

Título del Test:
Question correct 2

Preguntas en ingles


Fecha de Creación: 29/09/2024

Categoría: Letras

Número Preguntas: 218
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1.- Which questions are correct What's your name? What's your last name? What you last name? Where were your born? Where do you from?.
2.- Which questions are correct Where are you from? Where were you born? Where were your born? Where are you live? How are you old?.
3.- Which questions are correct Where do you live? How old are you? What does you do? How are you old? What are you do?.
4.- Which questions are correct What do you do? What are you doing? Are your ready? What are you do? How it is going?.
5.- Which questions are correct Are you ready? How was it? Where my is phone? How it is going? Where does the train station?.
6.- Which question are correct How is it going? How are you? Where is the station bus? Where does the train station? Where my is phone?.
7.- Which question are correct What time is it? Where do you work? Where is the station bus? Do you married? What you boss name?.
8.- Which questions are correct Are you married? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Does you have girlfriend? What's you address? Do you have some brother or sister?.
9.- Which question are correct What's your address? What neighborhood do you live in? How big is you house? What neighborhood do your live in? Does you live in a house, or a flat?.
10.- Which question are correct Do you live in a house, or a flat? How big is your house? How big is you house? Do you living alone? Do you have some flatmates?.
11.- Which questions are correct Do you have any flatmates? Do you live alone? How do are you? Do you living alone? What many bedrooms do you have?.
12.- Which questions are correct How many bedrooms do you have? Where is my cellphone? How do are you? Are your okay? How do you fel?.
13.- Which question are correct How do you feel? Are you feeling better? What wrong? Are your okay? Would you like any coffee?.
14.- Which questions are correct Do you need to go to the doctor? Could I please have a cup of coffee? Could I take some more wine? Would you like any coffee? Do I please have a cup of coffee?.
15.- Which questions are correct Would you like some coffee? What’s your favorite band? Would you mind making a sandwich? Do you mind if open the window? Could I take some more wine?.
16.- Which question are correct What’s your favorite food? What kind of music do you like? Where does you usually go on vacation? Do you prefer go to the beach or to the mountains? What kind of music you like?.
17.- Which question are correct Where do you usually go on vacation? What do you like doing in your free time? Do you prefer go to the the beach or to the mountains? What do you like do in your free time? Do you have some pets?.
18.- Which qustion are correct Do you have any pets? Where is the train station? Does you say that again? Could you repeat that by me? Do you please speak slower?.
19.- Which questions are correct How tall are you? How long have you been living here? Why does you decide to move to Spain? What long have you been living here? What did you studied at university?.
20.- Which questions are correct What did you study at university? What are you going to do this weekend? What you going to do this weekend? Are you hangry? Where are you go?.
21.- Which questions are correct Are you hungry? Where are you going? Who do you live? Where did you got those shoes? Where are you go?.
22.- Which questions are correct Who do you live with? Do you come here a lot? What tall are you? Where did you got those shoes? What do you like do in your free time?.
23.- Which questions are correct Can I have the bill please? Can you give me an example? Do you need anything more? Can you give me a example? Is anyone else come?.
24.- Which questions are correct Do you need anything else? Is anyone else coming? Which one cheaper? Why do you want to work by us? Is anyone else come?.
25.- Which questions are correct Did you have a good time? How was your weekend? What does motivates you? How do you look for in this job? Why do you want to work by us?.
26.- Which questions are correct How was your trip? What would you like to eat? Do you ready? How do are things? What said that?.
27.- Which questions are correct Who said that? When do you get off work? What does you get off work? Have you got car? Why do you want to work by us?.
28.- Which questions are correct Are you waiting for someone? Where is it? Would you like any coffee? What’s does weather like? How it happen?.
29.- Which questions are correct Do you enjoy supermarket shopping? Where did you last buy some food? What it you like? Where did you went? What would you like to take?.
30.- Which questions are correct Where's the fruit? Vegetables? What are they? Do you like living in you country? Have you got some children? What time it is?.
31.- Which questions are correct What's in your bag? Did you have a good weekend? Met you any friends? Did you had a good weekend? Where did you went?.
32.- Which questions are correct Did you meet any friends? What did you do? Are you waiting for some? Where did you went? Where were it?.
