TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Driving test trinidad and Tobago

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Driving test trinidad and Tobago Descripción: Regulations for light vehicles Autor:
Fecha de Creación: 07/01/2025 Categoría: Test de conducir Número Preguntas: 85 |

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At an intersection where there is a flashing amber traffic light you must? Stop if making a left turn Continue at the same speed Slow down and proceed with caution Stop if making a right turn. Identification plates which must be placed in an upright position in front and rear of a motor vehicle must be painted in: Yellow background with black letters and numbers? Black background with white letters and figures or white luminous background with black letters and figures? Black background with yellow letters and figures? Does not matter what colour once it is large enough?. You should under all conditions drive at a speed that will allow you to: Stop within 150 metres (500 feet)? Stop within 90 metres (300 feet)? Stop within 60 metres (200 feet)? Stop within a safe distance?. At night when you meet another vehicle with blinding bright lights, the safest thing to do is: Open and shut your eyes rapidly? Look slightly to the left hand side of the roadway? Turn your lights on high beam? Look at the head lights of the approaching vehicles?. When descending a steep hill, a good safe driving practice is to: Disengage the clutch and coast? Gear down and use motor to assist in braking? Place the gear shift in neutral? Turn off the ignition?. When driving a Motor Vehicle on the highway at night, you should use low beam headlights (dim lights) when: Another driver dims his lights? Blinded by the headlights of an approaching vehicle? Approaching an intersection? Meeting or following another vehicle?. When a red signal light with a green arrow is shown at an intersection it means Proceed with caution in the direction of the arrow, giving way to traffic on the full green light? Stop and wait for green light before making a turn? Stop and then proceed? The green arrow is a signal for pedestrians only?. At what age a provisional driving permit for P. Car will be granted? 21 years. Any age. 16 years. 17 years. In Port-of-Spain and San Fernando it is unlawful to reverse: Straight, for a reasonable distance? On Frederick Street, Port-of-Spain? Round a corner or junction? On High Street, San Fernando?. Before moving your car from a parked position, you should: Signal and pull from curb? Check other traffic, signal and pull from curb when it is safe to do so? Sound your horn and pull from curb slowly? Check other traffic, signal and pull from curb quickly?. If a Traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the intersection, which of the following has the right of way? The pedestrian. Motorists coming from the right. Motorists coming from the left. Motorists making turns. It is more dangerous to drive at the maximum speed limit at night than during the day-time because: Your reaction time is slower at night? You cannot see as far ahead at night? Some drivers unlawfully drive with parking light only? he roadways are more apt to be slippery at night?. When approaching a red traffic signal light and a police in uniform motions you to go through, you must: Stop to make sure the police wants you to go through? Call the policeman's attention to the red light? Wait for the red light to turn green? Go through at once?. When on streets designed for two-way traffic, you hear the siren of an emergency vehicle, what does the law require you to do? Pull to the left and stop. Slow down to 15 kilometres (10 miles) an hour. Stop and then proceed. Continue at the same speed. When approaching an intersection where a stop sign faces you, what does the law require you to do? Slow down and proceed when it is safe to do so. Stop and proceed when it is safe to do so. Stop and then proceed. Yield right of way if necessary to vehicles approaching from the left or right. Parking lights may be used: When driving on well-lighted streets? When driving in heavy rain? At any time? For parking only?. What brakes are required by law to be fitted on a motor vehicle? Hand-brakes only. Power brakes Two independent braking systems each capable of stopping the vehicle within a reasonable distance. Foot brakes only. You are permitted to drive a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, under the authority of a provisional permit, provided: The vehicle you are driving is covered by collision insurance? You have a licensed driver on the seat beside you? You practice driving in daylight hours only? Your vehicle is equipped with a dual braking system?. Which of the following has the right of way over all other at an intersection when the signal light is green? Pedestrians crossing with the light. Pedestrians crossing against the light. Vehicles turning left. Vehicles turning right. When driving on a dual carriageway, what does the law require you to do? Drive on the left side of the carriageway except when overtaking Drive on the right side of the carriage-way next to the traffic island. Drive in the middle of the carriageway. Drive either right or left of the carriageway. When the driver of another vehicle is about to overtake and pass your vehicle, you must: Speed up so that passing is not necessary? Move to the right to prevent passing? Signal the other driver not to pass? Move to the left and allow such vehicle to pass and shall not speed abreast the overtaking vehicle?. Never change lanes in traffic without: Looking in the rear-view mirror only? Giving proper signal and looking to make sure that the move can be made safely? Blowing your horn and looking to the rear? Decreasing speed and giving correct signal?. When your motor vehicle is broken down on the roadway what does the law require you to do? Try repairing it. Leave it on the roadway and look for a mechanic. Go home and think about it later. Immediately remove it as near to the left of the roadway as possible and indicate its presence by lighting or otherwise. Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit allowed in the City, Boroughs, Villages or built-up areas is: 30 kilometres (20 miles) an hour? 60 kilometres (35 miles) an hour? 40 kilometres (25 miles) an hour? 50 kilometres (30 miles) an hour?. Except when you intend to over-take and pass another vehicle or when you intend to make a right turn, you should: Drive in the centre of the roadway? Always keep well to the right? Always keep well to the left? Drive on the shoulder of the highway?. When driving a motor vehicle, the law requires at all times full control and view, therefore a child should be carried: On the seat left of the driver or on the rear seat? On the seat right of the driver? On your lap? In your arm?. Every accident must be reported to the police when someone is injured or damage is done to property: Within a week? In five days? Immediately to a police in uniform or the nearest police station? Does not matter if it is trivial?. How far from a corner or road junction would you park your motor vehicle? 9 metres. Not less than (30ft). 3 metres. (10ft). Any distance. 6 metres. (20ft). What must a driver do before entering a highway from a private road or driveway? Give hand signal then take right of way. Enter or cross the highway as quickly as possible. Sound horn and proceed with caution. Give right of way to all vehicles approaching on the highway. Every driver of a motor vehicle on the roadway is required by law to keep his driving permit and insurance for the vehicle: At home? At office and must be able to produce same at the request of the police within 48 hour? Anywhere that is convenient? Either on his person or in the vehicle?. Before leaving your car parked on a down-grade, you should: Turn your front wheels to the right and set your parking brakes? Set your parking brakes only? Leave your front wheels parallel to the curb? Turn your front wheels to the left and set your parking brake?. A broken centre line on a roadway means you may: Pass if the way is clear? Never pass? Pass only during daylight hours? Pass at any time?. Double white lines in the centre of a roadway mean: It is unsafe to overtake and pass? Pass only when no traffic is in sight? It is safe to overtake and pass? Pass at any time?. A flashing red light at an intersection means: Stop, proceed only when it is safe to do so? Slow down and yield right of way to a car approaching from your left or right? Stop, proceed only when the light changes to green? Slow down and drive with increased caution?. In Port-of-Spain, San Fernando and Arima it is unlawful to sound your horn: During the day? At nights? Between the hours of 9 p.m. to 5.30 a.m.? During the day? Between 7.30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.?. Most automobile skids are a result of: Over-inflated tyres? Driving too fast? Under-inflated tyres? Wet road?. When filling petrol in the tank of a motor vehicle, what does the law require you to do? Switch off the engine. Smoke Keep the engine running. Use a naked light to see that the gas gets into the tank. If the signal light changes from green to amber as you approach an intersection what must you do? Stop. If a stop cannot be made safely proceed with caution. Sound horn to warn pedestrians and other drivers. Continue through the intersection without slowing or stopping. Speed up to clear the intersection as quickly as possible. When towing a motor vehicle on the roadway the chain, drawbar or rope must not exceed: 3 metres? (10 feet)? 6 metres? (20 feet)? 4.5 metres? (15 feet)? Any length would do?. When driving a motor vehicle, traffic or hand signals should be given by: Anybody in the vehicle? The passenger in the rear? The person on the left of the driver? The driver only?. When a constable on point duty gives a traffic control signal to enable any vehicle to proceed in an indicating direction who will have the right of way? The motorist proceeding in the direction indicated. The pedestrian about to cross the current flow of traffic. The cyclist wanting to cross the flow of traffic. Anybody can go. What offence is committed when someone changes or allows to be used by another person any identification mark or motor vehicle licence? Larceny Fraud. No offence. Disorderly behaviour. In what lane of traffic should you drive when you are going to make a right-hand turn on a wide two-way street? The centre lane. Close to the right side of the roadway. Close to the left side of the roadway. Does not matter if you give proper signal. When travelling on a highway, the driver of a motor vehicle is not permitted to