

Título del Test:
Inglese test Corpus e ELT

esercizio per esame di inglese


Fecha de Creación: 08/01/2025

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 77
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The Lancsbox "word" tool performs a collocation search across the entire corpus object of study is present in every corpus linguistics software focuses on nodes is also called KWIC tool .
The Lancsbox "word" tool doesn't allow for data visualization also allow for data visualization doesn't work can't give information about the most common collocate of a word.
When teaching reported speech, you should not consider situational factors include transforming exercises not teach different quotatives avoid transforming exercises .
Learners at the upper intermediate level should know around 6-7000 words 5-6000 words 4-5000 words 2-3000 words.
To express fundamental meanings, learners require grammatical function words both content- rich lexical words and grammatical function words content-rich lexical words articles.
Mother tongue influence seems to contribute to roughly half of the collocation errors among learners False It depends on the mother tongue True Only when the mother tongue is an Indoeuropean language .
It's easier to understand collocations than to produce them. Collocations are not important True False It depends.
The "learning burden" is low when the professor is an expert in pragmatics learners can't easily predict other collocates from a given pairing learners can easily predict other collocates from a given pairing learners can predict other collocates from a given pairing with difficulty.
Discoursal responses are a type of lexical chunks are discourse- organising sentence heads a type of collocation are part of the so- called "semantic predicatability".
"Pattern grammar" indicates the correlation between word meaning and their typical co-occurring structures a new type of grammar the correlation between words and meanings the structures an intermediate learner should know.
Lexical priming means that a word gathers layers of meaning from the various context and co- text we encounter we are familiar with a certain term lexicon is fundamental the lexicon of the speaker is considered prime by the hearer.
Pattern grammar fosters the learning burden only fluency , and flexibility understanding, accuracy,fluency,and flexibility fluent language usage.
CLT stands for Communicative Language Teaching none of the above Communicative Language Transmission Communicational Language Teaching.
TBL stands for none of the above Task- Based Learning Task-Bearing Learning Task- Based Language.
The Limerick Corpus of Irish English is a written corpus spoken corpus corpus including American English spoken section o a general corpus.
The Limerick Corpus of Irish English is a one-million word corpus is a sub-corpus of the BNC corresponds to a section of the CANCODE is a sub-corpus o the CANCODE.
What is a corpus? a collection of speakers a collection of grammar rules a collection of words a collection of text.
The Longman Corpus of a Spoken American includes three million words recorded telephone conversations from the early 1990s normal daily conversations recorded telephone conversations from the early 2000s.
The top 2,000 most frequent words in English cover 50-60% of conversations or written texts it depends on the type of English it depends on the level False 80-90% True.
Semantic preference pertains to the significative adopted by the term in the central column of the KWIC tool denotes a word's inclination to associate with semantically related collocates pertains to the significance adopted by a node word denotes a word's inclination to associate with pragmatically related collocates.
Spoken discourse typically employs a more limited vocabulary range than written discourse False It depends True It's a peculiarity of Global English.
Collocations are made up of different grammatical combinations sometimes very frequently true false.
Grammar is the most important thing in teaching English true false it depends on the student it depends on the teacher.
A lemma is every word we can pronunciate a bound morpheme a phoneme the base version of a word.
A collocation is the frequent association/close placement of two words the frequent association of two words the frequent association of two morphemes the infrequent association of morphemes.
Select the lexical chunk strong coffee by the way dire straits none.
Select the collocation none heavy rain runs, ran, running last but not least.
A lexical bundle is a lexical chunk a sequence of words that frequently appear together without a clear semantic of pragmatic meaning a sequence of phones that frequently appear together without a clear semantic of pragmatic meaning a sequence of words that infrequently appear together without a clear semantic or pragmatic meaning.
Select the lexical bundle make sense ran running in the.
Collocates need to be right next to each other only in some Indoeuropean languages true false only in English.
Deviations from conventions are useful to speak British English achieve peculiar meaning to help the hearer understand what we mean express conventional meaning .
'Carry out' when used as a verb is considered as a single word when counting collocations is considered as two words when counting collocations is not considered as a single word when counting collocations is excluded from the count when counting collocations.
A collocation might be embedded within a chunk always true false or within another collocation.
Students should focus on individual words false and on parts of speech and terminology true.
The "Idiom principle" is the availability of numerous preconstructed words (eg colloc. and chunks) that function as singular choices despite seeming analyzable into parts the availability of numerous preconstructed phrases (eg colloc. and chunks) that function as singular choices despite seeming analyzable into parts the availability of numerous preconstructed phrases (eg colloc. and chunks) that function as singular choices despite not seeming analyzable into parts the availability of numerous preconstructed tokens (eg colloc. and chunks) that function as singular choices despite seeming analyzable into parts.
The idiom principle forms the basis for speaking the "open choice" principle listening fluent language usage.
