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Fecha de Creación: 07/11/2024 Categoría: Otros Número Preguntas: 15 |
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61. Read the following text and complete it with the correct option.
____________________focuses on the development of a high standard of everyday English
communication skills. It covers the four main skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
____________________focuses on the needs of learners in their real-world contexts. It is
pragmatic in their results. a. General English – English for Specific Purposes
b. English for Specific Purposes - General English
c. English for Occupational Purposes - English for Specific Purposes
d. General English – English as a Mother Tongue
. 62. Read the following text and complete it with the correct option. English for Specific Purposes emerged as a need after ______________________ due to the expansion in scientific, technical and economic activities. a. The Industrial Revolution b. The Second World War c. The French Revolution d. The First World War . 63. Read the following text and complete it with the correct option. ESP courses are designed with the ____________and tasks that people need to be effective in the ___________ they are in and they want to succeed. a. grammar – area b. texts – songs c. teacher – classroom d. vocabulary – restaurant . 64. Complete the text with the correct option. Harding in 2007 remarked a renewed demand for English for Specific Purposes courses to edit texts. He explained this increase because of : * Better student levels of ____________at the end of high school. * The perception of English as ____________to finding a job. * More use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) a. proficiency – key b. needs – key c. grades – L2 d. proficiency – L1. 65. Read the text and complete it with the correct option. Basturkmen (2010) groups ESP courses into three main branches each with their own subdivisions: 1) English for Academic Purposes (EAP), such as English for Academic Publication; 2) English for ____________ Purposes (EPP), including medicine, law, the military and so on. 3) English for ____________ Purposes (EOP), for example, English for technicians. a. professional – occupational b. occupational - professional c. All – institutional d. testing – occupational . 66.Complete the text with the correct option. The objective of a ___________is to determine the features of language that students will require. For example in Business English could be the design of a ______________that includes words and expressions from the areas of merchandising and marketing. a. needs analysis – syllabus b. syllabus - needs analysis c. class – vocabulary d. needs analysis – class . Choose the option that correctly completes the following text Hutchinson and Waters (1987) pointed there are two types of needs analysis, Nalan (2016) added a third type of needs analysis. a) Target needs (what the learner needs to know in the target situation) b) ______________ ( what the learner needs to do in order to learn) c) Institution needs a. Teaching needs b. Learning needs c. Community needs d. Contextual needs . 68. Choose the correct answer In order to carry out the Needs Analysis, the researcher can use the next instruments: • Questionnaire • Interview • __________________ • Informal consultations with the company and the learners • Record keeping a. Pictures b. Games c. Observation d. Critical opinions . 69. Choose the correct answer When preparing an ESP class it is important to think about your learners and adapt or match method with teaching materials. ________________________________. a. The best method for teaching ESP is Task Based Learning b. The best method for teaching ESP is Communicative language Teaching c. The Audio Lingual Method is The best method for teaching ESP d. There is not a specific method to teach ESP. . 70. Choose the best answer to complete the following statement: ____________________ usually does not require grades e.g. in class discussions, clicker questions, group work. _____________________ evaluate student learning through standardized tests, exams, final projects. a. Diagnostic assessment – Formative assessment b. Formative assessment – Summative assessment c. Summative assessment – Formative assessment d. Ipsative assessment - Summative . 71. Choose the correct option Validity and reliability are two pivotal aspects of a well designed instrument. Read the next text and decide if it is reliable and valid. You want to measure student intelligence so you ask students to do as many push-ups as they can every day for a week. a. It is reliable but not valid. b. It is valid but not reliable. c. It is reliable and valid. d. It is not reliable or valid. . 72. Choose the correct option: The materials that are designed for native speakers, the real texts designed not for language speakers of the language in question are: ____________________. Any newspaper article or radio advertisement are examples of this. a. Authentic material b. Pedagogical material c. Didactic material d. Non-Authentic material. 73. Order the following specific objectives in a Research project Research question: To what extent can assessment for Learning (AfL) practices improve LSP learners´ task performance? Specific objectives a. Collect the data. b. Identify a teacher who understands basic principles of AfL and who is able and willing to use them in an LSP course. c. Analyze the data, collate the results and interpret the findings. d. Prepare data collection instruments that focus on one or more tenet of Assessment for Learning (AfL). For example, a classroom observation protocol that can be used to categorize and record instances of learners asking questions in a lesson. a. b, d, a, c b. d, b, a, c c. d, a, c, b d. a, b, c, d . 74. Read the text and complete it with the correct option. Basturkmen (2010) groups ESP courses into three main branches each with their own subdivisions: 1) English for Academic Purposes (EAP), such as English for Academic Publication; 2) English for ____________ Purposes (EPP), including medicine, law, the military and so on. 3) English for ____________ Purposes (EOP), for example, English for technicians. a. professional – occupational b. occupational - professional c. All – institutional d. testing – occupational . 75. Complete the text with the correct option. The objective of a ___________is to determine the features of language that students will require. For example in Business English could be the design of a ______________that includes words and expressions from the areas of merchandising and marketing. e. needs analysis – syllabus f. syllabus - needs analysis g. class – vocabulary h. needs analysis – class . |
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