TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Driving test trinidad and Tobago

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Driving test trinidad and Tobago Descripción: Hand signals Autor:
Fecha de Creación: 09/01/2025 Categoría: Test de conducir Número Preguntas: 6 |

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To signal that you are making a Right Turn Extend the right hand at shoulder level with palm facing forward. Extend the right hand with palm facing forward below the level of the shoulder, and wave it forward and backward. Extend the right hand at shoulder level, palm facing forward, and rotate it in an anti-clockwise direction. Extend the right hand at shoulder level, with palm facing downward, wave it downwards and upwards, keeping it below the level of the shoulder. To signal that you are Stopping Extend the right hand at shoulder level, with palm facing downward, wave it downwards and upwards, keeping it below the level of the shoulder. Extend the right hand at shoulder level with palm facing forward. Extend the right hand with palm facing forward below the level of the shoulder, and wave it forward and backward. Extend the right hand at shoulder level, palm facing forward, and rotate it in an anti-clockwise direction. To signal that it is Unsafe to Overtake Extend the right hand at shoulder level, palm facing forward. Extend the right hand with palm facing forward below the level of the shoulder, and wave it forward and backward. Extend the right hand at shoulder level, palm facing forward, and rotate it in an anti-clockwise direction. Extend the right hand at shoulder level, with palm facing downward, wave it downwards and upwards, keeping it below the level of the shoulder. To signal that you are making a Left Turn Extend the right hand at shoulder level, palm facing forward, and rotate it in an anti-clockwise direction. Extend the right hand at shoulder level with palm facing forward. Extend the right hand at shoulder level, with palm facing downward, wave it downwards and upwards, keeping it below the level of the shoulder. Extend the right hand with palm facing forward below the level of the shoulder, and wave it forward and backward. To signal that it is Safe to Overtake Extend the right hand with palm facing forward below the level of the shoulder, and wave it forward and backward. Extend the right hand at shoulder level with palm facing forward. Extend the right hand at shoulder level, with palm facing downward, wave it downwards and upwards, keeping it below the level of the shoulder. Extend the right hand at shoulder level, palm facing forward, and rotate it in an anti-clockwise direction. To signal that you are Slowing Down Extend the right hand at shoulder level with palm facing downward, and wave it downwards and upwards, keeping it below the level of the shoulder. Extend the right hand at shoulder level with palm facing forward. Extend the right hand with palm facing forward below the level of the shoulder, and wave it forward and backward. Extend the right hand at shoulder level, palm facing forward, and rotate it in an anti-clockwise direction. |
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