
TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Teaching Knowledge Practice Test (TKT) module 1

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Teaching Knowledge Practice Test (TKT) module 1

Practice test for TKT module 1

Fco. Javier Maldonado H.

Fecha de Creación: 03/12/2014

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 51
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Which sentence does NOT contain a collective noun? A. The manager told his staff they could not leave early B. The teacher asked her students to hand in their exercise books C. The spectators cheered their team as they scored a second goal.
Which sentence does NOT contain a determiner? A. There are several examples in the text. B. Could you pass me that pen? C. I’m going on holiday next month.
Which sentence does NOT contain a conjunction of contrast? A. She liked skating when her friends went with her. B. While she was quite hard-working, her sister preferred watching TV all day. C. She wanted to try snowboarding though her husband warned her not to.
Which sentence does NOT contain a Verb that is used transitively? A. I really can’t explain the reason why I felt that way B. He wants to retire as soon as he can. C. Nobody knows what she’s going to do next year.
Which sentence does NOT contain a possessive pronoun? A. I’ll take yours. It’s much better B. Give me one quickly, will you? C. I prefer this house to theirs.
Which sentence does NOT contain an adverb? A. He told us we only needed to bring our passports B. Fortunately, they found the wallet he’d lost. C. Nobody knew the book that he was describing.
Which sentence does NOT contain an adjective? A. There were so many people in town that you couldn’t walk around B. The program was extremely well organized and everyone enjoyed it. C. There are no more tickets available for that show.
Match the modals in the example sentences with their uses listed A, B or C. Choose the correct letter (A, B or C) with his sentence, you will need to use some of the options more than once. A. To express obligation B. To give permission C. To give advice.
Look at the terms about lexis and choose the example which matches the term. - A collocation A. Very nice B. Fresh news C. Quickly spoken.
A word family A. Childlike, children, childish B. Delightful, wonderful, amazing C. Microwave, frying pan, fridge freezer.
A chunk A. Where will the sit? B. What do you want? C. Why do you listen to her?.
A word with a prefix and a suffix A. Cooked B. Disappearing C. Imagination.
A compound A. Bad idea B. Bookshelf C. Enjoyment.
A lexical set A. Pair/pear B. Thing/think C. Young/old.
Look at the dialogue between two friends. Read the sentences from the dialogue 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33. Then click "Contestar" and answer the questions Note: This section will be answer in the questions 28 to 33 Dialogue Jim: When did you get back? Tom: Late last night. (28) The traffic was the worst I’ve ever seen it on the motorway. Jim: It’s always terrible. (29) But did you have a good time? Tom: Not so bad; (30) it was incredibly expensive though – I haven’t got any money left. Jim: (31) I thought the same when I was there. I just couldn’t afford to go out. (32) But it’s beautiful. I loved it really. Tom: (33) Yeh, it was just as beautiful as you’d said. Fantastic, in fact.
28. The traffic was the worst I’ve ever seen it. A. Narrating B. Describing C. Expressing inability.
29. But did you have a good time? A. Drawing a conclusion B. Suggesting an idea C. Changing topic.
30. It was incredibly expressive though. A. Describing feelings B. Blaming C. Complaining.
31. I thought the same when I was there A. Reporting an event B. Agreeing C. Explaining.
32. But it’s beautiful A. Disagreeing B. Contrasting C. Encouraging.
33. It was just as beautiful as you’d said A. Comparing B. Reporting C. Clarifying.
Which statement is NOT about process writing? A. I always try to put lots of creative ideas into my writing? B. I always do a first draft then read and edit again later. C. When I check my writing, I always find I’ve made lots of small mistakes.
Which statement is NOT about cohesion? A. The paragraph was full of words from the same lexical set. B. The paragraph used simple but clear conjunctions C. The paragraph only contained three short sentences.
Which statement is NOT about layout? A. Arranging your letter so that the addresses, etc. are in the right place makes it easier to understand. B. I always put full stops at the end of sentences but I’m never very sure where to put commas. C. Recently I’ve started dividing my writing into short clearly marked paragraphs.
Which statement is NOT about product writing? A. I like to follow a model when I write – it really helps me. B. It’s useful to see how previous writers have structured their texts, and then copy them. C. My friends sometimes give me feedback on what I write – that really helps me.
Which statement is NOT about coherence? A. Each paragraph had a clear topic sentence so you could easily see what it was about. B. All complaint letters seem to follow the same pattern – which makes them easier to write and understand. C. I always try to explore new ideas in my writing so I can learn about new things.
Which statement is NOT about authenticity? A. At school, we had a rough book for writing first drafts and a “good” book for our final drafts. B. At school, we always had to do things like write letters to our local newspapers or send emails to penfriends. C. At school, the teacher encouraged us to use language that was natural and in the right style.
Which statement is NOT about language accuracy? A. It doesn’t matter if you make punctuation mistakes in emails – nobody minds B. The contract contained mistakes about my job duties. C. I always try to find time to proofread my work.
Match the learners’ comments with the terms about language learning that they refer to listed A-D. A. Fossilisation B. Autonomy C. Interference D. Silent period.
