
Título del Test:
ingles Descripción: vocabulario inglés Autor: jl10 OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 18/12/2018 Categoría: Letras Número Preguntas: 2324 |

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fore. unforeseen. reap. sow. unfit/improper. fit. fleeting. transient. arise. domain. scandal/ uproar. painful. flesh. stink. obliterate. famed. vow. hail. force/compel. boor. fathom. plainly. spread. vermin. shrew. harpy. conceit/presumption. assumption/supposition. swarm. sward. set off/set up. attempt. regain. shatter. swindle. swind. rubbish/garbage. sentient/sensitive. loud / noisy. bred. wipe out. wander. suitable. unsuited. hike. pound. reply. replay. rash. squeeze. tighten. tight. doorsteep. stir. in check. advert. despair. mince. slacking off. regardless. fingertip. faith. the way. bully. cling. faraway. punk. relay. plot / conspire. afterline. mutter. pin down / inmobilize. summon / convene. in short. wake awaken arouse. grief sorrow. crybaby. wilderness. throughout. creep. crawl. pamper / spoil. unruliness. sly cunning astute. flatter. sour. yucky. bun. nightfall. cram. nerve. brag. bluff. alongside beside. besides. axious eager itche. hag. chill down. ape overalls. overall. quell. mischievous harmfull. lead. inch. i mean. at last. at least. remaining / left. heck. strand. pee. thrust. seagull. gut. promising. wimp. showdown. astound. astounding. top dog / big shot. gist. brick. relieve / alleviate. babble numble. yield / performance. chick. show off . tadpole / shrimp. thoroughly . soil. roundabout. settle. shudder. feing / pretend (pretender). in advance. ainlessly. dipshit. shambles. ranger. smirk. supress. overpower. brush. plunger. plumber. notch. dunce ass (culo). stay back. squash. grieve. bug. shed. mighty. overwhelm. overwhelming. bucket. eyesores. spit out. handle. torture torment. muster. divert deviate. encore. hand down. breadth. midget runt dwarf. bottomless. background. bottom. brittle fragile. misunderstand. stare up. swell . get rid. mouthful. impudent. utter. utmost. fellas. pass out. nanchalant. goddammit. get close. worn out . impressive. futile, useless. grave. tomb. smithereens. slash. amid amidst among amongst between. remnant. bet, wager. dealt. outcome. sever. throb. gently. rudder / wheel (rueda). take over. sassy cheeky. barely. petty. blastoff. drag, haul. scatter. glimmer. seatbelt. fasten. boredom. pod. belong. snatch. mishap. revolt. cloak, conceal, hide. regards. fruitless. seize. overthrow. rule. stagger. ripe. spring. jump hop leap. bummer . stud. at most. top notch. request. at any rate / in any case. flip . pursue. dull. reverberation / echo. ominous / sinister. flee. pinpoint. pulp. thingy. outmatch. nimble. as long as. chatter. goon. maid. maiden. bristle. measly. pun. annoy, needle (aguja). cork. prey. roller (rodillo) coaster (barco costero). wicked. rendezvous. gruesome. astonishing. wishfull. wishful. bound. feather. whereabout. dive, plunge immerse. befallen. erect. narrow. recoup retrieve. cue. glimpse. hunk. hand over. chest, breast. wench. strip. captive. prayer . prayers. dimwitted. worn. foremost. thoughtless. dove, pigeon. dove in . steer. ox. harness. halved. madness. engulfed. atop. bush. matter of time. elsewhere. menace. amenazing. path . horn. hooter. slumber. awe. behold. meaningless / senseless. mope. huddle. spike. slouch. skewer. slimy. beautified. doable. ruler. hellish. flawless. flaw. disgruntled, disgusted. uneasiness, restlessness. grasp, grib, grab. foal. delude, deceive, foal. daunt . dauntless. fend. quarrel. brittle, frail, fragile. belittle . discard. calmness. claw. merciless. mercilessly. clean, cleanse. dig. dig up. stain. taint, pollute. pest. rummage. dally. grudge. tilt. vex. slaughter. drawn out. aid. spare. thrill. thriller. squabble. fathom. gifted . fines. bestow. moreover. satiate, sate. evenly. fang. spunk. crumble. recklessly. bare. impale. rubble. overkill. meek. otherwise. hogwash. nightmarish. halfwit. blather. greatness. bout. turnabout. ruthless. lousy. snappy . enhace. stretch. stern. tear. wrap. enrage, infuriate. thwart, frustate. shine, glow, sparkle. stall . scoundrel, shameless. lowly, humble. easy there. testify, declarate. vicinity . indulge, please. outwit, outsmart. feast. take care. watch out. as ever. take down. nagging . pierce. forsake. threat, menace. faze, disturb, perturb. betray. instill. breathtaking. cover. vanquish. plaything. beneath. refrain, abstain. unappeal. nontheless. brawl . unyealding. elf, sprite. insourmountable . unilateral / one sided. motionless. rotten / putrid / rotting. flitter. ash. void. overtake. healthy / sound . doom, condemn, convict. cope. loose. ordeal. maggot. browser. slain. breed. revival . brief. praise. knack . knock. score. trample. afterimage. review, revise, brush up. crop. pattern, patron. disappear . go away. vanish . throught. complaint -> complain (quejarse). owl. below. ahead. century. salt. dry. althought. way. bruis. bruises. toward. formerly / aforetime. encourage. stressing, underline. cross out. cross. no wonder. seldom . from about. in the late. without, with no. rear. warn. certain. loaf - slice. lunch. dignity. check. agree. agreement. spoilt. chart. concierge. split up . aware. suitcase. board. saver. paddle. headmaster. shameful. almost. spree. shelf. shelve. trust. leather. shame - embarrass. conceal. saying. bargain. mortgage. fee. on average. look after. moody. owe, duty. store. manage. altogether. heat. filthy. relieve - relief (alivio). realize, notice. bandaged. suggest. tape, ribbon. aside. such. slap. scrub. wether. bold. surface, overground. drown, choke. back into . get around. helpless. puzzled. truthful. bare, barefoot, bare-nude.naked (desnudo/ar). fall over. bride. bridegroom, groom. fancy. carer. care. remote. bathtub, tub. snuck. snuck out. panty, panties. poignant. damage. square. fond. slope. courtyard, patio. pitch. hectic, frantic, frenetic. make up. fed up. back up. fierce. scut. helplessly. desire, wish, yearning. range. worthy. wound. hurt. honey. straight. entail. slow. ingress, entry. bread, loaf (rebanada). pump. treat. barrage. strike. underworld. bump. begone. prior. before. convaluted, complex. crime, felony. overlook. handwriting. maintain. refuel. single-handedly. brink, border. berseck. freewill. tick. comprehend, comprise. thorough. highness. grumpy. engrave, record. prevent, impede. previse. forestall, previse. visage, countenance. sparkle. squirt, jet. gesture. fret. comply, fulfill. sake. reassure. prey, dam. tremble, shake, shiver. firewood. accomplish. goal. waist. instead. ahead. kinda. pinch. bless. dish. rise early. embed. naught. invention. forth. fairy. sweat. stingy, mean. remain. review. impress. burns. powerless. on purpose. bangle. vain. loud. tip. bang. publisher. name. hip. tune. dive. rate. instance. pill. tablet. submit. sue, demand. belief, believe (creer). lawn, grass, sward. scar. land. divert. lighten. octopus. fine. whisper. rough. weak, puny. perish, die. fail, failure. behalf. rub. warp, deform. wave. pressure. coil. bother. brim. beg. stuffed . disturb. disturbance. shout. deserve. device. compulsory. law. contest. criticize. helping. measure. guest, host (anfitrión). take off, lift off, opposite -> land (aterrizar). aback. realm. expose. script, dash. plot. cast. moving. has a crush on. dump, break up, split up. pose. fiance. propose. witness, baton. resume, summarize, sum up. acknowledge/ recognize. riot, rampage. drag, creep. demand. row. halt. switch, shift. post. forward. support, lean. undergo, submit. sand. dust, powder. dusty. smell, scent, odor. trail. toffee, candy. vague. brew. pour, serve. deed. countless. utter. utterly. acquaintance. timely. overcome. supper, dinner. pleasure. appropiate/proper. baffle, disconcert. fickle, inconstant. bloom, flourish. hurry, rush, haste -> make + h (darse prisa). scrap. case. handy, practical. band ait. thick. rehearse. unbelief. unbelieable. leash -> unleashed (soltado). stash, conceal. hide. suppress. involve (envolver), entail, imply, implicate. overflow. suspicion/hunch(pálpito)/shak. suspect. suspicious. suppose. distrust. hiding place. reboot. round. regret. retreat. bee. cow. sheep. lamb. squid. prawn. seafood. grandchild. tongue. lip. thumb. back. shoulder. nod. clap. vase. glass. disgust. defective. whistle. crab. mussel. salesman. sittingroom. bedroomed. float. platform. lane. scaffold. stun. pedestrian. pederasty. yacht . crossing. relate. pal. aunt, auntie, anty, chippy. contain. flash. rue, repent. suddenly. disguise, dress up. lone, solitary. fault, blame, guilt -> guilty (culpable). defect, default. emerge. adamant, firm. reluctant. forbid, prohibit. hight spirit, optimism. slow, sluggish. trust, entrust, rely, confide. schedule, timetable. broadcast. convince. reborn, be reborn (renacer). diffuse, spread. convene, summon. plea. profitable. helpful. ditch. building. art, craft. overdue. everlasting, timeless (sin tiempo), undying, eternal. invaders. fist. strange, weird, odd, bizarre. seek, seeking (búsqueda). tasty. treats. promote. further, foment. wrinkle, shrivel. slip. outstanding, exceptional. bleach, whitening. decrepit. field, countryside. soft, smooth. gramp. soak. plain water. refuse. refuse, reject. deny. prize, award. price. assesment, evaluation. assess, evaluate. granny. cram school. estimate, esteem. gauge. backpack, rucksack. colorful. fare. (un) likely. unlike. curtain. fanish. off spring, descendant. regain, recover, recoup, retrive, recuperate. shatter. hermit. buttock. fate . tough, harsh. strenght (fuerza) strenghten:. twist, wriggle. hapiness. command, order. poverty. chekers. ace. ice. underserve. some. early. chase. scarf. supporter. survey, poll, inquest. facility . quiz. resort (punto de veraneo), resource. crown, corona. slag. stab. yawn. chew. probation. throat. pluck, rip out, tear. prick. tollbooth. commuter. suburbs, outskirts. exchange, interchange, swap. hand (mano), deliver, hand over. shift. candle. toll. nursery. nursing. nurse. expel, eject. boarding. kindergarten. priest. num. cure. cleric. surround. basement. balcony. ground floor. open fire, chimney. cottage. ceiling, roof. terrace. staircase, ladders, stairs. renounce, resign. dismiss, sack (saco). overtime. part time. autonomous, self-employed. unemployed. temporary, temporal. strict. refund. tender. clause. sight, view. sights. sightseeing, tourism. advisor. adviser. palm (palma), palm tree. hammock. elder (mayor) elderly:. advise. worldwide. tell me. in order. dock. precise, accurate. vestment. vest. walk (caminar), ride (montar, cabalgata). pacifier. ruth. burdensome. spill. uphold. undo. swallow, swallow down. at this rate. rhythm. pen name. scheme. foolhardy, reckless -> recklessly (aturdidamente). staple. roaming. wide open. for a bit. sponsor. patronage, sponsorshop. jester. raid. executioner. ambush. tracker. instead. alignment, line up. brunt, effort. solve. kitten. asleep. maker. marriage -> married (casados). bunch. pushover. in the nick of time. husk. make certain, ensure, insure assure. saviour, saver, rescuer. back then. lure. handicraft, craftmanship, crafts. hesitate, waver. fade. dispel. childish, infantile, childlike. endanger. nuissance, hassle, bother, annoyance, disturbance. neither. either. delivery truck. block, lock. discuss, argue. encode. core . slight. network. key ring. gasp. bad (malo) badly. mosque. mend. biscuit. payroll. weighlifting. character. charge (cargar), collection (colección). towel. bollock. crow. theft, shoplifting. prick, jab. inhabitant, habitant, citizen (ciudadano), dweller. crowd (multitud) crowded. offender, delinquent. paint. lighting. foul play, unfire. ashole, wanker. assurance, warranty, guarantee, guaranty. reassure (tranquilizar) reassurance. wank. pretend, fake (falso), feign. dissemble. mash. lick. flicker, blink, wink. fluff, fuzz, shag (f*****). dildo. blowback. inn. thigh. scalp. jumpsuit. storm. furry, hairy. liar. dark, obscure, dusky. chuff. peanut. rapist, violator. werewolf. trade. cruise. voluntary, volunteer. massive. vibe -> vibration (vibración). environment, ambient. dumbass. dumb. prejudice. fleet. float. breach. hint. breaches. flyover. bury. wardrobe, closet, locker, cupboard, cabinet. wrap, involve, envelope. knickers, panty, panties. self-defense. chap. cunt, twat, pusy, fanny, canaille. propagate. screw. fuck off. glue. reader. sloth, lazy. whore, slut, bitch, hooker, tart (tarta). cop. breathalyser. tease, hassle, bother, annoy, disturb. train. ban. caution. deal (trato, acuerdo) dealing:. overland, down. mindless. reckon, tell, count. frizzy, curly, kimky. straw. squeak. shudder. tingle. burglary. curfew. ball- sack. lair. horny. shot (tiro, disparo) shoot . cum, jizz, semen. shocker. scoundrel. counselling. solace, console. evolve. nail. clumsy, ankward. starlet. crew. drill. supply. supplicate. environmental. cab, taxicab, taxi. seater. snarl. cap. batter, spoil (mimar). itch(pulgada), chop, sting, mince, prick, pink. trunk, boot. butch, tomboy. skull, cranium, brainpan. cerebrum, brain, mastermind. sweep. bleed. bashing, beating, thrashing. corpse, stiff, cadaver. disuse. hook. baldness. wig. toss, shake. whiny, crybaby. corps, body. touchy. jog, trot (trote). arsehole (gilipollas) arse:. staple gun. hoodie. bail. wipe. bailout. fatherly. drunk. get drunk, inebriate, hocus, fuddle. beep. sudden. disrespect. lucky. concern, worry, preocuppy. flush. seriousness. proud. pride. collapse. rematch. army. wick. mourn, cry. peak. cahoot, partner. brace -> no igual a bracelet ni blangle. encounter. kindred spirit. orb. pale. scatter. sing, chant, jingle. holder. lifespan. landscape. band, mark . bargain. print. printed. tan. potato chips. paw. posture, stance. roar. wire. retreat. cliff. arrange. supplies. bend. goods. jelly. siege. ashore. custody, ward. crop. harbor. bust. vial, jar (tarro, jarro). hearth, home, fireplace, fireside. tree, arbor. voyage. affair. acorn. comb. bowl. flashlight. bell. whisk broom, broom. mixer. smith. pennant. terrify. widower. widow. screw, bolt. pin. stripe. watermelon. firework. saltshoker. surveyor. handicapped . branch. farewell. safety pin. census. tablecloth. cloth. handback. rope. cell. gang. pouch. shopping bag. whip. receiver, receptor. transmitter, emisor. belonging. belong. wisdom. overdo, exaggerate. downer. drowsiness. cosy. brunch. brief, briefs (bragas). pants. underpant. hunt. hunting. fickle (inconstante) fickleness. bank book. chin. gloss, brightness, shine (brillar). step. fury. lamp. bloody. light bulb, bulb. happen. theme. farm. metaphor. sheet, leaf. enlist. pledge, promise (prometer). place, site. butter. fatty. assume. fussy. develop, work out. wizard, magician, magus. assistant. meal, food. tacky. shabby. goner. chummy. cholera. chore, labor, labour. hymn, anthem. tracksuit. cramp. outfit. pleasant. dizzy. foe. shiver. ugly. exert, wield, exercise. pretentious, overblown. anger, wrath, ire, rage, dander (caspa). exasperate, irritate. desfile, parade. onslaught. exploit, explode, blow up, blast, bang. ease. fearsome, dreadful. barf, vomit (vómito). annul, nullify. empty, void. bounds. coward. hen. sleeve. blunt. forfeit. shady. shallow. shadow. solely. deer. heater. clown, buffoon. tin opener. diaper, nappy. disposable. fluke. bullet. nickname. lifeguard. cramped -> cramp (apretar, calambre). herd. flock. fan, ventilator. dye. bribe, bribery, payola. strain, tension. tense. budged. pluck, rip, tear. nut. commodity, ware. unawareness, ignorance. tweak. touch. waiver, renounce. thought. tap. workshop. form. draft, eraser, rubber. surpass, get over, overcome. resemble, take after. flu. hang up. cockpit. poster. sign. kite, comet. scare. traffic cone. cage. jail. scarecrows. crow, raven. deaf. snore. die, perish, pass away, decease. death, demise. speed up, accelerate. rave. edible, eatable, comestible. float, hover. detour, deflection, deviation. claim, reclaim. heaven, sky. grocery list. hand back. warm up. blurt out. heighten, boost. fire extinguisher. portrait. surcharge. jumper. budge. trolley. necklace. fridge. abroad, foreign. barista. lawn mower. boarding pass. packaging. luggage, baggage. pack. package. bulge. cardboard. coat. cartridge. sugary. boat. can, tin (pequeña). barrel. drum. crack. cracker. firecracker, petard, banger. skulk. mingle. breakdown. root. puss. illness, sickness, malady, disease, affliction, enfermo->sick, ill. diseased, ailing. secret, secrecy. pine. litter, trash, waste, garbage, rubbish. confident, confidant. test, trial, assay, essay, testing, rehearsal. value, worth, valor, prowess. feat. urn. sled. tire. rim. waitress, maid, barmaid. waiter, server, barman. drawer. rib. hurdle. jew. fiddle. flog, spank. rejoice. pray . muslim. sample. till. shore. chop. underground, subway. plug. knob. conjoined. bark. fact. footstep, step. homeland. caveman. hood, bonnet. undermine. clueless. cheesy. dump . stamp. loose. spike. perky. knot. zip, zipper. aim. footprint (huella), tread. rest room, toilet. poop. ski lift. fur coat. abrupt. flashy, ostentatious. hoard. intake, uptake, consumption. cooperate, play ball. day off. willpower. gap. goodness. intended. increase. growth. triumph, trump. recruit, conscript. mugger. pearl. proficient, expert, connoisseur, ace. stove. accompany. accompanist, companion. crimson. flea. net. confined. couch, sofa. sheer. peck. brag. errand, message. riddle. stew. delicate, dainty. ambush. dread. flabby. polish. adore, worship. carve, sculpt. heat, warm, warmth. stain, spot. mindset. spray. vast. unnamed, nameless. lizard, pushs ups. fell. chubby. gimme. worthy, dignified. scram. exhausting, strenvous. guzzle. bowl. Insist. hinder. sage, wise. assert, enforce. ensure, insure, assure, secure. conjecture. servant. pupper. bout, combat, fight. devote, dedicate. doubt, waver. consecrate. impose. boggle. grave. danger, hazard, peril. insight. nosh. preach. gal. effortless. absent. relieve, alleviate, allay. reach, attain, achieve (lograr), acomplish (lograr, cumplir). enlightenment, illustration. sure, safe, secure, insurance, assured. murderer. foxy. suit. sidewalk, pavement, pathway. basset. bassed hound. rubber . tie. sky, heaven. smoke. steam, vapour, vapor. gunk. hurtful. rile. chief, head, boss, manager. rubbish. iron. wind. windy. cloudy. twin. tights. slim down. beliable. honk. leak. omelette. overdoes. bale, bullet. teasing. fog. vexing. spooky. mop. dwarf. guts, spunk. deflate, disinflate. crusty. grief. brainwashing. dress. makeover. dress sense. headquarter. buddy, chum, mate. gear stick. jumbo. faithful. booze. vending machine. carpet. carpeta. letter box. alight. lit. lighter, burner. tissue. shopping basket. detail. expiry date. sharper. sharpener. choir. coral. breathe. magic. spell. leftovers. fin. mime. assesment. enrollment. cough. lump, bulge. pharmacy, chemist's. chemist. deaf, dull, muffled, surd. blown. distort. gig, concert. lock. pipe. pipeline. shove. faint. chewing gum. yell, holler, shout. self-restraint. shuffle. foggy. coffin. capable, able. thus. so. whenever. on the other hand. if you will/want. anyway. notebook. just in case. into. quite, quite a lot of, quite a bit. verily, truly. indeed. far away. it's been a while. whereas. by any chance. somehow. as well as. slighty