Efficient communication extends beyond constructing grammatically correct sentences true false it depends on pragmatic markers it depends.
Having a repertoire of chunks is crucial for generating language for comprehending language for both generating and comprehending language for syntax.
I and You occur more often in spoken English than in written english false true it's a peculiarity of certain World Englishes it depends.
The Santa Barbara corpus of Spoken american english is about 1 000 000 words 250 000 words 350 000 words 500 000 words.
Well,just and right only have a discourse- marking function are pronouns only have 3 lexical meaning possess straightforward lexical meaning and discourse-marking function.
the research focuses can be lexical, grammatical and spoken lexical, for instance how frequently a term is employed in a sarcastic manner pragmatic , for instance how frequently a term is employed in a sarcastic manner grammatical , for instance frequency of the various meanings of a word.
TEI stands for Text Encoding Initiative Text Erasing Images Test Engraving Initiative Text Encooding Images.
Which of the following terms can be used as a response tokens pronouns in general absolutely, certainly, definitely, fine, great, good I and You absloutely, good and interest.
Which of the following file formats is a plain text format? .pdf .doc and docx .txt .otd.
Which are the types of transcriptions? large transcriptions and small transcriptions broad transcr. and narrow/fine-textured transcr. broad transcr. and little transcr. broad transcr, narrow transcr, and fine textured transcr.
the term "text" in corpus linguistic means both spoken and written language means only spoken language isn't used means only written language.
An and hoc corpus lacks the extensive size and represeniveness of larger corpora is representive isn't tailored for a specific teaching/learning purpose can't provide valuable insights or examples for certain targeted investigations of educational purposes.
In corpus linguistics, DDL stands for Data Driven Localization Data Driven Learning Digital Data Learning Digital Data Localization.
The keyword method can help identify statistically significant differencies in frequency between a word in your dataset and the same word in general corpus to build a new corpus identify statistically significant differencies between a word in your dataset and the same word in the corpus to buid a general corpus.
POS tagging stands for Parts of Spoken tagging Parts of Speech tagging none Part of span tagging.
Metadata can be defined as additional information about the purpose of a corpus additional information that accompanies the textual data within a corpus additional information about who built a corpus a type of special data used by computers to generate AI in linguistic software.
Which of the following corpora is a learner corpus? MICASE SACODEYL ICLE CANCODE.
Which of the following corpora is an English for Specific Purpose (ESP) corpus? SACODEYL CANCODE CANBEC ICLE.
Which of the following corpora is a pedagogic corpus? MICASE SACODEYL CANCODE ICLE.
Spoken corpora exceeding a million words are interesting for any research question substantial built using images small.
The machine readable form is useless allows an automatic procedure using corpus linguistic tools allows students to access data allows automatic analysis using software.
CES stands for Corpus Erase Similies Corpus Encoding Standard Corpora Embedding Standards Corpus Embedding Standarding.
Which of the following acronyms indicate popular mark-up schemes? TED and CED FEI and CES TEI and CES TEI and CEI.
POS tagging gives information impossible to retrieve for humans grammar-based searches every word a grammatical label useless information.
The Cardinal Concessive Schema is not a typical sequence is uncommon is an inflexible sequence is not an inflexible sequence.
Response tokens are also helpful to create utterances show interest interrupt interaction phonetics.
Collocations and lexical chunks manifest greater frequency in speech compared to writing It's a peculiarity of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) True false it depends.
"you know" is an example of discourse marking hedging approximation non of the above.
"a bit" is an example of discourse marking approximation none of the above hedging.
CLAWS stands for Constituent Like Automatical Word-tagging System Constituent Likelihood Automatic POS tagging system Constituent likelihood Automatic Word tagging system Constituent like Automatic Word tagging system.
Vague expressions are exclusively used to buy time for processing and are common in ELF true false are never selected for their role in enhancing the communicative content.
in spoken language "there is " exclusively pairs with singular nouns true and "there are" pairs with plural nouns while "there are" can both pair with singular and plural nouns false.
"and things like that" is an example of approximation discourse marking hedging none of the above .
"saying that" an initial agreement is followed by a nuanced adjustment or specification, we are referring to flexibility hedging the Cardinal Concessive Schema discourse marking.
_____ can be used in order to convey doubt and certainty most terms only modal verbs both modal verbs and lexical devices only lexical devices.
"perhaps" , "maybe" and "unlikely" are part of the cooperative principle gricean maxims pragmatic principles lexical devices.
in corpus linguistic , the node is the juncture of concordance lines a specified word or sentence in the center of the concordance line a specified word or phrase in the center of the node a specified word or phrase in the center of the concordance line.
KWIC stands for KWIC format Key inb context Key Word in Context Key Work in context.
a word frequency list is a list that shows only function words shows some types of words shows how often individual words occur within a given corpus shows where individual words occur within a given corpus.
the fundamental tools in corpus analysis are word frequency counts,concordance and collocation word frequency counts and concordance word frequency counts and collocation concordance and collocation.
Pragmatics deals with grammar literal meaning the general meaning of words, phrases and sentences meaning in context.
Denunciar Test