
TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Web process final exam

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Web process final exam

Graphic design - Dawson College - 3rd semester


Fecha de Creación: 06/12/2024

Categoría: Arte

Número Preguntas: 89
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Everything on the web is a ___.
How would you write the code of this heading: A camera that captures your wildest imagination.
Browsers and search engines are the same thing True False.
A browser is a ____ that accesses and displays ____ available on the internet.
a search engine is a _____ that stores ___ about other ______.
match: browser search engine.
URL means.
Match the parts of a url http:// or https:// www. google.com /search.
if http:// doesn't have the "s", it means it is ____, if it does, it means it is ____.
www means.
the "s" in https:// is something you have to buy, it is the ___ _____ that you have to pay _____.
IP means.
IP is a numerical ____ assigned to each ____ on the ____.
IP serves 2 purposes: - _____ _______ - _____ _______.
DNS means.
when you look for a url and you press "return"; the browser sends a "___" request to the ___. They will look for the name and find where the __ _____ is and send the info to your _____. If you have visited the page before, your ____ will remember it and it will already be stored so they don't have to send a request. This makes the process ___ ____.
All the data that the browser shows me is called “_____”.
There are 4 kinds of resources: ____, ___, _______, ____.
html means.
html is a bunch of ____ that the browser reads and _____ to the website I'm seeing.
css means.
css defines how your website will ____. .
javascript is basically _____. it gives the website _____. .
media in a website refers to ____, ___, ____, etc.
match coding programming.
webflow is a ___, which means ____ __ _ _____. it has an integrated ___, which is a ____ _____ _____.
another example of a saas is ____.
we use ______ ____ to give meaning to the boxes.
match structure elements text elements.
match header footer main nav article section aside.
match h1 h2 to h6 p a strong em ol ul li blockquote.
3 kinds of elements.
_____ _____: Content adapts to the amount of space a screen has.
inside spacing in a box, from content to borders: .
spacing outside of a box, between one box and another: .
parts of the css box model:.
When you Right click > inspect and you change the code, you’re just changing what your device is displaying to yourself only. True False.
Two primary components in HTML code:.
match <head> <body>.
how would you write the css code for an h1 being white?.
in: h1{ color:#ffffff h1{ is the ____ color:#ffffff is the _____.
in: h1{ color:#ffffff "color:" is ____ ____, and "#ffffff" is ____ ____.
css property types: l___, s____ and s____, p____, c____ ____, b_____ ____, b____ _____, t___ ______ .
css: 1. layout.
css: 2. spacing and sizing.
the __ test guarantees that the colors of your website can be seen by all kinds of people, but the hardest and most perfect one is the ___.
css: 3. background properties: c___, i____, r____, a____, p____.
css: 4. border properties: s___, w____, c____, s____, r____.
css: 5. text properties: f___, s____, h____, s____, t____.
match ancesor descendant parent child.
types of css selectors: u____, e____, i__, c____.
match the selectors universal element class id.
color pink when selecting means that there's an _____ from either the ____ or the _____.
types of display: b___, f____, g___, i___, i____-____, n___.
default display type:.
block elements can have a ___ and ___.
block elements ____ on eachother, they cannot be ___ __ ____ because they take up the entire width of the ____.
flex is great for ____ and ____ content.
flex can only work in 1 ____, so either a ___ or a ____.
grid is good for 2 ____ layouts.
inline displays are for ___ specifically.
inline elements sit ____ __ ___ ____, and wrap around to the ___ ____ when they reach the width of the parent.
inline elements can't have a ___ or ____ because they will just take the size of the ___.
inline-block elements can have a ___ or ____. They will still sit in ___, but they will have a css ___ ____.
when the display is none, the element will be ____ and it won't take any ____.
display none and opacity 0% is not the same because opacity 0% will actually leave a ____ space.
.menu-title { font-family: Gilroy; font-size: 30px; } this is a way to code:.
match: element classes custom classes.
advantages of classes are: c____ and c____.
after creating a class, when you make changes, the highlight turns ___, to indicate that you made the change ___ the class.
an ____ highlight to any property means that it was inherited from before, like from an _____ class.
any changes made while having a class on will apply on ___ the elements of the same ____.
match creating an element copying an element.
when you duplicate a class, it comes with all the properties, but they will be no longer ____. this means that if you change something in one, it ___ affect the other.
if you want one of your elements to share characteristics with its class but still have some characteristics of its own, then add a ____ class.
flexbox will be great for designing websites that are ____.
flexbox properties are almost always set on ____.
5 characteristics of flexbox: d____, a____, j____, g___, w____.
flex-direction: ___, _____.
the default direction for flex is.
name the flex alignments.
name the flex-justify.
flex-gap would be the space ____ boxes.
flex-wrap would be if the content will ____ to the next line.
Main difference between Browsers and Search engines?.
in a url the sub domain is an...
what tag would be useful to mark content as suplementary?.
if a padding is written like: 10px, 20px, 10px, 20px, it means.
if a padding is written like: 10px, 20px, it means.
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