

Título del Test:
A perfect planet

review 1

Fabricio Anchatipán

Fecha de Creación: 22/09/2024

Categoría: Geografía

Número Preguntas: 20
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Our planet is considered perfect for life because? It has balance due to animals due to animals, volcanoes, oceans provides natural products It has balance due to plants and rivers provides natural products It has balance due to minerals, volcanoes, rivers and oceans provides natual products.
Factors that influenced in the formations of the planets? Rotations, density and gaseous Rotation, water and density Density, water and gass.
When was the big theory made? It was made when the sun exploded When a lot of energy exploded It was made when the oceans were made.
Inner planets. Small and rocky, solar surface, low mass, high density, close to sun and few moons. Large and gaseous, no solid surface, high mass, low density, far from the sun, many moons and mani rings.
Outer planets Small and rocky, solid surface, low mass, high density, close to sun and few moons. Large and gaseous, no solid surface, high mass, low density, far from the sun, many moons and many rings.
Inner planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Urans and Neptune.
Outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Urans and Neptune Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
The layers of the Earth Earth has layers just like the atmosphere, scientist need to deduct what they consist of so they created two models, one mechanical and one physical. Earth has layers just like the atmosphere, scientist need to deduct what they consist of so they created two models, one physical and one physical.
Chemical model Take in account the chemical composition of the layers. Take in account characteristics like: volume, amoount of matter on the planet and velocity as seismic waves.
Physical model Take in account the chemical composition of the layers Take in account the characteristicas like: volume, amount of matter on the planet and velocity on seismic waves.
Chemical model In this model there are five layers (Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mesosphere, Outer core and Inner core) In this model there are three layers (The crust, the mantle and the core).
Physical model There are three layers (The crust, the mantle and the core) There are five layers (Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mesosphere, Outer and Inner core.
The crust It is divided into plates and has minerals like oxygen, sillicon, aluminium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium It is mande of silicon, oxugen, iron and magnesium It is composed of iron and nickel.
The mantle It is divided into plates and has minerals like oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and magensium. It is made of silicon, oxygen, iron and magnesium. It is composed of iron and nickel.
The core This layer is divided into plates and has minerals like: oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium It is made of silicon, oxygen, iron and magnesium. It is composed of iron and nickel.
Lithosphere It is a rigid and brittle layer that floats on top of the asthenosphere The layer starts as the edge of the lithosphere, it is made up of a fluid with elastic and plastic properties Cosists of a more viscous fluid that the asthenosphere.
Asthenosphere It is a rig and brittle layer that floats on top of the asthenosphere The layer starts as the edge of the lithosphere, it is made uo pf a fluid with elastic and plastic properties Consists of a more viscous fluid than the asthenosphere, the layer include the upper and lower parts of the mantle.
Mesosphere It is a rigid and brittle layer that floats on top of the asthenosphere The layer starts as the edge of the lithosphere, it is made up of a fluid with elastic and plastic properties Consist of a more viscous fluid than the asthenosphere, the layer includes the upper and lower parts of the mantle.
Outer core It is a rigid and brittle layer that floats on top of the asthenosphere Consists of a more viscous fluid than the asthenosphere It is a liquid layer that is located bellow the earth's surface.
Inner core The layer starts as the edge of the lithosphere, it is made up of a liquid with elastic and plastic properties It is a liquid layer that is localted bellow the earth's surface It is a solid layer and is also located bellow the earth's surface.
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