TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Módulo 12 Mi vida en otra lengua

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Módulo 12 Mi vida en otra lengua Descripción: Guía examen Nuples 22 Prepa Abierta - Parte 1 Autor: José G.A OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 09/02/2025 Categoría: Idiomas Número Preguntas: 40 |

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The Gomez family members ___ dinner together every night.
Los miembros de la familia Gómez ___ la cena juntos todas las noches. take makes eats does. Susan and Peter ___ very early. Susan y Peter ___ muy temprano. wake up wakes up wakes wake. Is this sentence correct? Why?/¿Es correcta esta oración? ¿Por qué? I does get amazed at Day of the Death offerings on November 2nd. Yes, because it uses the correct auxiliary. No, because "does" should be "do" for first-person singular. No, because the auxiliary is used only for negative and interrogative sentences. Yes, because it's a common exception. Is it possible to distinguish irregular and regular verbs in a sentence in present? Why? ¿Es posible distinguir entre verbos irregulares y regulares en una oración en presente? ¿Por qué? Yes, because they have different endings. No, because the verb in present has no indication of its conjugation. Yes, because they follow different rules. No, because all verbs look the same in present tense. It is possible to distinguish in the third person if the verb is regular or irregular? ¿Es posible distinguir en tercera persona si el verbo es regular o irregular? Yes, because the ending changes. No, because the conjugation rules are the same. Yes, because they have different forms. It’s impossible to distinguish them, no matter what the form is. Complete the following sentence / Completa la siguiente oración: The simple past with regular or irregular verbs indicates an action: _____ El pasado simple con verbos regulares o irregulares indica una acción: _____ started in the past continuing in the past completed or finished in the past interrupted in the past. If you want to remember the things that you experienced as a kid, which of the following phrases would correspond to that purpose? Si quieres recordar las cosas que experimentaste de niño, ¿cuál de las siguientes frases correspondería a ese propósito? 1. I live in a house with a garden full of plants. 2. On my first birthdays I was afraid of clowns. 3. When I see pictures from my childhood I feel nostalgic. 4. I still see some of my schoolmates from elementary school. 5. My best friends live two houses down the block from me. 2, 3 ,4 2, 4, 5 1, 3, 4 1, 2, 5. In the next sentence, identify the type of verb, not the tense. En la siguiente oración, identifica el tipo de verbo, no el tiempo. The girl lives in Mexico / La niña vive en México. Regular Irregular Auxiliary Modal. Complete the sentence with the correct verb form / Completa la oración con la forma correcta del verbo: We planted an apple-tree in the backyard; unfortunately it _____. Plantamos un manzano en el patio trasero; desafortunadamente _____. grew died blossomed thrived. Change to past tense the following verbs / Cambia al tiempo pasado los siguientes verbos: Choose, weep, like, beat, drive, fly chose, wept, liked, beat, drove, flew choose, weep, liked, beat, drive, fly chose, weep, liked, beat, drove, fly choose, wept, liked, beat, drive, flew. Choose a verb for the sentence / Elige un verbo para la oración: Peter _____ TV in the evening. Peter _____ TV en la noche. watching watches watched watch. ¿Qué dinámica sigues para asistir a la asesoría de Módulo 12, Mi vida en otra lengua, con respecto al uso de los verbos irregulares? Las programas conforme a un plan de estudios. Asistes cuando puedes. Solo asistes a las clases obligatorias. No asistes. Match the concepts in left column with their corresponding examples on the right column. / Relaciona los conceptos de la columna de la izquierda con sus correspondientes ejemplos en la columna de la derecha. 1. Actions what are happening right now. 2. Future plans. 3. Actions what are happening around now or are temporary. Elige una opción The sentence these days I'm sleeping a lot expresses: / La oración "estos días estoy durmiendo mucho" expresa: An ongoing situation. A habit that you repeat every day and at the same time. / A temporary state. An unusual occurrence. If you want to remember the things that you experienced as a kid, which of the following phrases would correspond to that purpose? / Si quieres recordar las cosas que experimentaste de niño, ¿cuál de las siguientes frases correspondería a ese propósito? 1. I live in a house with a garden full of plants 2. On my first birthdays I was afraid of clowns. 3. When I see pictures from my childhood I feel nostalgic. 