carry in a house or boat trailer: Pets? Persons? Firearms? Flammable materials?. You are required to keep a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you, at 50 kilometres (30 miles) an hour you should keep at least: Five car lengths behind the other vehicle? One car length behind the other vehicle? Three car lengths behind the other vehicle? Seven car lengths behind the other vehicle?. Who has the right of way at a round-about? Vehicles going straight. Those on the left. Who reaches there first. Those coming from the right. It is in order for a driver to overtake: Round a corner? Where the road ahead is clear for a sufficient distance to enable him to overtake and get back to the left before meeting traffic coming from the opposite direction? On a hump-backed or narrow bridge? At the brow of a hill?. In one second a car moving at 30 miles (50 kilometres) per hour travels: 9 metres (30 feet)? 10 metres (35 feet)? 17 metres (55 feet)? 13.5 metres (44 feet)?. How close to a fire hydrant you may legally park? 1.5 metres (5 feet)? 6 metres (20 feet)? 3 metres (10 feet)? 4.5 metres (15 feet)?. What is the law as regards the colour of your vehicle? Paint in a colour of your choice. It must not be in the colour of the protective services. It can be painted blue. It can be red or blue. In what position on the roadway must you be, before making a right turn from a one-way street? Close to the left side of the roadway. Close to the right side of the roadway. Close to the centre line of the roadway. Does not matter if you give proper signal. When may you lend your driver's license? For identification purposes. It is not permitted. In emergencies. To a person learning to drive. Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit on the highway outside of the City, Boroughs, Villages or built-up area is: 80 kilometres (50 miles) an hour? 60 kilometres (40 miles) an hour? 50 kilometres (30 miles) an hour? 100 kilometres (60 miles) an hour?. The maximum length of a combination of vehicles must not exceed: 10 metres (35 feet)? 18 metres (59 feet)? 17 metres (55 feet)? 15 metres (50 feet)?. What projections are allowed on a Motor Vehicle or trailer? 0.91 metres (3 feet) in front. 0.3 metres [1 (one) foot] on each side. Any length once you carry a red flag at the end of the load. 1.5 metres [5 (five) feet in front and rear, and not more than 0.3 metres [one (1) foot] on either side beyond the plane of the wheels. Who is deemed the "Owner" of a Motor Vehicle? The person buying the vehicle. The person for whom the vehicle was bought. The person in whose name the vehicle is registered. The person in possession. Every Motor vehicle and trailer, operating when lights are required must show at the rear: A red light and stop light? A red light and white identification plate light? A red reflector and stop-light? A stop light?. In what condition should your vehicle be kept? Clean. Anyhow once you have good brakes and steering. The vehicle and all the fittings thereof shall be in such a condition as not to cause, or to be likely to cause, danger to any person on the vehicle or on the public road. One defective tyre does not matter. When carrying excess projection on a Light Motor Vehicle, what is required by law? A red flag at both ends in the day and red light at night. Permission must be obtained from the Commissioner of Transport. A white flag at both ends in the day. Permission from the Police Officer in charge of the division; and a white flag in the day and a red flag at night, at the rear end of the load. Who else, other than a Police Officer, Transport Officer or Traffic Warden in uniform can lawfully stop the driver of a Motor Vehicle on the roadway? Any person in charge of a horse or any other animal. A cadet in uniform A soldier. A fireman. The load on a light goods vehicle should be: Placed anyhow once the driver thinks it is safe? Properly secured in such a manner to prevent displacement of any portion when in motion? Covered with a flapping tarpaulin? Held by one or two of the loaders?. What does "Tare" means in reference to a light goods vehicle? The actual weight of the vehicle when unladen. The actual weight of the vehicle when unladen, but inclusive of the body, accumulators, loose tools, spare wheels and a full supply of water and fuel used for the purpose of propulsion. The weight of the vehicle with load. The weight of the vehicle with the driver and loaders. How would you determine the weight your light goods vehicle should carry? When you see the spring touching the chassis. When the tyres go soft. Subtract the "Tare" weight from the "M.G.W." Any weight if the vehicle can go with it. If a Transport Officer has reason to believe that a motor vehicle does not conform to the provision of the Act or Regulations, and call up the vehicle for inspection at the Licensing Department, the owner may: Refuse to comply having passed inspection one week before? Come up for inspection after seeking an appointment? Comply as instructed? Come up when he wishes?. What weight is considered a light motor vehicle? M.G.W. of 2950 kilograms (6,500 lb.) and under. Any motor vehicle of which the M.G.W. exceeds 2950 kilograms (6,500 lb.). 