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CRK test

Iñigo AA

Fecha de Creación: 18/03/2025

Categoría: Otros

Número Preguntas: 30
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How Many CBs panel are in the CRJ1000 cockpit Only two Five Six Four.
AC ESS BUS is normally powered by AC BUS 1 Failure of AC BUS 1 sensed by the AC ESS BUS automatic transfer will change AC ESS BUS feed to AC BUS 2 Manual transfer is the only way to change AC ESS BUS feed from AC BUS 1 to AC BUS 2 Failure of AC BUS 2 sensed by the AC ESS BUS automatic transfer will change AC ESS BUS feed to AC BUS 1 Manually transfer is necessary to change AC ESS BUS feed from AC BUS 2 to AC BUS 1.
115 volts AC is supplied to 4 TRUs for DC static conversion, which are rated at: 50amps 70amps 100amps 120amps.
A fail light illuminated by one of the auto transfer switches indicates: Generator under frequency or a bus tie operation Fault preventing auto transfer Generator over frequency or a bus tie operation Generator low frequency or a bus tie operation.
AC BUS 1(2) powersource priorities are: On side generator, off side generator, APU generator, ground power. On side generator, APU generator, off side generator, ground power. On side generator, off side generator, ground power, APU. On side generator, APU generator, off side generator, ADG, ground power.
AC from generator 1 and generator 2 is controlled by: APU GEN switch, GEN 1 switch, GEN 2 switch AC ESS XFER switchlight, IDG 1 and 2 switchlights AC switchlight GEN 1 and 2 switches and IDG 1 and 2 DISC switchlights.
AC power can be provided by two engine generators, APU generator, and ADG ... At any altitude but the ADG will not deploy above 30.000 feet and a GCU provides the same regulation and protection as the IDG GCU's but the APU will not operate above 37.000 feet.
ESS TRU 2 is powered through? AC ESS BUS AC SERV BUS AC BUS 2 AC BUS 1.
In case of an DC EMER BUS Fail: FIREX is inoperative FIDEEX is inoperative. Cargo FIREX system is inoperative. Engine Fire detection is inoperative.
In ight, the AC service bus is normally power from AC bus 2. On the ground: It is powered from the APU or external AC It is powered from the AC bus 1 It is powered from the AC bus 1 or external AC It is powered from the external AC during Service Con guration.
In the electrical system we will nd: 5 AC buses, 2 Batteries, 1 ACPC’s, 1ADGPC and 2 DCPC’s. 5 TRU’s, 1 Battery, 2 ACPC’s and 1 DCPC. 4 AC buses, 4 TRU’s, 2 ACPC and 2 DCPC’s. 4 AC buses, 9 DC buses, 1 Batteries and 1 ACPC.
The rudder command-by-wire system transfers pedal input to the rudder control units: hydraulically through the power control units hydraulically through the command transducer modules electrically through the command transducer modules. automatically through fhe FCCs.
The rudder control units (RCU) control the following functions: (select the most complete) Rudder control and rudder trim. RTL, Rudder control, Yaw damping and rudder trim RTL, Rudder control and rudder trim Rudder control, Yaw damping and rudder trim.
Rudder movement is achieved... through a Control-By-Wire system that consists of 3 elements (1 CTU, 1 RCU and 1 PCU) through a mixed system of poles and Control-By-Wire. With wi through a Control-By-Wire system that consists of 3 CTU, 3 RCU and 3 PCU.
RCU means: Rapid Control Unit. Rudder Control Units Radar control unit Runway control Unsafe.
CTM means Control Transducer Monitoring Command Transfer Motor (located at the rudder pedals) Command Transducer Modules (located at the rudder pedals) Control Transducer Modules (located at the avionics compartment).
PCU means: Power Control Units Pulse Control Units (elements conected to the rudder pedals) Power Center Units (to prevent undesired movement on the ground) Power Control Unserviceable.
Yaw damping is a funtion of the... FCCs ADCs MDCs RCUs.
The aileron and elevator controls are equipped with control disconnects which permit the pilot or the copilot to maintain su cient lateral and longitudinal control in the event of a control jam. the pilot or the copilot to maintain su cient lateral and longitudinal control at any time the pilot to maintain su cient lateral control in the event of a control jam. the copilot to maintain su cient longitudinal control in the event of a control jam.
In the event of a double engine failure, the primary flight controls will remain hydraulically powered from ACMP 2B, which will be powered from the ADG bus in an emergency EDP 3B, which will be powered from the ADG bus in an emergency. ACMP 3B, which will be powered from the ADG bus in an emergency. ACMP 1B, which will be powered from the ADG bus in an emergency.
There are two Spoiler/Stabilizer Control Units (SSCUs) that automatically control operation of the spoilers, horizontal stabilizer, and pitch feel trim. the spoilers, RCU, horizontal stabilizer trim, and pitch feel control the spoilers, horizontal stabilizer trim, and aps. the spoilers, horizontal stabilizer trim, and pitch feel control.
Multifunction spoilers are hydraulically powered from... hydraulic systems 2 and 3 hydraulic systems 1 or 3 hydraulic systems 1 and 2 hydraulic systems 1 and 3.
Control wheel movement also generates electrical inputs to the Spoiler and Stabilizer Control Units (SSCUs) for roll assist which is provided by the elevator. for roll assist which is provided by the ight spoilers for roll assist which is provided by the multi-function spoilers. for yaw assist which is provided by the multi-function spoilers.
Rudder movement is performed through: Hydraulic PCUs Electric PCUs Actuators Electrical motors.
Hydraulic power - HYD 1 HI TEMP Caution MSG: Requires QRH procedure. Requires Inmediate actions (Memory Items) No action is required. No action is required because the uid will dump outside.
EDP 1 makes sure hydraulic power to the next systems... Left aileron Right aileron ALTN Gear Right Thrust reverser.
EDP 2 makes sure hydraulic power to the next systems.. All rudder PCU UPPER RUDDER PCU MIDDLE RUDDER PCU BOTTOM RUDDER PCU.
ACMP3 makes sure hydraulic power to the next systems... Left thrust reverser UPPER RUDDER PCU MIDDLE RUDDER PCU BOTTOM RUDDER PCU.
Each hydraulic 1 and 2 systems are monitored by: Temperature and pressure switches without temperature and pressure transducers and quantity transducers and indicating gauges Temperature and pressure switches, temperature and pressure transducers and quantity transducers and indicating screens Temperature, density and pressure switches Temperature and pressure switches, temperature and pressure transducers and quantity transducers and indicating gauges.
AC BUS 1 must be powered for hydraulic pump 2B operation and AC BUS 2 must be powered for hydraulic pump 1B operation. hydraulic pump 1B operation and AC BUS 2 must be powered for hydraulic pump 2B operation. hydraulic pump 3B operation and AC BUS 2 must be powered for hydraulic pump 1B operation hydraulic pump 2B operation and AC BUS 1 must be powered for hydraulic pump 3B operation.
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