Choose the example which is NOT an example of that learning strategy. Using language awareness A. The learner worked out the meaning of the word from his knowledge of what the suffix –less meant B. The learner repeated the past tense of the verbs after the teacher had modeled it. C. The learner added –ed to the new verb because he thought that was how you made the past tense.
Which is Not an example of remembering A. The learner copied the new words into her notebook when the teacher told her to. B. Every day, she named all the objects she could see as she walked along the street. C. After each lesson, he struck on his bedroom wall cards with the chunks of language they had learnt in class.
Which is NOT an example of Experimenting A. When they’re on holiday in foreign countries, they just guess what the signs and menus must mean. They’re often right B. When he couldn’t find the right word, he used to paraphrase. He sounded very fluent. C. When she didn’t understand a word, she always used a dictionary. It really helped her.
Which is NOT an example of Cooperation A. She always phoned her classmate to discuss ideas for what to put in her essays. B. The classmates all went to England together in the holidays. C. In the group work, they managed between them to write a complete letter in English – they were very proud!.
Match the teacher’s statements about some of her learners (right) with the types of learning needs listed A-F (Left) Note: there is one extra option which you do not need to use. A. security B. Learning style C. Personal interest D. Specific language or skills E. Previous learning experience F. Motivation.
Match the learners’ comments about their lessons (Right) with the approaches listed A, B and C (Left). Note: You will need to use some options more than once. A. Task-based Learning B. Structural Approach C. Lexical Approach.
Match the learners’ comments about their lessons (Right) with the approaches listed A, B and C (Left). Note: You will need to use some options more than once. A. Task-based Learning B. Structural Approach C. Lexical Approach.
Match the steps from different lessons (Right) with the presentation or introductory techniques listed A-G (Left) A. Lead-in B. Eliciting C. Providing a context.
Match the steps from different lessons (Right) with the presentation or introductory techniques listed A-G (Left) D. Guided discovery E. Concept checking C. Warmer.
Look the activities and the three possible terms listed A, B or C. Click next to continue.
Act. 1) Complete the sentence with one of the words. They went to school ………bus. A. with B. On C. By A. substitution B. Multiple-choice C. Extension task.
Act. 2) What words about food do these letters make? RDABE KLIM AATSP CEIR TRWAE A. Brainstorming B. Jumbled letters C. Prioritizing.
Act. 3) Complete the gaps in the text. John was watching television at home one….. when suddenly he heard a huge noise…. From the kitchen. A. Cloze B. Gap-fill C. Sentence completion.
Act. 4) Look at the words and put them into the right boxes. A. Categorization B. Jumbled words C. Labeling.
Act. 5) Look at the list of items that would be useful on a camping holiday. Choose the six most useful ones. Put a number 1-6 against each item to show which are most useful, then discuss your answer. A. Visualization B. Role-play C. Rank ordering.
Act. 6) Write down all the reasons you can think of that support this suggestion. Then put them into a logical order and use this plan to write your essay. After you have written it, make sure you edit and proofread it. A. Guided writing B. Process writing C. Creative writing.
Choose the activity which is not the correct example: formative assessment A. The teacher asks learners to complete sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets B. The teacher uses her observation of group work to divide the class into three new groups according to their ability C. The teacher gives different tasks to different learners based on their responses to a test.
Choose the activity which is not the correct example: Summative assessment A. At the end of the course the teacher gives each learner advice on how to continue their studies B. At the end of the course the learners take a test on the content of the term’s work C. At the end of the term the teacher gives the learners a grade for presentations of their project work.
Choose the activity which is not the correct example: Portfolio A. The learners carry out a project over several weeks then give their survey results, videos, and a commentary to the teacher to grade B. The learners do a piece of homework each week, and give it in to the teacher to grade C. The learners put into folder examples of their work throughout the term for the teacher to grade.
Choose the activity which is not the correct example: Diagnostic test A. The teacher interviews each new learner and takes notes on the strengths and weaknesses in their grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation B. The teacher uses the results from a test to decide which course book is best for her new class. C. The teacher asks the class to discuss in groups what their problems are withlearning English.
Choose the activity which is not the correct example: Continuous assessment A. At the end of every third week, the learners fill in a questionnaire for the teacher on how good they think their English is. B. The teacher checks each week that learners always proofread their writing before handing it in. C. The learners bring in a favorite toy each week and tell the others about it. The teacher listens and completes a checklist.
Choose the activity which is not the correct example: Proficiency test A. The hotel always interviews all new job applicants to see how good their hotel English is. B. The university asked all the students applying to enter, to give a presentation to see how good their academic English was. C. The teacher interviewed all her students on a topic they had covered during the term.
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