1,016 kilograms (1 ton). M.G.W. of under 2540 kilograms (5,600 lb). Are you allowed to park a vehicle on a pedestrian crossing? Yes, if no pedestrians are using it. Yes, if it is a passenger vehicle. No, never. Yes, as long as there are no Police around. What is the penalty for exceeding the speed limit by 21km to 30km per hour? $2,500.00 and 3 Demerit Points $2,000.00 and 4 Demerit Points $3,000.00 and 6 Demerit Points $1,500.00 and 2 Demerit Points. As a road user, why do I ensure that I get enough rest before I drive? I like to sleep. Driving tired is just as dangerous as driving drunk. Both (a) and (b). None of the above. What is the legal limit for drinking and driving in Trinidad and Tobago? 35 micrograms. 5 millilitres per 100 micrograms of breath. 35 micrograms per 100 millilitres of breath. 36 millilitres per 100 millilitres of breath. What is the key characteristic of a designated driver? Owns the vehicle. Wears a designated driver's badge. Abstains from drinking alcohol. Drives a bus. Which of the following actions, when performed while driving, is considered distracted driving? Texting or Talking on the phone. adjusting the radio Focusing on a family problem. All of the above. Children younger than 5 years of age must ............ when they travel in a vehicle: Be secured in the front seat in the appropriate car seat or booster seat. Be secured in the back seat in the appropriate child seat or booster seat. Be secured in the back seat by a seatbelt. Be held in an adult's lap in the back seat. Why is using your cell phone considered to be a distraction when driving? You have to take your eyes off the road. You have to take your hand off the wheel. You have to take you mind away from driving All of the above. What is the objective of the Demerit Points System? To teach drivers a lesson. To encourage drivers to improve driving behaviour and refrain from abusing the privilege to hold a driving permit. To make them pay a fine and add Demerit Points to their driving record. To make sure that they don't injure themselves. How does the law define a new/novice driver? A driver that has had a drivers permit for less than 3 months. A driver that has had a drivers permit for less than 6 months. A driver that has had a drivers permit for less than 12 months. A driver that has had a drivers permit for less than 18 months. Demerit Points are applied to your driving permit record upon any of the three: Payment of a Fixed Penalty, Conviction before a Court, Failure to pay the Fixed Penalty within the prescribed time frame. Failure to pay the Fixed Penalty within the prescribed time frame, Payment of $1,000, Conviction before a Court. Payment of a Fixed Penalty, Conviction before a Court, Failure to submit a breath specimen. Payment of $2,000, Payment of a Fixed Penalty, Conviction before a Court. Payment of $2,000, Payment of a Fixed Penalty, Conviction before a Court. A driver who is taking a non-prescription drug should Read the labels on the drug before driving. Drink alcohol instead. Continue to drive. Drive only during daylight hours. When you want to overtake and pass another vehicle you should Wait for a signal from the other driver. Change lanes quickly so the other driver will see you. Signal and pass when safe to do so. Stay close behind so you need less time to pass. You just sold your vehicle. You must notify the Licensing Authority within _____ days. 7 10 14 15. You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can't find the owner. You must: Leave a note on the vehicle. Report the accident without delay to the nearest police station. Both 'a' and 'b' the above. Look to see if no one is looking and leave. If you plan to pass another vehicle, you should: Not assume the other driver will make space for you to return to your lane. Assume the other driver will let you pass if you use your turn signal. Assume the other driver will maintain a constant speed. Look in your review for 12 seconds then proceed. You are approaching a two-lane roundabout. Which is the most appropriate lane when proceeding straight? Left Lane. Right Lane. Left or Right Lane. Doesn't matter. When turning right at a two-lane roundabout, which is the most appropriate lane when proceeding? Left Lane. Doesn't matter. Middle Lane. Right Lane. When turning left at a two-lane roundabout, which is the most appropriate lane when proceeding? Doesn't matter Left Middle Right. The minimum levels of Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) or "darkest legal tint" for each window are as follows: Front windscreen - at least 50%, windscreen's anti-glare band at least 20% VLT, front windows (Driver and passenger) - at least 35% VLT, Rear windows (including side windows) - at least 20% VLT, Rear Windscreen - at least 20% VLT. Front windscreen - at least 70%, windscreen's anti-glare band at least 35% VLT, front windows (Driver and passenger) - at least 35% VLT, Rear windows (including side windows) - at least 20% VLT, Rear Windscreen - at least 20% VLT. Front windscreen - at least 70%, windscreen's anti-glare band at least 35% VLT, front windows (Driver and passenger) - at least 35% VLT, Rear windows (including side windows) - at least 35% VLT, Rear Windscreen - at least 20% VLT. Front windscreen - at least 50%, windscreen's anti-glare band at least 15% VLT, front windows (Driver and passenger) - at least 15% VLT, Rear windows (including side windows) - at least 20% VLT, Rear Windscreen - at least 15% VLT. |
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