fewer. right before. plus. ain't. paysheet. printer. right away, right off, straight away. beside. behind, rear. beyong. among. so far. awhile. hold it. this way. how about. about it. afterwards. through. thought. although (a pesar de que), though. for about. so sorry. hopefully. board game. weather. will. regardless. the very same. whatever. where to. like that. eitherway. therefore. nevertheless. alright. for a while. certain. you mean. at all. whom. roger. partly. either. rather. in the late. say again. neither. so that. then. but. ever again. seldom, rarely. hardly ever. just like. as well. apologize in advance. everyone else. what is on?. too long. narrowly. leading. plenty. no one . little while. entirely. anytime. the sooner. casually, by any chance. seemingly. i guess so. supposedly. occasionaly, every now and then. everyday life. shortly. i really fancy. plenty of room. how nice. cos. recruitment. environ. despite. so like. suits you. all out. bloke. good grief. lurk. all over. above all. an easy one. onto. on it. at it. first off. wide open. in all. for it. certainly. my pleasure. about that. at all times. for whom. everyone, everybody. nearby. you are late. sweatshirt. none. nowhere. presently. till. you lot. recruit. moan. nipples. patty. pie. bosom. breast. pint. thoughtful. attentive. thump, hit, strike, beat, knock, thrash, kick (patada). carnage. toast. quid. graciously, gracefully. grace. graceful. honrate. swoop, precipitate. furniture. knit. swoon, faint. cattle. spike. reverse, inverse, converse. gloss. remark. panic, panicked. kidnap, sequester, hijack. abduct, ravish, reave, raven (cuervo = crow). stern words. haunt, lair. pursue, persecute, chase. subtle. nap. suggestion. response, respond, reply, answer. spill, shed. on time. monsoon. wave. earthquake. flood, swarmp. flooding. forest fire. blizzard. laziness. lazy. neglect. tramp. in a hurry. willing. eyeful. hook. swing . summersault. chainsaw. cop, undercover cop, agent. undercover. sulk. depth. jerk. heartless. kin. beat (vencer, golpear, ritmo). warehouse, store, storehouse. workship. washing machine. plate. plaque. nutter. grieve, sadden. prime. waver. environment. crawl (arrastrarse = creep). shell. war, warface. require. teleportation. demanding, fussy. sitting room, lounge, parlour, salon, saloom. spit. mucus. layer. cotton. degrade. hump. humping. straight. hug, embrace, cuddle. sleeping bag. slide. mattress. presume, show off. presumed. smug, snooty. yourongoing. occupies. poke fun. imperative, imperious. masterful. aloud. climb. commitment. committed, compromised. poke. chat, chatter (parloteo). wild, savage. pillow. yank. ability, skill. eardrum. sink. leer. drip. laid. looming. tangle, entangle. unprepared. batter. lure. web, spiderweb. feaces. squat, crouch. neat. float, hover, drift, waft. gain. customer. custome, suit. custom. tons. seep, leak (fuga = leakage), leak out. heighten. bouncy, springy. dinning room. fart. thorn, spine. roam. bait, decoy. pluck. stream. intended for. vanish. flip. flood, inundate, swarmp. washing. ton, tonne. wreck, ruin. poison. living room. mammal. crustaceans. bull. rooster, cock. donkey. turkey. goose- geese (plural). cradle. dolphin. eel. jellyfish. cutlery. lobster. sea turtle. cuttlefish, cuttle. hake. sardine. gilt-head bream. tunafish, tuna. seahorse. cod. trout. salmon. boar. dinner table. racoon. skunk. beaver. otter. bat. falcon. eagle. vulture. hummingbird. sparrow. dragonfly. ladybug. moth. snail. hare. praying mantis. wasp. beetle. ape. cobra. panda bear. sloth. parrot. python. guinea pig. canary. cheetah. leopard. giraffe. hyena. kangaroo. ostrich. koala. rhinoceros. zebra. frog. toad . hippopotamus. crocodile. alligator. penguin. rattlesnake. lizard. chameleon. apartment building. cottage. corridor. facade. fountain. hallway. rooftop. heating. air