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ING03 Tarea Reading & Listening



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Tarea de comprensión escrita (Reading Task). El trabajo en equipo es uno de los elementos fundamentales del éxito empresarial. En la actualidad, son muchas las empresas que organizan escapadas de aventura los fines de semana para sus empleados, ¿quieres saber algo más al respecto? Lee el siguiente texto y responde las preguntas. Grupo de colegas trabajando en equipo. Adventure Outing. If you take a bunch of people and put them in a challenging place, letting their potential to shine, and their positive energies to blend, the results achieved at the end of it, will benefit each member. With this philosophy companies are starting to send their employees for outings. Outings are adventure trips for employees focus on rejuvenating and recommitting to your employ company's goals. It provides opportunity for people to learn to lead and initiate. The outings that are offered these days are designed keeping the working lifestyle of people in mind. The activities in a corporate outing are refreshing, fun and creative. It is like a holiday without your family members with an intention to create good energy in the group and spread a flavour of positivism which stays even after the trip. According to experts, Outings raise self esteem and build team work helping not only employees, but also the company since when employees are comfortable with each other, work gets easily done and as a result, production increases. In this "wild weekends", employees are asked to gather in groups and play games which would highlight how much they are compatible with each other. These games are aimed at eliminating mental blocks people have and give them a new way of thinking. Apart from teaching all these activities there is lot of fun and laughter where colleagues bond strongly. No doubt, these activities help employees to develop effective decision making through problem solving. In these wonderful weekends, adventure activities bring about co-ordination in the group. Unknowingly people learn to make decisions and solve problems. They forget about work pressure and the openness in the environment gives them great opportunity to relax, grow and flourish. The team building exercises that are carried out give employees a lot of time to gel with the mates in a fun way. When people meet in an environment other than offices they discover more about each other. There are talks other than deadlines and projects which are quiet and refreshing. That is what exactly adventure activities do. Adventure sports like rock climbing, rappelling or even strenuous hiking take your mind of general worries of home and family. The sweat and exhaustion is good for your health and mind. Adventure outings are the best way for people who spend around eight hours in an office to get away from stress, and forget about it only to bounce back with a new energy and bag of ideas.
1.Outings are... a. adventure trips for employers and employees. b. adventure trips designed to build up team work and raise company productivity. c. adventure trips with family and friends. .
2.According to the text, Outings are mainly designed for employees who have problems at work, since this experience helps them to forget about their problems and build up their confidence. a. True. b. False. .
3.In many companies, Outings are part of employees work a. True. b. False. .
4.In the fourth paragraph, the expression "wild weekends" refers to adventurous weekends that employees spend together. a. True. b. False. .
5.The activities carried out at these special weekends help employees... a. to realise they are unique and special. b. to be more tolerant with each other. c. to realise if they are compatible with their colleagues or not, and learn how to become friends forever. .
6.Employees have to pay for half of the activities developed in the outing. a. True. b. False. .
7."To flourish" in line 17 means "to become a new person". a. True. b. False. .
8.The verb "gel" in line 18 means... a. to put up with someone. b. to spend a lot of time together. c. to start a friendship. .
9.Meeting someone outdoors makes you become an instant friend with that person. a. True. b. False. .
10.Adventure sports... a. make you be so tired that you forget about your problems. b. like rock climbing can be quite dangerous. c. make you relax and forget about your problems. .
Tarea de comprensión oral (Listening Task). Sarah ha estado sometida a mucha presión en la oficina últimamente y su médico le ha aconsejado ir a relajarse a un spa, su marido Mark le acompaña. Escucha el audio y responde a las preguntas de la tarea de comprensión oral. https://ead.murciaeduca.es/pluginfile.php/1427648/mod_assign/intro/ING03_TAREA_R01_01_listening.mp3.
1.Where are Sarah and Mark? a. At a spa far away from London. b. At a spa near London. c. At a spa in the south of London. .
2.Why did they choose a spa? a. Because Sarah wanted to have a romantic weekend with Mark. b. Because Sarah's doctor recommended her to go. c. Because Mark didn't want to go to the beach. .
3. The body and facial wrap... a. are free if you hire the whole treatment. b. are not included in the price. c. are included in the price. .
4.How much is the whole treatment for the two of them? a. 345 pounds. b. 690 pounds. c. 500 pounds per person. .
5.Where are Mark friends at the moment? a. They are at Mark and Sarah's house. b. They are in a bar watching the football match. c. They are at a football stadium. .
6.Which teams are playing? a. Manchester United vs. Tothenham. b. Arsenal vs. (Versus.) Real Madrid. c. Arsenal vs. Manchester United. .
7.The team who wins, will become... a. European League Champion. b. English League Champion. c. Champion. .
8.After the massage is over, what do they have left for the day? a. Manicure and body scrub. b. Manicure and pedicure. c. Manicure, pedicure and sauna. .
9.Mark accepted to go to the spa... a. so that Sarah let him go on a weekend and meet his friends from college. b. so that Sarah accepted having some of his friends from college staying at their home. c. so that Sarah accepted having his friends from college staying at their home for a week. .
10.If he doesn't shut up, Sarah threatens Mark with signing him up for... a. pedicure. b. manicure. c. waxing. .
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