33.- Which questios are correct Do you like running? Can you help me? What about your? Do you like take photos? Do you like be outside?.
34.- Which questions are correct What do you want for your birthday? How long have you been studying English? What you like read? You like read? Who you like phone?.
35.- Which questions are correct What does Jim do? What does your sister do? What your sister do? What are you do? What’s your sister do?.
36.- Which questions are correct What is Jim doing? What’s your sister doing? Are you waiting for some? What is the kids doing? What’s your sister do?.
37.- Which questions are correct What kind of music do you like? What day is it? What do you do for a live? What you going to do this weekend? What you going to do this weekend?.
38.- Which questions are correct What’s your phone number? What did you do yesterday? Where you live? What is you favorite food? Where were your born?.
39.- Which questions are correct Is there an airport in Dublin? Were the people friendly? Do you like be outside? Met you any friends? What kind of music you like?.
40.- Which questions are correct When does the next train leave? What can you do? the people friendly? Does you have girlfriend? What are you go to do after class?.
41.- Which questions are correct What are you going to do after class? What languages can you speak? What's you surname? What languages can your speak? What's you nationality?.
42.- Which questions are correct Are you students? How many people are in your family? What your mobile number? Are you student for the English class? Are you teacher?.
43.- Which questions are correct What do you enjoy most about learning English? Do you think you spend too much time working or studying? Are you work or study at the moment? How much television you watch in a week? Do your ever listen to the radio?.
44.- Which questions are correct What have you got in your bag? What time do you get up? What did enjoy most about the weekend? Where you going next weekend? Where you study inglish?.
45.- Which questions are correct What do you do in the morning? How do you get to school? Do you think learn about history is boring? Does you think it's important play sport at school? Does you think painting picture fun?.
46.- Which questions are correct What is your favourite subject? Do you do English on a Thursday? Is there cinema near here? How long is you perfect holiday? How long is you perfect holiday?.
47.- Which questions are correct What subjects are you good at? Do you go to school on a Saturday? How did he does it? How did she does that? How about go to the theater?.
48.- Which questions are correct What activities do you like to do? What are you not so good at? Why don't we go shop? Could you give an example? What you mean?.
49.- Which questions are correct What's your favourite place? Why do you like it there? Are you following you dreams? Are you unhappy on work? Do you got jealous easily?.
50.- Which questions are correct What are you wearing? What do you wear at school? What was you favourite present from last year? Are you sprout person? How you celebrate christmas?.
51.- Which questions are correct What do you wear when it rains? What places do you want to visit? What would you like do? How long you usually play it for? Do you likes this place?.
52.- Which questions are correct What do you eat when it's hot? Do you like summer or winter? When your birthday? What your favorite food? Do you like beach?.
53.- Which questions are correct What do you do when it's raining? When is your birthday? How many people is in your family? When you birthday? Could you repeat that by me?.
54.- Which questions are correct What's your favourite type of music? Where do you listen to music? What is you favorite book? What your favorite song? Have you ever been in band?.
55.- Which questions are correct Do you listen to it with your friends or on you own? Can you play any musical instruments? What is your best friends name? Do you met up with your friends? Do you live in a apartment or house?.
56.- Which questions are correct How is it possible? What's your dog called? how did you do that Did you got it? how did your know?.
57.- Which questions are correct What job don't you want to do? Where did you go on holiday this summer? Are you free in friday? Where did you went go on holiday last year? How's you new job in italy?.
58.- Which questions are correct What did you do there? What did you see? What happed next How many people is there? Did your enjoy school?.
59.- Which questions are correct What street foods do you have in your country? What sort of street foods do you have in your country? Do you have some talent? What your talent? What are you look at?.
60.- What questions are correct What technology do you use? How many hours do you spend online? How long have you had? Do yiu have bicycle or car? How long have you done for?.
61.- Which questions are correct How often do you chat to your friends online? Can I have a return ticket to London, please? Could you gave me the exact time? Can you give description? Is your friend doctor?.
62.- Which questions are correct How many passengers were there on the train? Where did you get it? How much time do you spend slept? What about your? What did you there?.
