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INGLÉS-Tripulantes de Cabina INAC

Ingles para Tripulantes de Cabina.

CTA Carlos Torres
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 40
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How many letters are there in the English Alphabet? 25 26 27 30.
Some Cardinal Numbers in English are... Five, Twenty, Two, Thirteen Third, Twentieth, Seventh, First Quinto, Vigésimo-Primero, Trigésimo, Once 1920, Nothing, 1001, 25.
How do you say the letter B in the Aviation Phonetic Alphabet? Bravo Bee Boarding Beta.
Some Seasons of the Year in English are... Apple, Orange, Lemon, Grape Second, Year, Lustrum, Week Green, Blue, Yellow, Red Autumn, Spring, Winter, Summer.
Phrase used to answer thanks: Good morning Thank you You’re welcome Bye.
Some Units of Time in English are... Apple, Orange, Lemon, Grape Green, Blue, Yellow, Red Autumn, Spring, Winter, Summer Second, Year, Lustrum, Week.
Greeting used in formal environment: What's up? How do you do? What is going on? How are you?.
Some Months of the Year in English are... Sunday, Friday, Tuesday, Saturday March, July, December, April Green, Blue, Yellow, Red Apple, Orange, Lemon, Grape.
Question-word used for asking about persons: When? How? Who? Why?.
Some Ordinal Numbers in English are... Five, Twenty, Two, Thirteen 1920, Nothing, 1001, 25 Quinto, Vigésimo-Primero, Trigésimo, Once Third, Twentieth, Seventh, First.
Question-word used for asking about possession: Whose? Which? How long? What?.
Some Colors in English are... March, July, December, April Sunday, Friday, Tuesday, Saturday Green, Blue, Yellow, Red Apple, Orange, Lemon, Grape.
Question-word used for asking about the distance: How old? What kind? How far? How often?.
Some Days of the Week in English are... March, July, December, April Sunday, Friday, Tuesday, Saturday Green, Blue, Yellow, Red Apple, Orange, Lemon, Grape.
Some Greetings in English are... Hello, Bye, Good Afternoon, Good night March, July, December, April Second, Year, Lustrum, Week Autumn, Spring, Winter, Summer.
Some Fruits in English are... March, July, December, April Apple, Orange, Lemon, Grape Green, Blue, Yellow, Red Sunday, Friday, Tuesday, Saturday.
How do you say "Aeronave" in English? Aircraft All the other options Airplane Plane.
Some Personal Pronouns Subjects in English are... We, You, They, He I, Us, You, Herself Me, Us, Her, It Himself, Ourselves, Myself, Yourself.
Forms of To Be verb conjugation for present simple: Was, Were Do, Work, Study Will be, Would be Is, Are, Am.
Translate this sentence into English: "Yo soy estudiante": I am student Am I student? I am not student I am fine.
Auxiliar used in the future simple: Would Did Will Going to.
Translate this sentence into English: "El no estaba retardado": Wasn't she on time? He was not late He was not early It was hurry.
Modals Verbs used in English: Be, Have, Work, Do Always, Never, Often, Sometimes This, That, These, Those Can, May, Should, Must.
Translate this sentence into English: "Este es un lapicero rojo": These is a red pen Those are red pen This is a red pen That is a red pencil.
Frequency Adverbs in English: Be, Have, Work, Do Always, Never, Often, Sometimes Can, May, Should, Must This, That, These, Those.
Translate this sentence into English: "No hay libros sobre el escritorio": There weren't books desk There isn't book on desk Are there books on desk? There aren't books on desk.
Role as a Flight Attendant: Doctor Pilot Lifesaver Engineer.
Translate this sentence into English: "Pasajero sediento": Thirsty passenger Hungry passenger Sedding passenger Angry passenger.
A minor problem inside a flight could be… Fire on the engine Airport wrong A person hungry o thirsty Icing on the wing.
Translate this flight menu card into English: "Comida del Mar": Mar Meal Fruit Meal Ocean Food Seafood Meal.
Conjugation of "Go" in affirmative way for the first person singular in present simple: I go I goes He went We go.
Synonym of Present Progressive: Present Perfect Present Continuous Present Active Present Simple.
Conjugation of "Go" in interrogative way for the third person plural in past simple: Did they went? Will they go? Did they go? Did you go?.
A way to apologize in a flight: How can I help you? Is the lavatory clean? I’ll get you a blanket Sorry, we don't have.
We hope you __________ the flight: Enjoy Sleep Hate Discuss.
May I see your __________ pass? Eye Boarding Destination Baggage.
Could you place your __________ in the upright position? Boarding Pass Luggage Seat Shoes.
Observe the non-smoking __________ above: Cigarette Speech Route Sign.
Smoking is __________ in this flight: Prohibited Healthy Dangerous Beautiful.
Translate this profession into English: "Tripulante de Cabina": Cabin Tripulant Personal on Board Pilot Helper Flight Attendant.
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