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Fecha de Creación: 27/01/2025 Categoría: Geografía Número Preguntas: 85 |

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Which concept defines the systematic whole about the nature of society and thinking? method Methodology Science. What is the most active theoretical aspect of science that paves the way to new knowledge? methodology hypothesis method. Which concept defines generalized and abstracted reflection of reality? method science methodology. Which concept is defined as a general theory of methods? methodology science hypothesis. What is the method? a particular way of gaining a general fund of knowledge a scale of values. What is the method in terms of scientific research? a technical aspect a theoretical aspect a bodily activity . What is methodology? general theory of methods denial of everything that is not contrary to the given statements non-existence of an intermediate judgment when we have two contradictory judgments . What is the methodology of scientific research in physical education and sport? non-existence of an intermediate judgment when we have two contradictory judgments the need to keep ideas in the same frame of mind throughout the thinking process Synthesis of a stage of particular sciences . What are processes and techniques in research? a one-sided polarization with maximum frequency a symmetrical bell-shaped distribution the particular application of the methods . What data does basic scientific research provide? having the character of a norm or law for directing production activity creating new products . What data does applied scientific research provide? having the character of a norm or law for directing production activity creating new products . What data does scientific research provide for development? having the character of a norm or law for directing production activity creating new products . What type of research guides practical work in a field? basic research applied research research for development . What type of research provides the theoretical and scientific basis of a field? research for development applied research basic research . What type of research uncovers the essence of a field? basic research applied research research for development . What is the object of research on the methodology of scientific research in physical education and sport? creating new devices and products frontier science research human motor behavior . What is the purpose of research methodology of scientific research in physical education and sport? increase effort capacity and improve performance development of frontier sciences research for development . What is the objective of physical education research? study of motor skills study of physiological and biochemical characteristics man in his integrity . What is induction in scientific research? type of rationing motor action motor capacity . What is deduction in scientific research? subtraction operation effort parameter the operation of determining a conclusion . What is discovered by the axiomatic method? new ideas methodological procedures for discovering new knowledge obvious truths formulated over time. What does the similar model express as a component of modeling? size differences between subject and model same characteristics between subjects and model simulates some processes . What does the analog model express as a component of modeling? size differences between subject and model same characteristics between subject and model simulates new processes . Where does the deductive hypothesis have its source? in the practice of scientific research in already known laws and theories in the personal experience of the researcher . Where does the inductive hypothesis originate? in the accumulations in the area under research in the facts observed in the experiments in science theory . What is the hypothesis? an assumption, anticipation, to be verified in research a certain level of knowledge of research results a system of truths developed by science. What does the measure involve? relating characteristics of one subject to certain characteristics of another subject relating a subject to a benchmark relating a subject to itself . What characteristics does the size scale have as a component of measurement? of odd numbers with origin in 0 of negative numbers of natural numbers with origin in 0 . What is the nominal scale as a component of measurement: equal distances between steps phenomena of the same class characteristics of natural numbers . What is the observational method? objective Training subjective. What is the nature of the observation method? constatativ mathematical active in the evolution of a phenomenon . How does cross-sectional observation apply? on the same sample of subjects over time on several situations simultaneously on a single situation . How is longitudinal observation applied? on several subjects simultaneously on two short-term subjects on the same evolutionary sample . What do you call an observation made under normal conditions but with the intervention of the researcher? natural spontaneous experimental. What is an observation made under normal conditions without the intervention of the researcher? natural spontaneous experimental. What does observational movement analysis entail? performance analysis under competition conditions determining the size of variables nominal and evaluative analysis . What are independent groups made up of? randomly selected subjects subjects selected by competition subjects selected by interview . Which variables are controlled in an experiment? dependent variable independent variables independent variables . What make up the paired groups in an experiment? subjects of opposite sex subjects with equal or similar performance subjects with different performances . Which variables represent the response reactions of subject? dependent variable independent variables subject variables . What kind of method is the experiment? measuring interpretation research. What is the main objective of the functional