63.- Which questions are correct Which colour would you like? Do you have a map of the city? Would you like an coffee? How long do it take? What technology you use?.
64.- Which questions are correct Would you like a return or a single? When do you want to come back? Do you like garden? Do your read the newspaper? Do you like riding horse, ben?.
65.- Which questions are correct Can I call my sister? Excuse me! Where is the gate fifteen? When will you have time for talk? What are you go to do after class? Can you give me a example?.
66.- Which questions are correct How many classes are you taking? Who does it better? How many sets do you have How many languages do you speak How many cup of coffee would each shop sell.
67.- Which questions are correct Where do you like to shop? What animals do people in your family have? Can I have you mark sheets please? Did you say something How fast it is?.
68.- Which questions are correct Can any of your animals do any tricks? Do you like visiting zoos? What fun is it? What interesting is it? What in your bag?.
69.- Which questions are correct Is there any animal in particular you like? How far are you going? how long have you been stuying english? do you think you spend too much time work or studying? what do you enjoy most about learing inglish?.
70.- Which questions are correct Can I go upstairs and look at it? Who will be 2024 champions? Where did you last buy some food. Do you have map of the city? Can I have a return ticket to London, please.
71.- Which questions are correct Who will be crowned euro 2024 champions? What do you like about your schoool? Have you got some children? How do you feel about these idea? Do you like living in you country?.
72.- Which questions are correct How big is your school? How many children are there in your year? Could you gave me the exact time? Where you do yesterday? How many children there are in your year?.
73.- Which questions are correct What subjcts do you study? What are the teachers like? Did you had a good weekend? Did you knows the answer? Is this one the room 5?.
74.- Which questions are correct Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office, please? How do we get to the Odeon cinema, please? Excuse me Can you tell me the way to the post office please? How do we get to the odeon cinema, please. How do we get to the odeon cinema please?.
75.- Which questions are correct Do you like using the internet to keep in touch with people? Are you working or studying at the moment? Are you work or study at the moment? What do you think you'll be doing this time next years? Which garden would you prefer spent time in?.
76.- Which questions are correct Can you tell us something about your plans for the future, in terns of work? Are you going to do anything special this weekend? What does you think you'll be doing this time next year? What is easy for your about learning a new lenguage? What your favourite day at the weekend?.
77.- Which questions are correct Do you ever listen to the radio? Which garden would you prefer to spent time in? Where do you usually spend you evenings? Does you ever listen to the radio? What do good candidates does in the speaking test?.
78.- Which questions are correct What do good candidates do in the speaking test? What's your favourite day at the weekend? What do good candidates does in the speaking test? What do you usually ete for lunch at the weekend? Do you think play music is easy?.
79.- Which questions are correct What do you usually eat for lunch at the weekend? Where are you going next weekend? Where do you going next weekend? Are you going to see your friends next weekend? What does people in your family enjoy doing the weekend?.
80.- Which questions are correct Are you going to see your friends next weekend? What do people in your family enjoy doing the weekend? What does people in your family enjoy doing the weekend? What you enjoy most about the weekend? Where do you studied english?.
81.- Which questions are correct What did you enjoy most about the weekend? Where do you studied english? Can you learning chines at school? Does you think playing music is easy? How often does you speak English?.
82.- Which questions are correct What languages can you learn at school? Can you learn chinese at school? Can you learning chines at school? Does you think playing music is easy? How often does you speak English?.
83.- Which questions are correct How often do you speak English? What is easy for you about learning a new language? Have you do any of these activities? Does you think these diets are dangerous? What is easy for you about learn a new lenguage?.
84.- Which questions are correct Do you practice speaking a new language with friends? Is watching films a good way to learn a new language? How many does that chicken last you? Is watch films a good way to learn a new lenguage? How much does that chicken last you?.
85.- Which questions are correct Do you prefer wearing a watch or using your phone to tell the time? What kind of jewelry can you wearing at school? What kind of jewelry can you wearing at school? Could you please let the door ajar? Who did you went with?.
86.- Which questions are correct How often do you text your friends in the evening? Who do you spend time with in the evening? Who does you spend time with on the evening? What does you do after school? Does you do you homework after school?.
