
Título del Test:
SAP 7.5 ABAP Workbench Usage Descripción: SAP 7.5 ABAP Workbench Usage Autor: MR OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 30/07/2023 Categoría: Otros Número Preguntas: 14 |

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The Object Navigator incorporates a total of 11 browsers.
True False. The Repository Browser is started by default when you execute Transaction SE80 for the Object Navigator. True False. You can list a maximum of six browsers in the Object Navigator. True False. You can maintain SAPscript forms and SAP Smart Forms within the ABAP Workbench. True False. The Repository Information System is a useful tool to search for customer exits/function exits and BAdls in the SAP system. True False. Which of the following statements about the Object Navigator are true? Select all that apply. ABAP programs can be displayed and edited in the Object Navigator. Screens can be displayed and edited in the Object Navigator. Menus can be displayed and edited in the Object Navigator. You can create BAdl implementations in the Object Navigator. You can create customer projects (Transaction CMOD) in the Object Navigator. The ABAP Dictionary can be maintained in the Object Navigator. . Enhancement definitions and implementations can be displayed in the Enhancement Information System. True False. Which of the following is a true statement? Select all that apply. All customer repository objects have to be assigned to a package. Packages use interfaces and visibility to make their elements visible to other packages. The transport layer is a mandatory input field for the package. A package can be nested. . The software component for a customer package can be ... HOME Any SAP software component (i.e., SAP _APPL, SAP _BASIS, SAP _HR, etc.) . Which of the following is a true statement? Select all that apply. All transportable objects have to be assigned to a package. Local repository objects can be transported. Repository objects and cross-client customization objects are assigned to the workbench request. Client-specific customization objects are assigned to the customizing request. Inactive objects can be transported. . Which of the following is true? Select all that apply. The repository objects and cross-client customization objects are recorded in a task belonging to a local change request if there is no consolidation route leading from the current system defined in the Transport Management System for the transport layer. The repository objects and the cross-client customization are recorded in a task belonging to the transportable request if the consolidation route is defined in the Transport Management System. . There are versions of the ABAP Editor. 3 4 2 . Repository objects are client-specific. True False. ABAP Unit Test Browser is included in Object Navigator with SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EHP 2. True False. |
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