be used at the rear doors during an evacuation on water? Stop! Go back! Go to the overwing exit! Hold the rope! Jump and Slide! Come this way! Keep moving, jump!. During an evacuation on water all crew members are assigned different doors to evacuate the aircraft, which door will be used by the No2? Right overwing exit R1 Left overwing exit L1. During evacuation on water all crew members are assigned different doors to evacuate the aircraft, which door will be used by the No4? R1 Right overwing exit L1 Left overwing exit. Which form should the No1 complete at the end of each day? Cabin Crew Safety Report Inflight Report End of Duty Report Inflight special report. Which form should be used by CC to report non-safety related events? Cabin Crew Operational Report Witness Steatement Cabin Crew Report Inflight Special Report. Time Available Ditching: what is the first memory item? ELS -- ON(No2) Cabin preparation checklist -- COMPLETE Cabin secure -- GIVE NITS -- RECEIVE. No Time Available Ditching: what is the first memory item? ABPs -- BRIEF Jumpseat -- UNSTRAP Brace position -- HOLD ELS -- ON(No2). Time Available Ditching: what step should be taken by No1 and No4 immediately after unstrapping from jumpseats? Assigned equipment -- TAKE Cabin lights -- BRIGHT Outside conditions/slide armed -- CHECK Evacuation -- COMMENCE. What should the No3 do upon hearing "Cabin Crew Standby"? Proceed to FWD Galley and receive NITS from the No1 Be ready to evacuate paz at overwings Stop what he/she is doing wuickly move to assigned exit door Proceed to the AFT Galley and wait dor the NITS from No2. You are No2 and during take off you hear a "scraping sound/loud bang", what will you do? Unstrap and proceed to the FWD Galley Immediately press 2 and talk to the CPT Immediately press 5 5 and talk to No1 Immediately press 222 and talk to the CPT. Time Available Ditching ABP Briefing for the Main Doors (No1) where the CC are able to carry out an evacuation: what is the first task of the ABP's after the CC have confirmed that the slide has ben inflated? When the aircraft comes to a complete stop, hold the passengers back When the aircraft comes to a complete stop, do nos wait for Captain's command, check outside conditions and open the door Leave the Aircraft first and assist passengers in the water Leave the aircraft last, just before the CC and assist passengers in the water. Time Available Ditching ABP Briefing for the Main Doors (No1) when CC are Incapacited: the briefing on WHEN to open the exit includes? WHEN - The Aircraft has come to a complete stop, unstrap from the seat, check outside conditions, open the exit WEHN - The Aircraft has come to a complete hold passengers back, leave the aircraft first and send passengers away from the aircraft WHEN - The aircraft has come to a complete stop, unstrap from seat, check outside conditions, on the Captain's command "This is an emergency, evacuate the aircraft using all available exits" remove incapacitated CC from the jumpseat and open the door WEHN - The aircraft has come to a complete stop, unstrap from seat, check outside conditions, do not wait for Captain's command as clearly catastrophic, remove incapacitated CC from the jumpseat and open the door. Time Available Ditching ABP Briefing for the Overwing Exits: what arte the specific instructions the No3 and the No4 will give to ABPs at A and F? Ask the ABP's at the window (A and F) to go out, stand on the wing just outside the exit (making sure not to block the exit), assist passengers out od the exit, tell passengers to hold and move along the rope Ask the ABP's at the window (A and F) to open the exit, go into the water and keep passengers together Ask the ABP's at the window (A and F) to open the exit, remove the rope from its stowage and hook it to their own lifejacket, proceed out on the wing and attach the rope to the ring, then go into the water and keep passengers together Ask the ABP's at the window (A and F) to open the exit, go out first, slide off the wing, stay at the bottom of the sing to assist passengers to their feet and move them away from the aircraft. Time Available Ditching. ABP Briefing for the Main Door (No1) where CC are incapacited: which of the following is correct? Explain the ABPs will be the last off the Aircraft with the CC ABPs will be briefed by No1 in their seats When the aircraft has come to a complete stop there is no need to wait for CPT command as the situation is clearly catastrophis, remove incapacited CC from Jumpseat, and open the door Passenger instructions include"Come this Way, Keep Moving, Jump". Time Available Ditching: what will you do as a No3 after unstrapping from jumpseat? Door - OPEN Crow control procedures -- COMMENCE Passengers -- REDIRECT ELS -- ON. No Time Available Ditching: When will the No2 switch on the ELS? After taking the assigned equipment After commencing the evacuation Once all passengers are all out After unstrapping from jumpseat, once the aircraft has reached a complete stop. No Time Available Ditching: when will you be donning you life jackets as a No2? At 30 seconds to landing After switching on the ELS, once the aircraft has reached a complete stop After reciving the NITS Before completing the SOS Short Notice PA. No Time Available Ditching, what is the next step after pulling the manual inflation handle? Detachment handle -- PULL Self -- EVACUATE Ditching survival plant -- COMMENCE Outside conditions/slide armed -- CHECK. Time Available Ditching - Short Notice: what will you do after receiving a NITS briefing? Position -- TAKE Life Jacket -- DON ELS -- ON(No2) Outside conditions/slide armed -- CHECK. Time Available Ditching - Short Notice: what will you do after checking your assigned area once all passengers are out? Passengers -- COMMAND "Brace,Brace"! Manual inflation handle -- PULL Assigned equipment -- TAKE (if time permits) Passengers -- REDIRECT. Go aroung: when will the No1 make a PA to passengers? After waiting 4-5 minutes Once the aircraft has reached a complete stop on the runway When the engine noise has increased and the climb can be felt After informing the Captain of any relevant information. What areas does the No1 check after evacuation? Flight Deck, Fwd galley, Fwd toilet Rows 10 to 1, Fwd galley, Fwd toilet Flight Deck and rows 1 to 11 Rows 1 to 11. What is The Time os consciousness at 40,000 feet? 30-50 seconds approx 18 mins approx 18 seconds approx 30 seconds approx. During a time available - short notice emergency, what command would you shout to the passengers 30 seconds before landing? Cabin to Flight Deck Head down, brace, brace Brace, Brace Head down, grab ankles, stay down. During a time available emergency, what command would you shout to the passengers 30 seconds before landing? Head down, brace, brace Cabin to Flight Deck Head down, gran ankles, stay down Brace, brace. "No1 to the Flight Deck" - A/C on the Ground, CC in Jumpseats. What does the No2 have to do immediately after recivering NITS from the CPT? Repeat NITS to No3 Repeat NITS to No4 Repeat the NITS to No1 Repeat the NITS back to the CPT. Decompression: if the masks have dropped down how much time should you wait for the emergency descent to initiate or "No1 to Flight Deck" before taking any action? 90 seconds 120 seconds 60 seconds 10 seconds. What does NITS stand for? Nature, Intention, Time, Special Instructions Nature, Intention, Time, Special Information Nature, Intention, Time, Other Nature, Intention, Turbulence, Special Instructions. No time Evacuation on Land: what will you do after opening the door? Manual inflation handle -- PULL Position -- TAKE ELS -- ON(No2) Brace position -- HOLD. Time Available Evacuation on Land: what will you do "After evacuation"? Assigned equipment -- TAKE (if time permits) ELS -- ON(No2) Crowd control procedures -- COMMENCE Buddy system -- SET UP. Time Availavle Evacuation on Land - Short Notice: what is the first memory item? NITS -- RECEIVE Passengers -- COMMAND "Brace, Brace!" Position -- TAKE SOS DEMO -- COMPLETE. |
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