4. I still see some of my schoolmates from elementary school. 5. My best friends live two houses down the block from me. Elige las oraciones verdaderas / Choose the true sentences. 1. We use the present continuous to talk about what´s happening now. 2. Now, at the moment are simple present time. 3. In the simple present tense we add ing to all the verbs. 4. We use the auxiliary verb to be with the present progressive tense. What’s the correct and logical question for this answer? / ¿Cuál es la pregunta correcta y lógica para esta respuesta? Beto is presenting his findings to Andres. / Beto está presentando sus hallazgos a Andrés. Who is Beto presenting to? What is Beto doing? Why is Beto presenting? Why is Beto presenting?. Which sentence is grammatically correct? / ¿Cuál oración es gramaticalmente correcta? Why Julieta is working as a hospital administrator this year? Why is Julieta working as a hospital administrator this year? Why Julieta working as a hospital administrator this year? Why is working Julieta as a hospital administrator this year?. Order the words to make a coherent sentence. / Ordena las palabras para formar una oración coherente. 1. Movies 2. The 3. I 4. To 5. Am 6. Going 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 3 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 2 – 1 5 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 2 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 1. Choose the grammatically correct negative form of the following sentence / Elige la forma negativa gramaticalmente correcta de la siguiente oración: I’m taking care of Mary’s pet. Estoy cuidando la mascota de Mary. I don’t take care of Mary’s pet. I’m not taking care of Mary’s pet. I am not take care of Mary’s pet. I didn’t take care of Mary’s pet. Read this sentence: Mary works. / Lee esta oración: Mary trabaja. Change it to present progressive in the next forms: / Cámbiala a presente progresivo en las siguientes formas: Affirmative Negative Interrogative. Which questions are logical and grammatically correct? / ¿Cuáles preguntas son lógicas y gramaticalmente correctas? 1. What do you do? 2. What is Lorenzo playing? 3. Why are Rebeca watching TV? 4. Are Sergio doctor? 5. What are you doing?. The expressions and words below aren't in order. Choose 5 of them and indicate the sequence they must follow to create a logical and complete sentence in present progressive. / Las expresiones y palabras siguientes no están en orden. Elige 5 de ellas e indica la secuencia que deben seguir para formar una oración lógica y completa en presente progresivo. 1. The radio 2. Listen to 3. When you are 4. Hear his voice 5. Listening to 6. You can Hear_his_voice You_can The_radio When_you_are Listening_to. Decide whether the following sentences are in present progressive or simple present tense. / Decide si las siguientes oraciones están en presente progresivo o presente simple. 1. Simple present 2. Present continuous. Which sentences are in simple present? / ¿Cuáles oraciones están en presente simple? 1. My brother is playing the guitar at the moment. 2. I often write poems to my wife. 3. Your parents are walking to the classroom now. 4. Jose is taking his grandparents to his house in this moment. 5. The sun barely shines with this weather. Relate the tenses on the left to their corresponding questions on the right. / Relaciona los tiempos verbales de la izquierda con sus correspondientes preguntas de la derecha. 1. Simple present Presente simple 2. Present continuous Presente continuo. Indicate if the following sentences are in simple present (S) or present progressive (P). / Indica si las siguientes oraciones están en presente simple (S) o presente progresivo (P). 1. He reads the newspaper at mornings. Lee el periódico por las mañanas. 2. I’m speaking English to you because you want to practice it. Estoy hablando inglés contigo porque quieres practicarlo. 3. They speak Italian and Chinese every day. Hablan italiano y chino todos los días. 1-S, 2-P, 3-S 1-S, 2-S, 3-P 1-P, 2-P, 3-S 1-P, 2-S, 3-S. Read the following sentence: / Lee la siguiente oración: Every word on that page is working hard to highlight your talents and skills. / Cada palabra en esa página está trabajando duro para resaltar tus talentos y habilidades. Now, change it to the grammatically correct interrogative form asking "why?" / Ahora, cámbiala a la forma interrogativa gramaticalmente correcta preguntando "why?" Why is every word on that page working hard to highlight your talents and skills? Why every word on that page is working hard to highlight your talents and skills? Why does every word on that page working hard to highlight your talents and skills? Why every word is on that page working hard to highlight your talents and skills?. Past