87.- Which questions are correct What do you do after school? Do you do your homework after school? Does you do you homework after school? Does you do your homework after school? Do you did you homework after school?.
88.- Which questions are correct Where do you usually spend your evenings? Did you go to bed late? Did you went to bed late? Did you went to bed late? What do you ate when the weather is hot?.
89.- Which questions are correct What's your favourite kind of weather? What do you eat when the weather is hot? What do you ate when the weather is hot? What do you ate when the weather is hot? What do you ate when the weather hot is?.
90.- Which questions are correct Where do you go when the weather is cold? What do you like doing when the weather is warm? What does you like doing when the weather is warm? Does you think maths is difficult ? Does you think learning about history is boring?.
91.- Which questions are correct Do you think maths is difficult ? Do you think learning about history is boring? Does you think learning about history is boring? Does you think playing music is easy? Does you think painting picture is fun ?.
92.- Which questions are correct Do you think playing music is easy? Who did you go with? Does you think painting picture is fun ? Who did you went with? Did you went to school?.
93.- Which questions are correct Can I ask you about your childhood? Did you go to school? Did you went to school? Do you went to school? Did you went to school?.
94.- Which questions are correct When did you decide to work with poor children? Who's your hero? When did you decided to work with poor children? Does you ever have time to relax? What's you favourite book?.
95.- Which questions are correc Do you ever have time to relax? What's your favourite book? What's you favourite book? What your favourite book? What's you favourite book?.
96.- Which questions are corret How do you like traveling by plane, train or car? Do you prefer relaxing on a beach? Does you prefer relaxing on a beach? When does you like going on holiday in spring, summer on winter? What does you like eating?.
97.- Which questions are correct When do you like going on holiday in spring, summer or winter? What do you like eating local dishes or fast food? What does you like eating? What is the teachers like? What does you like eating?.
98.- Which questions are correct How long is your perfect holiday? What was the coldest place you visited? How long is you perfect holiday? What were the coldest place you visited? What was the hottest place.
99.- Which questions are correct What was the hottest place? What was the friendliest place? What was the hottest place. What was the friendliest place. What was the longest you travel in one day?.
100.- Which questions are correct What was the longest you traveled in one day? What was the most beautiful building you saw? What was the longest you travel in one day? What was the longest you travel in one day? What was the most beautiful building you see?.
101.- Which questions are correct What went the most amazing experience of the journey? Is there a cinema near hear? What kind of film do your like? Could you gave me the exact time? there is a cinema near hear?.
102.- Which questions are correct Can you repeat the last part? How far is it? Can your repeat the last part? What difficult is it? Which films is that from?.
103.- Which questions are correct What are you going to do with the money? Why don't we go to the museum? What are you go to do with the money? What are you going do with the money? How many cup of coffee would each shop sell.
104.- Which questions are correct Why don't we go shopping? Shall I carry your bag? how fast it is? Do you think these diets is dangerous? Does you think these diets is dangerous?.
105.- Which questions are correct Do you think these diets are dangerous? What do you mean? Do you think these diets is dangerous? Does you think these diets are dangerous? What do you meant?.
106.- Which questions are correct Could you give me an example? Can I ask you about your diet? Can I ask you about you diet? Have you done some of these activities? Can I ask you about you diet?.
107.- Which questions are correct Have you done any of these activities? How long does your battery last? Have you make any of these activities? Have you do any of these activities? What it was about?.
108.- Which questions are correct How long does a full tank of gas last? How long does that chicken last you? How long do a full tank of gas last? How long does an full tank of gas last? How long do that chicken last you?.
109.- Which questions are correct What was it about? Could I leave a message for him? Could I leave a message for he? Could I let a message for he? Could I leave message for he?.
110.- Which questions are correct Could I speak to customer services, please? Where are you calling from? Could I speak customer services please? Could I speak to customer services please? Where are you calling?.
111.- Which questions are correct Could you ring me back? Could you give me the number there? Could your ring me back? Could you ring my back? how long have you been stuying english.
112.- Which questions are correct Do you want to get it back? What time does it start? Does you want to get it back? You want to get it back? What time do it start?.
113.- Which question are correct Where does it leave from? Are you free tonight? Where do it leave from? Where it leave from? you are free tonight?.