conditioning. napkin. factory. fashion. ranch. manor. driveway. mailbox, letterbox. armchair. bookcase. vase. drapes, curtain. loveseat. recliner. photo frames. sheet. bedspread, bedcover. dishwasher. faucet, tap (lavamanos). shower. towel rail. laundry basket. transitable. grown-up. cheerful. friendly, kin. ambitious. arrogant. appearance, aspect. moustache. good-natured. behave. bad-tempered. middle-aged. decisive. skinny. rude. neighborhood. toddler. freckles. blond and blonde. joint. arteria. eyebrown. side. toe. gums. forehead. liver. jaw. limb. wrist. quilt. knuckle. navel, umbilicus. eyelid. eyelash. calf. lung. kidney. heel. ankle. bottom. vein. butcher's. shopping centre. drugstore. ironmonger's. baker's. stationer's. toyshop. launderette. cake shop, pastry shop. shoe shop. greengrocer's. dry cleaner's. kiosk, newsagent's. fishmonger's. hairdresser's. perfumery. postcode. divorced. christian name. separated. initials. bored, weary. afable, pleasant. abnormal. passionate. apathetic. amazed, astonished. authoritarian. jealous. vigorous. scream. rancorous. sigh. blush. vagrant, tramp. skyscraper. bullring. boarding house. pedestrian. zoological garden. litterbin, trashcan. orphanage. bulding site. neon sign. church. tobacconist's. tube station, subway station. shop window. fire brigade. firefighter, fireman. police station. highway. lane (2). phone box. slums. public conveniences. sewers. pavement, sidewalk. van. pickup truck. oven. bow tie. tie. grapefruit. raspberries. plum. apricot. avocado. peach. harm, damage. tray. mall, shopping center. calf. briefcase. ink. church. bonfire. applicant. absenteeim. application form. back pay. day shit. allowance. harrasment. union. intern. outsourcing. overtime work. part time. pay cut. pay rise. fund. resign. vacancy. strike. wage. noon. chilly. pepper. chop. grille. headlights. hood. bumper. fender. tail lights. wipers. windshield. storage. pedal. clutch. dashboard. gearshift. steering wheel. horn. handbreak. glove compartment. convertible. mass media. drain. flour. peal. seasoning. sprink. grate. flan. hasty. asparagus. broccoli. cabbage. eggplant. cauliflower. zucchini. skillet. envelope. bubble. grater. can opener. mortar. pestle. tongs. pliers. colander. slipper. furniture. sideboard. cabinet. flush toilet. flush. sink. deck chair. deck. shovel. mold. swimsuit. sarong. flipper, fin. greedy. clumsy. blanket. charter. fruit salad. marzipan. custard. pile. kidneys. tissue. handkerchief. accountant. hairdresser. autumn. get dressed. nougat. apple tart. pastry. biscuit, cookie. sponge cake. milk shake. rice pudding. shareholder, stockholder. acreedor. customs. saving. redemption, amortization. stock exchange. initial. tradesman, merchant. taxpayer. debtor. scarcity. manufacturer. fiscal authority. capital flight. earnings. middleman. investment. investor. wholesaler. retailer. bond. offer. lender. maturity. dealer, seller. parabolic antenna. vacuum cleaner. plug, socket. refrigerator. fuse. hairdryer. record player. plug socket. toaster. desertion. affection. distance. lover. cupboard love. loving. caress. darling. scorn. in love. esteem. womanizer. engagement. oblivion. hate, hatred. suitor. soulful. feeling. division of property. loneliness, lonesomeness, solitude. lone. unmarried, single. tenderness. slide (diapositiva, deslizar...). fowl, bird. legume. beer mat. mat. salt cellar. napking ring. vinegar. fork. acommodation. inn, roadhouse. youth hostel. trapeze artist. shelter, refuge. tent. dwelling. bricklayer, mason. tiles. bannister. wheelbarrow. rubble. front. drain. mallet. hosepipe, hose. builder's hoist. ground floor . upper floor. ceiling and roof. intercom. surgical instruments. prescription. bleach. darts. one-armed bandit. ludo. pastimes. lotto. noughts and crosses. riddle. sticky tape. journal. typewriter. typist. marker pen. envelope (envolver) . |
Denunciar Test