
Título del Test:
Irregular verbs Descripción: Irregular verbs a-g in the past participle Autor:
Fecha de Creación: 05/02/2025 Categoría: Idiomas Número Preguntas: 42 |

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Write the verb ''arise'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''be'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''beat'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''become'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''begin'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''bet'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''bite'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''bleed'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''blow'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''break'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''bring'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''build'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''buy'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''catch'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''choose'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''come'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''cost'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''creep'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''cut'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''deal'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''do'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''draw'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''dream'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''drink'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''drive'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''eat'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''fall'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''feed'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''feel'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''fight'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''find'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''flee'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''fly'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''forget'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''forgive'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''forsake'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''freeze'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''get'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''give'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''go'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''grind'' in the past participle. Write the verb ''grow'' in the past participle. |
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