114.- Which questions are correct What would you like to do? What time is good for you? What would you like to do. What would you like do? what time is good for you.
115.- Which questions are correct What's a special occasion in your country? Can I try these trainers? What's a special occasion at your country? What's a special occasion in you country? can I try these trainers.
116.- Which questions are correct What hours is it when it is midday? What's your favourite school subject? What hours it is when it is midday? Why did you tell me' Whats your favourite school subject?.
117.- Which questions are correct Why don't you do it with me? It's for a good cause? Can I have your name, please? Why not you do it wight me? It's for a good cause? Why dont your do it with me? It's for a good cause? Can, I have you name, please?.
118.- Which questions are correct Do you have any special talent? Could you please leave the door ajar? Does you have any special talent? Do you have some special talent? Could you please left the door ajar?.
119.- Which questions are correct Which one is cheaper? What time is the match? Did you have an good time? did you have a good time. What in your bag?.
120.- Which questions are correct Who's the man in the photo? Is this Nisha's dictionary? Who's the man on the photo? Who's the man at the photo? is this nishas dictionary?.
121.- Which questions are correct How much are those sandwiches over there? Are you coming with me? How much is those sandwiches over there? You are coming with me? are you coming with me.
122.- Which questions are correct Would you come with me? Haven’t you done your homework? Would you come with my? Would your come with me? Haven’t you done you homework?.
123.- Which questions are correct Don’t you like my dancing? Aren’t you coming? Don’t you like me dancing? aren’t you coming. Aren’t you come?.
124.- Which questions are correct Don’t you want a ride? Are you at home? You don’t want a ride? Dont you want a ride? Are your at the home?.
125.- Which questions are correct Are you at work? Are you at school? Are you at the work? are you at work. Are you work?.
126.- Which questions are correct Are you at the airport? What's your favourite word for " idiot " in your first language? Are you at airport? You are at the airport? What's you favourite word for " idiot " in you first language?.
127.- Which questions are correct May I go to the toilet? How many siblings do you have? May I go the toilet? Do I go to the toilet? How many siblings you have?.
128.- Which questions are correct Can you meet me on Saturday? Can you meet me at 11 o'clock? Can you meet me in Saturday? Can you meet me at Saturday? Can you meet me on 11 o'clock?.
129.- Which questions are correct Can you meet me at the station? Do you want to go to the pub? Can you met me on the station? Can you meet me on the station? Do you want go to the pub?.
130.- Which questions are correct Have you heard the news? What do you do on Christmas Day? Have you heard the new? Have your heard the news? What does you do on Christmas Day?.
Which questions are correct Are you with me? Can you play the violin? Did you understood? Do you understood? Can does you play the violin?.
132.- Which questions are correct Can you bring me a drink, please? Can I have a little more juice? Can you bring me a drink please? Can you bring me an drink, please? Can I have a bit more juice?.
133.- Which questions are correct Can I have a few more chips? Would you like a few more minutes? Can I have a little more chips? Can do I have a few more chips? Would you like a little more minutes?.
134.- Which questions are correct Would you like a little more time? Would you like any more? Would you like a lfew more time? Do Would you like a little more time? Does Would you like any more?.
135.- Which questions are correct Can you pass me the Pepper, please? Is it cold outside? Do you pass me the Pepper, please? Can you pass my the Pepper, please? It is cold outside?.
136.- Which questions are correct Are they ready for the trip? Does Jane know about your new job? Are they ready to the trip? Did Jane knows about your new job? Do Jane know about your new job?.
137.- Which questions are correct When are you coming back? What time are you going to the cinema? When you are coming back? What time you are going to the cinema? When you are leaving?.
138.- Which questions are correct When are you leaving? How long does the flu last? When you are leaving? How much does the flu last? How many does the flu last?.
139.- Which questions are correct Should I stay home or go to school? What time do bolivians go to school? Should I stay house or go to school? What time does bolivians go to school? Should I stay house or go to school?.
140.- Which questions are correct Should I live next to a school? Is this seat free? Should I live the next to a school? This is seat free? Is this sit free?.
141.- Which questions are correct Can I sit here? Is this seat taken? Can I sat here? Can I seat here? This is seat taken?.
