
TĂtulo del Test:
INGLES POLICIA DescripciĂłn: Verdadero - Falso Autor:
Fecha de CreaciĂłn: 06/09/2024 CategorĂa: Idiomas NĂșmero Preguntas: 146 |

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đ±0996042770 - 0979133864 EN LA SIGUIENTE PREGUNTA INGRESE EL CODIGO. INGRESE EL CODIGO. INGLES VERDADERO Y FALSO. The plural of car is "cares" F T. The plural of book is "books" T F. The plural of house is "houses" T F. The singular of cities is "city" T F. The plural of box is "bocces" F T. The plural of guy is "guys T F. The plural of hero is "heroes" T F. The plural of giraffe is "giraffs" T F. The plural of man is "men" T F. The plural of life is "lives" T F. The plural of country is "countries" T F. The singular of fish is "fishes" T F. The plural of boy is "boys" T F. The plural of potato is "potatoes" T F. The singular of feet is "fut" T F. A month of the year is May T F. A month of the year is June T F. A month or the year is July T F. A month of the year is Monday T F. "Gris" in English is gray T F. "Azul" in English is gold T F. "Negro" in English is brown T F. "Amarillo" in English is yellow T F. "Naranja" in English is orange T F. "Verde" in English is White T F. "Morado" in English is purple T F. "Blanco" in English is pink T F. "Azul" in English is blue T F. The cardinal number 8 is written (eighteen) T F. The cardinal number 19 is written (nineteen) T F. The cardinal number 10 is written (ten) T F. The cardinal 46 number is written (forty-six) T F. The cardinal number 57 is written (thirty-seven) T F. The cardinal number 12 is written (twenty) T F. The cardinal number 95 is written (ninety-five) T F. The cardinal number 83 is written (eighty-three) T F. The cardinal number 16 is written (thirteen) T F. The cardinal number 32 is written (thirty twelve) T F. The possessive adjective of (I) is (me) T F. The possessive adjective of (you) is (your) T F. The possessive adjective of (he) is (his) T F. The possessive adjective of (she) is (his) T F. The possessive adjective of (we) is (your) T F. The possessive adjective of (they) is (their) T F. The nationality of Brazil is Brazilian T F. The nationality of Argentina is Argentin T F. The nationality of France is Greek T F. The nationality of Norway is Norwegian T F. The nationality of Spain is Spanian T F. The nationality of Ireland is Irish T F. The nationality of Turkey is Turkian T F. The nationality of Ukraine is Ukrainian T F. The nationality of Egypt is Egyptian T F. The nationality of South Africa is North African T F. The nationality of Iran is Iranian T F. The nationality of Japan is Japanese T F. The nationality of India is Indianese T F. The ordinal number 60th is written (sixtieth) T F. The ordinal number 22nd is written (twenty second) T F. The ordinal number 46th is written (fory six) T F. The ordinal number 58th is written (fifty-eight) T F. The ordinal number 33rd is written (thirty third) T F. The ordinal number 50th is written (fifteenth) T F. The ordinal number 20th is written (twelfth) T F. The ordinal number 19th is written (nineteenth T F. The ordinal number 32nd is written (thirty second) T F. The ordinal number 3rd is written (third) T F. The past simple of the verb (bet) is (bet) T F. The past simple of the verb (break) is (broke) T F. The past participle of the verb (come) is (come) T F. The past participle of the verb (choose) is (chose) T F. The past participle of the verb (dig) is (dug) T F. The past participle of the verb (take) is (taken) T F. The past simple of the verb (swim) is (swam) T F. The past simple of the verb (drive) is (drove) T F. The past simple of the verb (throw) is (thrown) T F. The past simple of the verb (sing) is (sang) T F. The past simple of the verb (win) is (won) T F. In the following sentence the "to be verb" is correct? "Marco is from Argentina" T F. In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Maria are a doctor" T F. In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Lorena and Ruth are friends" T F. In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Chantal and Karen are police officers"? T F. In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "I am a fireman"? T F. In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? âInes are from Miami"? T F. In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are she at home?" T F. In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is Nicole your sister?" T F. In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are Bruno and Bryan brothers?" T F. In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are you sad?" T F. In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is she old?" T F. In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are you busy?" T F. In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are she wrong?" T F. In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are they crazy?" T F. In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are we lost?" T F. In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do you work every day?" T F. In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does she usually jump?" T F. In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does he often swim in the mornings?" T F. In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? Do he walk to work every day?" T F. In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do Marco drive the car?" T F. The teeth of a person are in the chest T F. The nose of a person is in the face T F. The mouth of a person is in the face T F. The fingers of a person is on the hand T F. The hair of a person is on the head T F. In the following past continuous sentence. Is auxiliary verb correct? "Lucas was walking to school" T F. In the following past continuous sentence. Is auxiliary verb correct? "Karmen and Marcia was playing yesterday" T F. In the following past continuous sentence. Is auxiliary verb correct? "You was running at school" T F. In the following past continuous sentence. Is auxiliary verb correct? "Juan was reading a book" T F. In the following past continuous sentence. Is auxiliary verb correct? "Joel were singing" T F. In the following past continuous sentence. Is auxiliary verb correct? "You was going to the swimming pool" T F. In the following past continuous sentence. Is auxiliary verb correct? "He was taking photos" T F. In the following past continuous sentence. Is auxiliary verb correct? "She was talking to him T F. In the following past continuous sentence. Is auxiliary verb correct? "Romario were playing video games" T F. In the following past continuous sentence. Is auxiliary verb correct? "Tamara and Rita were dancing in the club" T F. Carolina writes an email to Cristina T F. Carolina was very relaxed at her work T F. Carolina is in the phone all day T F. At the end of the Day Carolina must write a summary T F. Carolina doesnât listen to customer complaints T F. Carolina doesnât need a vacation T F. Carolina needs another job T F. Carolina will call Cristina the next month T F. Carolina needs a vacation T F. Carolina will call Cristina T F. The bank taller counts the money in front of George T F. George lost his job a year ago T F. George found a new job T F. George is living with his relatives T F. George puts his money into a box T F. George puts his money in his coat pocket T F. Four masked men entered to the bank T F. One of the masked men fire a shot in the air T F. George lost his job a month ago T F. George was evicted from his apartment T F. Miguel is on the airport T F. The lady at he counter asked him for his ID T F. He is confirmed on flight 301 T F. He is going to take a flight from Los Angeles to Dubai T F. He is going to take a flight at morning T F. The airport security officers have a big dog T F. The airport security officer didnât say anything to Miguel T F. The dog didnât sniff anything at the airport T F. The security officer looked at Miguel T F. The dog didnât sniff any bag T F. |
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