
Título del Test:
Irregular verbs Descripción: Irregular verbs a-g in the simple past Autor:
Fecha de Creación: 29/01/2025 Categoría: Idiomas Número Preguntas: 42 |

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Write the verb ''arise'' in the simple past. Write the verb ''be'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''beat'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''become'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''begin'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''bet'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''bite'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''bleed'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''blow'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''break'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''bring'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''build'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''buy'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''catch'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''choose'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''come'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''cost'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''creep'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''cut'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''deal'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''do'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''draw'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''dream'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''drink'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''drive'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''eat'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''fall'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''feed'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''feel'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''fight'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''find'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''flee'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''fly' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''forget'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''forgive'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''forsake'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''freeze'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''get'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''give'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''go'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''grind'' in the simple past. . Write the verb ''grow'' in the simple past. . |
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