142.- Which questions are correct Excuse me, may I have a sit? Do you mind if I seat here? Excuse me. May I have a sit? Excuse me, may I have a seat? Do you mind if I seats here?.
143.- Which questions are correct Where can I buy ticket? Can I change my seat? Where can I bay ticket? Can I change me seat? Can I change my sit?.
144.- Which questions are correct Can I have the menu, please? Would you like large, medium, or small sized pizza? Can I have the menu please? Can I have an menu, please? Wold you like large, medium, or small sized piazza?.
145.- Which questions are correct How long will you stay at the hotel? Will you pay in cash or credit card? How much will you stay at the hotel? What long will you stay at the hotel? Will you pay in money or credit card?.
146.- Which questions are correct Is it for here or to go? Would you like to eat here or take it with you? Do It is for here or to go? Does It is for here or to go? Would you like eat here or take it with you?.
147.- Which questions are correct Do you want a bag with that? Can you do the British accent? Does you want a bag with that? Can you do the accent British? Can your wrap it up to go, please?.
148.- Which questions are correct Can you wrap it up to go, please? Could you hand me a pen? Can your wrap it up to go, please? Could you hand my a pen? Could you hand me an pen?.
149.- Which questions are correct Can you lift me to the bar? What did I miss? Can you lift my to the bar? What did I missed? What does we do?.
150.- Which questions correct What do we do? How long have you been going to the gym? What does we do? How many have you been going to the gym? How much have you been going to the gym?.
151.- Which questions are correct Are you in the gym too long? Was it hot? Are you on the gym too long? Are you in the gym too much? What did I missed?.
152.- Which questions are correct How was the film? Where were your parents born? What did I missed? How were the film? Where were you born parents?.
153.- Which questions are correct How many brothers and sisters has she got? When did you see them? How many brothers and sisters do has she got? When did you see they? When did you see he?.
154.- Which questions are correct What time do they start school? Could I have the roast chicken, please? What time does they start school? What time do they start the school? Could I have an roast chicken, please?.
155.- Which questions are correct How much does that red jacket cost? Do you accept credit cards? How long does that red jacket cost? How many does that red jacket cost? You accept credit cards?.
156.- Which questions are correct How about going to the theatre for a change? How much is that one? What about going to the theatre for a change? Have you got it midium? How long is that one?.
157.- Which questions are correct Have you got it in medium? Are you next? Have you got it midium? Have you get it in medium? It was hot?.
158.- Which questions are correct What did you do last Friday? Who did you buy this from? What did you do in Friday? What did you do at Friday? Who did you buy this of?.
159.- Which questions are correct You're going at university tomorrow, aren't you? You are Luis, aren't you? You're going at university tomorrow, isn't you? You're going at university tomorrow, wasn't you? You are Luis, isn't you?.
160.- Which questions are correct Elena speaks 4 languages, doesn't she? David didn't help you, did he? Elena speaks 4 languages, she aren't? Elena speaks 4 languages, she doesn't? David didn't help you, he doesn't?.
161.- Which questions are correct He can't swim, can he? They work at store, don't they? He can't swim, he can? He can't swim, aren't he? They work at store, aren't they?.
162.- Which questions are correct She won't be late, will she? Your brother's been to New York, hasn't he? She won't be late, is she? She won't be late, aren't she? Your brother's been to New York, wasn't he?.
163.- Which questions are correct I wasn't drunk last night, was I? She is coming, isn't she? I wasn't drunk last night, aren't I? I wasn't drunk last night, doesn't I? She is coming, aren't she?.
164.- Which questions are correct You have a pen, don't you? They can't swim, can't they? You have a pen, aren't you? You have a pen, haven't you? They can't swim, couldn't they?.
165.- Which questions are correct Nobody saw him, did they? I had had breakfast, hadn't I? Nobody saw him, they did? I had had breakfast, hadn't have I? I had had breakfast, I hadn't?.
166.- Which questions are correct She is a doctor, isn't she? She is not a doctor, is she? She is a doctor, is she? She is a doctor, she isn't? She is not a doctor, she is?.
167.- Which questions are correct They are students, aren't they? They are not students, are they? They are students, they aren't? They are students, are they? They are not students, aren't they?.
