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English After adjetives/verbs DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS


Fecha de Creación: 27/01/2024

Categoría: Otros

Número Preguntas: 83
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Great news! I have finally succeeded ____ getting my refund from the bank!.
Why are you smiling ____ me? I’m not joking!.
I’m sorry but I’m not interested. I don't believe ____ that kind of thing.
Yesterday Craig applied ____ a new job. He said he was tired of working here.
Ok I’ll do it! I volunteer ____ take the cat to the vet.
Harry walked straight into a glass door this morning. I couldn’t help laughing ____ him! .
Most kids are keen ____ playing video games.
Luke’s pretty good ____ organising events, maybe you should ask him for help.
My father’s always been interested ____ gardening.
Try not to be too sensitive ____ criticism. It can often be constructive!.
I was unaware ____ her medical condition. I feel I should have been informed.
I’m fed up ____ my job! I’m overworked and underpaid!.
Anna is terrified ___ spiders.
She’s really ashamed ___ your behaviour.
I’m not really upset ___ my team’s results.
They were bored ___ the film.
I was really surprised ___ Mark’s news.
He apologized ___ the police officer ___ driving fast.
I`m fed up ___ sitting in this traffic jam.
We`re very exited ___ going to Brazil.
I`m anxious ____ the meeting.
He`s anxious ___ his family.
I`m glad ___ my new job.
I`m glad ___ you.
I`m very close ___ my elder sister.
I`m very pleased ___ my new car.
I`m really impresed ___ your words.
She is addicted __ addrenaline.
She is satisfied ___ her daughter`s decisions.
She is very kind ___ animals.
The parts are packed and ready __ shipping.
You're responsible ___ cleaning your own clothes and linens.
Mark is excellent __ painting.
Doing regular exercise is good ___ you.
Sam is very good __ her mother - he dows all her shopping.
Julia is incapable __ making a decision.
That car is very similar __ your last one.
Spoken Portuguese is different ___ Spanish.
Lisa is keen __ tracing her family tree.
Lisa is fond ___ looks.
You aren't very involved __ that book, are you?.
The listeners were all greatly interested ___ the lecture.
John can’t go with you – he’s short ___ money.
He has only recently become fit ___ the competition.
He is famous ___ his role role in Sherlock Homes.
He is disappointed ___ the president.
He is disappointed ___ their decision.
I never argue ___ my husband ___ money.
We're arriving __ Milan on Sunday.
We're arriving at Malpensa airport at 3:45.
Could you ask the waiter __ the bill.
Do you believe ___ stereotypes?.
Who does this book belong ___?.
I can't choose ___ these two bags.
We might go out. It depends __ the weather.
I dreamt ___ my childhood last night.
Don't laugh __ me! Im doing my best!.
I'm really looking forward __ the party.
If I pay ___ the meal, can you get the drinks?.
This music reminds me __ our honeymoon in Italy.
I don't spend a lot of money ___ clothes.
We need to talk __ Anita ___ her school report.
Answer, demand, discuss, enter, expert, leave, phone, request About of None In.
Complain, hear, know, read, speak/talk(to sh about sth), think, write, dream, arge I spoke to the manager ___ the problem with the car. About At In Of.
Arrive (concrete site), laught, look, shout, stay, smile They wanted to stay ___ the party. At About In Into.
Apologise, apply, ask, care, look, pay, wait All he had to do then was find somebody who would pay ___ it For Of In At.
Arrive, believe, stay, succeed, invest I believe ___ ghost In Into About On.
Bump, crash, drive, run If she drives ___ town, we will meet Tom for lunch Into Of On About.
Approve, consist, hear, think, remind This song reminds me __ our wedding day Of Into At About.
Spend (money), concentrate, decide, depend, rely, insist I can't concentrate ___ my work. On At In With.
Look forward, belong, explain, happen, listen, speak/talk (to sb about sth), write, say, volunteer I'm going to talk to Pedro about We’re looking forward __ him arriving next week. To About In With.
Agree, deal, stay, argue, compare, spend time Pedro's job is to deal ___ difficult customers With To For Into.
Work _____ a multinational company.
I`m ______ charge ___ the IT Department.
I'm responsible ____ customer loans.
I'm ____ school (University).
I'm ____ my third year ___ University.
I live ____ the country, surrounded ____ fields.
I live ___ the outskirts ___ Oxford.
I live in Cromer, a small town ___ the east coast.
I live ___ the second floor of a large block of flats.
I live ___ Croydon, __ suburb of London.
I live ___ __ village (city, town).
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