progressive indicates: / El pasado progresivo indica: An action that began in the past and continues in the present. An action that was ongoing in the past. An action that will happen in the future. An action that started and finished in the past. Chose the correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuous / Elige la conjugación correcta del verbo para la oración en pasado continuo: We _____ the four o'clock bus. / Nosotros _____ el autobús de las cuatro. was taking were taking are taking took. Change the next sentence to past continuous / Cambia la siguiente oración a pasado continuo: All of the reindeer are leaping around in the snow. All of the reindeer _____ around in the snow. Todos los renos están saltando en la nieve.Todos los renos _____ en la nieve. were leaping was leaping are leaping leaped. Choose a logical verb with the correct form of the verb to be for the sentence in past progressive: Elige un verbo lógico con la forma correcta del verbo "to be" para la oración en pasado progresivo: I ___ at the party. / Yo ___ en la fiesta. was dancing were dancing am dancing danced. Complete the next sentence using the correct tense and form of the verb / Completa la siguiente oración usando el tiempo y la forma correcta del verbo: When you rang me yesterday, I ____ _____ a shower. Cuando me llamaste ayer, yo ____ _____ una ducha. was taking were taking is taking took. Choose a correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuous / Elige una conjugación correcta del verbo para la oración en pasado continuo: We ____ in a small town. Nosotros ____ en un pequeño pueblo. were living was living are living lived. Complete the conversation using the correct form of the verbs for past progressive / Completa la conversación usando la forma correcta de los verbos en pasado progresivo: Lupe: I’m afraid I’ve broken the pot for the mole. Pedro: Oh no! What 1_____ (do)? Lupe: I 2 ____ (take) it into the dinning room I bumped into Chayo. She 3 _____ (come) out just as I 4 ______ (go) in. Lupe: Me temo que he roto la olla para el mole. Pedro: ¡Oh no! ¿Qué 1_____ (hacías) Lupe: Yo 2 ____ (la llevaba) al comedor. Me encontré con Chayo. Ella 3 _____ (salía) justo cuando yo 4 ______ (entraba). 1- were you doing, 2- was taking, 3- was coming, 4- was going 1- was you doing, 2- were taking, 3- were coming, 4- were going 1- are you doing, 2- is taking, 3- is coming, 4- is going 1- did you doing, 2- did taking, 3- did coming, 4- did going. They ___ football at school / Ellos ___ fútbol en la escuela: are playing was playing were playing played. What’s the grammatically correct answer to the following question / ¿Cuál es la respuesta gramaticalmente correcta a la siguiente pregunta? What were you doing yesterday at 3 PM? / ¿Qué estabas haciendo ayer a las 3 PM? I was working on my PC. I am working on my PC. I worked on my PC. I will work on my PC. Turn the next sentence into a question / Convierte la siguiente oración en una pregunta: Pepe was sleeping because the Math class was boring. _____ because the Math class was boring? Pepe estaba durmiendo porque la clase de matemáticas era aburrida. ¿_____ porque la clase de matemáticas era aburrida? Was Pepe sleeping Were Pepe sleeping Is Pepe sleeping Are Pepe sleeping. What is the tense for each sentence? / ¿Cuál es el tiempo verbal de cada oración? The British Trevor Baylis invented in 1996 a wind-up radio. It doesn't need electricity or batteries. You wind it up by hand. He got the idea for the radio while he was watching TV. El británico Trevor Baylis inventó en 1996 una radio de cuerda. No necesita electricidad ni baterías. Se da cuerda a mano. Tuvo la idea de la radio mientras veía la televisión. Past, present, present, past progressive Present, past, past, present continuous Past, present continuous, present, past continuous Present, past continuous, past, present. Analyze if the highlighted form of present or past progressive are adequately used in this context by choosing correct (C) or incorrect (I) if simple present or simple past should be used. Mark the sequence of the words in the text when you answer in the chart/ Analiza si la forma resaltada de presente o pasado progresivo está adecuadamente usada en este contexto: Now "I’m reading" about how to be a lot more careful about the environment. "I’m living" in Mexico City and "there’s" a lot of pollution. "There were" trees and birds everywhere in the past, the sun "was shining" and people "enjoyed" the city a lot more. Moreover, currently violence and crime "are affecting" us very hard, although everybody "is fighting" against them. Time´s running fast and we´re requiring some kind of solution. C−I−I−C−C−C−C I−C−C−I−I−I−I C−C−C−I−I−C−C I−I−I−C−C−I−I. |
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