168.- Which questions are correct I am intelligent, am I not? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? I am intelligent, aren't I? I am intelligent, I not? It's a beautiful day, is it?.
169.- Which questions are correct Where will Clare meet Alex? Where are they going to have the party? Are your ready? Where will Clare met Alex? Where are they go to have the party?.
170.- Which questions are correct Are you still employed at the moment ? Have you been before? When did you saw them? Are you still employed in the moment ? Have you be before?.
171.- Which questions are correct I want to go to the station. Can you tell me which bus to take? You look tired. What have you been doing? I want to go to the station. Can you tell me which bus for me to take? I want to go to the station. Can you tell me which bus takes? You look tired. What did you do?.
172.- Which questions are correct Can you come to the disco next weekend? Have you been watching any Olympic events? Have you been watch any Olympic events? How we get to the odeon cinema, please? Have you been watching some Olympic events?.
173.- Which questions are correct Shall I answer the phone? Shall I call you later? Do I answer the phone? Shall I answered the phone? Shall I called you later?.
174.- Which questions are correct Shall we dance? Shall I close the door? Can I have you name, please? How are the teachers like? do you think you spend too much time work or studying?.
175.- Which questions are correct Shall I read it? What shall we do tonight? do you think you spend too much time work or studying? There is any animal in particular you like? What your favourite day at the weekend?.
176.- Which questions are correct Where shall we go? Shall we see another video? What your favourite day at the weekend? When do you want come back? When is you birthday?.
177.- Which questions are correct What shall we do today? Shall we aks for the bill? When is you birthday? Why don't we went to the museum? Can I help you with the bags, madam?.
178.- Which questions are correct Shall I help you with the bags, madam? Shall I hold the door for you? Can I help you with the bags, madam? Can I hold the door for you? Shall I call your a taxi?.
179.- Which questions are correct Shall I call you a taxi? Shall we make some more tea? Shall I call your a taxi? Shall we made some more tea? How long work do you do in the library?.
180.- Which questions are correct How much work do you do in the library? What does it look like? How long work do you do in the library? How many work do you do in the library? What it look like?.
181.- Which questions are correct It's tuesday, isn't it? Who came yesterday?-Paul It's tuesday, isn't he? It's tuesday, isn't she? Who did came yesterday?-Paul.
182.- Which questions are correct Where does Bob live? He works as a teacher, doesn't he? Where Bob live? Where does live Bob? He works as a teacher, don't he.
183.- Which questions are correct Has Steve arrived yet? How long have you been waiting here? - Three hours. Has Steve arrived still Has Steve arrived not? What time have you been waiting here? - Three hours.
184.- Which questions are correct Does she want to come here? Who else are you inviting? She want to come here? Does no she want to come here? Who more are you inviting?.
185.- Which questions are correct Do you like having three brothers? Does he hate wrapping gifts? Does you like having three brothers? Do he hate wrapping gifts? Does he hate wrap gifts?.
186.- Which questions are correct How much did you pay for that book? Do you ever buy thing on the internet? Do you ever pay thing on the internet? How many did you pay for that book? Does you ever pay thing on the internet?.
187.- Which questions are correct Do you ever sell things to friends? Are you friendly? Does you ever sell things to friends? Does you friendly? Do you friendly?.
188.- Which questions are correct Do you like talking to people? How much time is left? Does you like talking with people? Does you like talking to people? How long time is left?.
189.- Which questions are correct How many second are left? How much time do we have left? How long second are left? How much second are left? How long time do we have left?.
190.- Which questions are correct What Tv programme do you like watching? Who do you like phoning? What Tv programme you like watch? Who you like phone? Why we are ignoring her?.
191.- Which questions are correct Do you know what the address is? Do you know what her name is? Does you know what is the address? Do you know what is the address? Does you know what is her name?.
192.- Which questions are correct Do you know what the problem is? Why are we ignoring her? Do you know what is the problem? Does you know what is the problem? Why we are ignoring her?.
103.- Which questions are correct Can't you just tell me? What did I just watch? Why we are ignoring her? What I just watch? How you eat anything at all today?.
194.- Which questions are correct Do you know London at all? How you eaten anything at all today? How you eat anything at all today? Does you know London at all? What you got there?.