experiment? verification of a previous experiment testing a hypothesis and methods checking the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable . What is a provocative experiment? the result of a random action used for social inquiry influenced by the researcher . What does the functional experiment check? the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable check measurement methods choosing one of two hypotheses . Whose component is the physical and social environment? of the independent variable of the response variable of the situation variable . What are peer groups? randomly selected groups groups made up of equivalent subjects who are close in value groups of 3 in 3 . What is the crucial experiment? in verifying a measurement method in a dress rehearsal of the experiment in choosing one of the two proposed hypotheses. What is the pilot experiment? in a verification experiment in choosing one of the two proposed hypotheses in a dress rehearsal of the experiment . What is the independent variable? the stimulus applied in the experiment experimental subject the subject's response to the stimulus in the experiment . What is a dependent variable? the stimulus applied in the experiment experimental subject the subject's response to the stimulus in the experiment . What type of method is inquiry in scientific research? an experimental method a method of opinion polling a didactic method . Which type of method uses questionnaires as an instrument? observation method survey method experimental method. What kind of answers do the closed questionnaires foresee? fixed answers answers to choose from several possible answers free answers . What kind of answers do the alternative questionnaires foresee? fixed answers Answers to choose from the many possible answers free answers . What kind of answers do the open questionnaires foresee? fixed answers free answers answers of your choice . What are the tests used for selection purposes? for empirical validity for predictive validity for validity of competition . What are driving acts? an exercise complex driving qualities adaptive reactions to concrete situations . What data does operational research produce? data to create new products data on statistical evolution rational organizational processes . Through which operation is it possible to establish efficiency indicators and develop rational procedures for organizing activities? Sociometric survey case study method operational research . What is the test instrument in research? registration observation measurement. What is calibration in scientific research? assigning values to the characteristics of a phenomenon assessment of the values obtained by comparison with predetermined averages chronological listing of some phenomena . What does the validity of the measurements show? that the measure is appropriate to the proposed route that the measured values are positive that the measured values are negative . Whose subsystem is physical education? didactics of psychology of sociology . What does qualitative motion analysis involve? performance analysis under competition conditions determining the size of variables nominal and evaluative analysis . What is the quinogram as a research and analysis tool? a movie a succession of images of a movement a photo. What is analyzed with the quinogram? movement technique movement speed acceleration of motion . What determines the tempo? spatial structure of movement acceleration speed frequency of movements per time unit . Which values are determined by dynamometry? displacement dynamics of resistance the fortress . What is the theoretical foundation of a paper based on? on experimental synthesis on documentation on case analysis . What is meant by documentation? delimitation of the field under investigation specification of information sources study of specialized literature that provides information on the topic studied . How can research data be presented? tables tables and graphs structure diagrams . What does kinematics study? spatio-temporal characteristics of movements the forces that produce movement mass inertias . As part of mechanics, what does kinetics study? spatio-temporal characteristics of movements the forces that produce movement an ordinal scale . What does quantitative motion analysis involve? performance analysis under competition conditions performance analysis under competition conditions variables nominal and evaluative analysis . Which chapter has more weight in a scientific paper? research organization chapter analyzing and interpreting the results research methods . What is a monograph? a theoretical exposition an experimental exhibition an experimental and theoretical exposition . What data are obtained by the statistical-mathematical method? new data and ideas rigorous data on the phenomena studied true, obvious data, formulated in time . What does the arithmetic mean express? the value that halves the data string value with the highest frequency the ratio between the sum of the values and their number. What are the indications of misconduct? deviation or mean deviation deviation, dispersion and standard deviation standard deviation . Which variance of the coefficient of variability indicates low homogeneity? 11 % - 20 % 1 % - 10 % 21 % - 35 % . Which variance of the coefficient of variability indicates high homogeneity? 21 % - 35 % 11 % - 20 % 1 % - 10 % . Which variance of the coefficient of variability indicates mean homogeneity? 11% - 20 % 1 % - 10 % 21 % - 35 % . Which of the following is specific to statistics as a data processing method? exclude random results can be confirmed by an individual case does not exclude random outcomes . What is the statistical normal distribution? one-sided polarization with maximum frequency a symmetrical bell-shaped distribution a constantly decreasing frequency curve . What is an asymmetric statistical distribution? one-sided polarization with maximum frequency a symmetrical bell-shaped distribution a constantly decreasing frequency curve . |
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