
TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Educational Research 1bimestre

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Educational Research 1bimestre


Anca Anitei

Fecha de Creación: 05/02/2017

Categoría: Universidad

Número Preguntas: 40
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1. You can justify your research problem based on evidence from your workplace or your________? a. School subjects b. Personal experiences c. Imagination.
2. If one was to attempt to distinguish between the topic, research problem, purpose statement and research questions, which of the following would be the least specific? a. topic b. research problem c. research question.
3. Considering suggestions from other researchers that the problem needs to be studied is the most_______. a. scholarly justification b. unusual trend c. frequent situation.
4. By identifying a deficiency in the past studies, a researcher ..... a. shows the need for the study b. identifies the methodological needs of the research paradigm c. specifies the audience of interest-qualitative researchers, quantitative researchers or practitioners.
5. Which of the following is NOT a rason we tend to use qualitative research techniques in our research study? a. To assess a process over time b. To apply results to a large number of people c. To generate theories based on participant perspectives.
6. If researcher was to have his/her topic ¨distace learning¨and ¨to study why students do not attend distance education classes at a comunity collegue¨ as his/her purpose statement, which of the following will be a suitable research question? a. What are the reasons why distance learning is superior to on-site learning? b. Why is it difficult to get teachers for distance learning courses? c. Does the fear of using internet deter students from studying via distance learning?.
7. What does the research problem do? a. It highlight the major intent or objective of the study used to address the problem b. It narrow the purpose into specific questions that the researcher would like answered or addressed in the study c. It delivers the general educational issue, concern, or controversy addressed in research that narrows the topic.
8. What do research questions do? a. They highlight the major intent or objective of the studyused to address the problem b They narrow the purpose into specific quesions that the researcher would like to have answered or addressed in the study c. They offer up the broad subject matter addressed by the study.
9. An author looking to justify the need for their study is likely to talk about suggestions made by other researchers in which of the following types of research? a. quantitative research b. cualitative research c. both, quantitative and qualitative research.
10. Which of the following is NOT a criterion used in determinating whether a topic is researchable? a. the participants and sites are able to be studied b. the project can be completed given time, resources and skill contraints c. the project has a reasonable chance of being published.
11. We compare researchers to bricklayers due to they, in the end, are like the bricks of a wall who create a strong ________ a. structure b. tie c. book.
12. Wht is the name for the concept or process that is explored in a qualitative study? a. the intent of study b. the participants of the study c. the central phenomenon.
13. Which of the following is an example of research informing a policy debate? a. a study regarding the ways in which a teacher can deal with large class b. the effect of welfare on children´s schooling among lower income families c. a study on the effects of teaching via certain aproaches.
14. Creswell (2012) would argue that one´s experience in the workplace is often the justification and inpetusfor future... a. quantitative research b. qualitative research c. quantitative and cualitative research.
15. Which of the following would (according to the theory provided by Creswell, 2012) be a good research problem for an educational researcher looking to conduct a quantitative study? a. the problem teacher encounter when dealing with immigrant children b. the effect of specific teaching strategies by the teacher on the performance of his/her students c. the perspctive of parents when evaluating a native-speaking kanguage teacher.
16. Which of the following is a way in which research can help force improvements for professionals in their relative field in practice? a. it can replicate past studies but with a new location or participants b. it can help create discussion for future legislation c. results can be developed which help answer questions and then be put into practice.
17. Most research theorists would be in accordance with Creswell (2012) in so far as arguing that reviewing the literature plays a larger role in which of the following? a. Mixed Methods Research b. Qualitative Research c. Quantitative Research.
18. Which of the following is NOT a distinction between quantitative and qualitative research? a. data from quantitative research are numbers, and data from qualitative research are textual b. quantitative data are analyzed using statistics, and qualitative data are analyzed by identifying major theme c. quantitative research asks broad questions, and qualitative research ask narrow questions.
19. A written summary of article, books, and other documents describing past research is called which of the following? a. literature review b. problem statement c. purpose statement.
20. According to Creswell (2012) what shoud a researcher do immediately before analyzing and interpreting his/her data? a. review the literature b. collect some data c. specify a purpose for research.
21. The written summary of journal article, books, and other documents that describe the past and current state of information on the topic of our research study is called ________: a. research problem b. literature review c. introduction.
22. Journal (or periodical)articles and conference papers that report research are ____ for a literature review. a. prime sources b. hooks c. statements.
23. A written summary of articles, books, and other documents describing past research is known as the _______ a. theoretical development b. statement of the research problem c. literature review.
24. A(n) _____ number is the code given to a document for the reference information a. certification of registration (CR) b. digital object identifier (DOI) c. template code (TC).
25. One disadvantage of using the internt as a resource of literature review is that the research found on web sites may have been ______ without the searcher´s knowledge. a. outdated b. plagiarized c. updated.
26. A literature review could be thought of as..... a. a written summary of journal articles, books, and other documents that gives a ¨state of the art¨ of current research on your topic which will help you to place your study within the theory and literature on the subject b. an introduction which will lead you to your methodology c. showing respect to previous authors and acknowledging their work.
27. Which of the following statements is true about end-of-text references in APA style? a. they appear in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript b. they appear in footnote form at the bottom of the text pages c. they appear in chronological order by year of publication at the end of the manuscript.
28. Within quantitative research the use of literature at the begining of the study is for what purpose? a. to confirm or disconfirm prior predictions from the literature b. to provide a rationale for the direction of the study c. to support of modify existing findings in the literature.
29. A journal which summarizes past research would be an example of which type of source? a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary.
30. Within qualitative research the main aim of the literature used at the begining of the study is usually used for what? a. justify or document the need for the study b. support or modify existing findings in the literature c. provide a rationale for the direction of the study.
31. In what types of research are research questions used? a. both quantitative and qualitative b. quantitative c. qualitative.
32. Which of the following best characterizes the purpose statement in qualitative research? a. it is general and broad b. ir seeks measurable outcomes it is specific and narow.
33. Which of the following would be a suitable definition for a CONTROL variable? a. special type of independent variale that is of secondary interest and is neutralized through statistical or design procedures b. an independent variable manipulated by the researcher c. a special type of independent variable that is secondary interest and combines with another independent variable to influence the dependent variable.
34. If we take the following research directional hypothesis as an example, what is the dependent variable? ¨Students from city schools will have higher achievement than students from rural schools in language learning at Ecuadorian universities.¨ a. city scholls b. rural schools c. language learning.
35. A researcher using GENDER as a variable would be aware that this constitutes which of the following types of variable? a. continuous b. categorical c. continuum.
36. If we take the following research non-directional hypothesis as an example, what is the dependent variable? There is a difference between rural and city students in terms of language learning performance at Ecuadorian universities. a. city schools b. language learning c. Ecuadorian universities.
37. When thinking about the INDEPENDENT variable we should be asking ourselves which of the following questions? a. What outcomes am I trying to explain? b. What variables or factors influence the outcomes? c. What variables do I also need to measure so that I can make sure that my major factors influence outcomes and not other factors?.
38. When thinking about the CONTROL variable we should be asking ourselves which of the following questions? a. What outcomes am I trying to explain? b. What variables or factors influence the outcomes? c. What variables do I also need to measure so that I can make sure that my major factors influence outcomes and not other factors?.
39. What is the generally agreed upon intent of a research question? a. to give overall direction b. to make predictions about expectations c. it raises questions to be answered.
40. In what types of research are research objectives typically used? a. both quantitative and qualitative b. quantitative c. qualitative.
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