195.- Which questions are correct Do you know them at all? What is a popular drink in your country? Does you know London at all? What is a popular drink in you country? What do you travel?.
196.- Which questions are correct How do you travel? Is he from Spain? What do you travel? Is these your bags? Is these your bags?.
197.- Which questions are correct Are these your bags? Does Ash come from the USA? Does Ash from come the usa? Have you got some children? Does Maria usually late?.
198.- Which questions are correct Have you got any children? Is Maria usually late? Does Maria usually late? I live in Australia What's you job?.
199.- Which questions are correct How many cars have they got? Do you usually have breakfast in the morning? What's you job? Are your Mexican? ---No, I'm Peruvian. What time do it open?.
200.- Which questions are correct Do you have your passport or identity card with you? Where's the film on? ---At the ABC. What time do it open? Can I have a orange juice, please? Could you repeat that, please? ---Yes, please.
201.- Which questions are correct Would you please lie down? Can I get a book from the library? Who was you favourite teacher? Good morning How do I help you? Does you often eat vegetables?.
202.- Which questions are correct Do you often eat vegetables? Is there sugar in this tea? Is this sugar in there tea? Do you often ate vegetables? Can I got a book from the library?.
203.- Which questions are correct Who was your favourite teacher? When did you live in the UK? When did you got back? When did you lived in the UK? Did your wife went with you?.
204.- Which questions are correct Can I have a glass milk, please? How many books can I borrow from the library? Did your wife went with you? When did you got back? Is this sugar in there tea?.
205.- Which questions are correct Do you want to play tomorrow? Does Jo really enjoy working as a destist? Did your wife goes with you? Where did you go on June? When did you got back?.
206.- Which questions are correct When do you start your new job? Could I have a medium? When did you got back? Did your wife goes with you? Where did you go on June?.
207.- Which questions are correct Have you got it in small, please? Can I see the manu, please? Could you bring us a menu? What would you like something drink? Where's a menu? Do you want cofe?.
208.- Which qustions are correct Can you stop by the store because I need to buy something? Will you please stop by the store because I need to buy something? Who wants ice cream? ---I want it. Who wants ice cream? --- I want. Have you did the homework?.
209.- Which questions are correct Who wants ice cream? ---I want ice cream. Who wants ice cream? ---I want some. Who wants ice cream? ---I want it. Who wants ice cream? --- I want. Have you did the homework?.
210.- Which questions are correct Have you done the homework? Have you seen my keys? Have you did the homework? Have you saw my keys? Have you see my keys?.
211.- Which questions are correct Have you got your passport and flight information? What time is your friend coming? ---fourish What time did your friend coming? ---fourish Have you got you passport and flight information? Have you get your passport and flight information?.
212.- Which questions are correct Did you hear what she said? Do you know who he is? Did you hear what did she say? Do you know who is he? Do you know who is?.
213.- Which questions are correct Are you from around here? Have you been drinking? -No. I don't start drinking still. Have you be drinking? Are your single?.
214.- Which questions are correct How many books have you read so far this week? ---I read 5 books so far this week. How many friends have you made at school so far? ---I have made 42 friends in school so far. How much friends have you made at school so far? ---I have made 42friends in school so far. How much books have you read so far this week? ---I read 5 books so far this week. How long books have you read so far this week? ---I read 5 books so far this week.
215.- Which questions are correct Do you like being a lawyer? ---it's a lot of work but so far, so good. How's your day going so far? ---So far so good. Do you like been a lawyer? ---it's a lot of work but so far, so good. Do you like be a lawyer? ---it's a lot of work but so far, so good. How's you day going so far? ---So far so good.
216.- Which questions are correct Have you ever drawn hasty conclusions? Are you on facebook/ tiktok? To draw conclusion about Have you drawn hasty conclusions? Have you ever drawn hasty conclusions.
217.- Which questions are correct Are you quitting your job? ---No, but I thought about it. Can you drive me there? Are you quitting your job? ---No, but I thought it. Can you drive my there? Can you drove me there?.
218.- Which questions are correct Hello, can you come and help us? We left the keys in our car! Can I keep it? Have you be drinking? Can I keep ?.
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